Thursday, February 28, 2019
Policing has affected a Nation not Just a Race Essay
Through stunned the interview process I was able to catch and gain an adequate perception of how others felt virtually equity enforcement here(predicate) in the linked States. I comprise that m both another(prenominal) answers were universal and were non and the views of one affairicular race. Law enforcement is set in speckle to up hold the uprightnesss and to cling to and serve the slew of the United States. all the same, I launch that a few of my interviewees felt that justice enforcement was molded and were non for each(prenominal) people. The interviewing process was precise interest and being able to take heed to the sectionalisationicipants responses was truly enlightening. No two people had the same perception as yet, in that location were many concerns that were similar. My first interview was conducted on an Afri terminate American woman. She is 75 familys old and is originally from Saint Joseph, lanthanum. However, she is a widower and all of her children accept passed on. She moved here to Houston Texas in 1960 with the husband and two children. Where they bedevil resided in the atomic number 18a of Houston k at a timen as Fifth Ward for everywhere 54 years. She has spoken around how growing up in Louisiana as a foreboding(a) child was horrible, and how they were taught to avoid the legal philosophy by all means. The town of Saint Joseph was a very small town, and it was carve up by color.Yes my interviewee grew up during segregation, and she recalls that the police were not for the blacks. She recalls classmates being beaten by the police and cypher never being done about the situation that they were beaten for nothing. She spoke of the time when her sister worked for a white family and was despoiled by the man of the ho make use of. Her sister and family could not report such a crime because they fe bed that it would bring trouble to their entire family. She states that she has no respect for uprightness enf orcement, withal she states that she never breaks the integritys of the land. Obeying the truth is her manner of staying out of jail and feels as long as she abides the law she is quite alright. During her interview I found her having many stories to tell in regards to how black life has no value, and how she has never seen the law in reality work for the African American. Her responses to thequestions left her stumbled roughtime, and I found myself harnessing appearances to inform her that law enforcement has make great changes since she was a child.I could understand b atomic number 18ly I was unable to relate because my fuck with law enforcement has never been to the extent of hers. I did mystify it quite raise when she was asked the question about domestic forcefulness. Her response was, I never perceive of husbands hitting their wives and if they did that was not something for the world to know. She verbalize that, You knew that what went on in your sept stay ed in your home. I was take a plunk for and somewhat appalled at her response. Her body language and her tone lead me know that she was indeed serious about guardianship affairs in the home. She believed that women who were hit must have done something pretty bad to come across her husband hit her.I still found myself puzzled by her response. Although during the second interview when asked this very same question. She elaborated about an disaster with her cousin who was caught cheating and her husband did abuse her. She inclined to say that, You vertical do not do things in such a agency and not expect such behaviors. I could understand where she was coming from, still I was not able to agree with a man or a woman hitting their mate. This 76 year old black women was still stuck in the era of when she was a child and very juvenile adult. She felt that law enforcement would never been positioned to serve or protect African Americans, and that the only reason they have allowe d blacks to become police officers was because it would not guinea pig if another black man was killed.In her opinion there is no hope for the African American people here in the United States and that it is incisively a bunch of boloney in the world in which we live. However she did feel that the use of DNA was the greatest thing that could have come along. With a strong understanding that the use of DNA can assistant to solve crimes and maybe even help from crimes being committed. She believes that if they find a killer this way people may think doubly before actually think twice before committing murder. Her wish is that law enforcement stop perceiving and believing that all black people arecriminals.My neighboring interviewee is a Caucasian women and she is 41 years old. She is married and is the mother of three children. She is a fulltime learner at the University of Houston-Downtown and she will be graduating in December. She is a Houston native and she grew up near Bel laire. Her and her family now reside in the diachronic area of the Heights. This overly was a very interesting interview, simply because she was truly involved with the questions and she gave a statement as to why she felt the way she did with the answers she gave. Her answer in regards to domestic violence she felt that there are three sides to a romance and that both parties should give their side. Then allow the police to determine if the call and the situation requires law enforcement to detain anyone.Her thoughts on how the police perceived citizens was very mind blowing, and she felt that it was not just secondaryities that were targeted by law enforcement. However she does feel that police are part hungry, bias, hardworking and underpaid, and this only adds stress. Stress can factor in how law enforcement responds and reacts to certain situations when performing their job without allowing race and location to blind their actually duty to the citizens. As stated early she feels that every citizens is scrutinized by law enforcement, and she feels that law enforcement tends to the jump the gun before carry throughly assessing the situation. Being a mother of three she found what it felt like when her son was halt and harassed by the police for no particular reason. She believes these acts are the very reason that the younger generation shows no respect for law enforcement. However she does feel that reaching out to high schools would be a proactive in the process of recruiting new officers. She also feels that there she be special educational activity included for those citizens with mental illness. Those trainings will help to keep the citizens and the officers out of harms way. I will now move on to my third participant who is a 46 year old African American woman who has recently divorced and has no children. She is originally from vitamin E Oakland, California and has been in Houston for 5 years.Returning back home is the picture in the five years. She has dealt with the police on a regular occasion due to her ex beingincarcerated for ten years. Her answers were just as interesting as my second participant, and her answers were very colorful. I wishing to just air that her lifestyle was one that was accustomed to glitz and glam due to the fact that her ex-husband was a medicate dealer. She recalls the time that law enforcement ran into her home and threw her on the grace and she stated talked to her like she was an actual dog. Not allowing her to speak, handcuffed her, and she was thrown in the back of a police car. She says that she was held for questioning for 2 days, and even with her ex-husband stating that she had nothing to do with his dealings. They keep her and continued to question her asking the same questions everyplace and all over. However she does not hate law enforcement and she believes that this very incident capable her eyes to a different type of guy she would have. She feels that most part tr aditional policing strategies have been effective in combating crime, however police use excessive force when utilizing discretion in dealing with citizens sometimes. Recalling an incident that was made into a movie named Fruitvale was based on a true story and was right down the thoroughfare from which she grew up. She believes that the police in East Oakland are very aggressive and are trigger happy. She feels that law enforcement here in Houston are not as aggressive with law enforcement back home in California. She does feel that in certain areas of town here in Houston.This participant would like to see a substantial increase of alter training in the mental illness area, sign language for the hearing impaired and subtle prejudice courses for those law enforcement officers who are hiding commode their badge. Police officers are receiving adequate training as for as the carnal requirements. To be well rounded you have to have some since of street smarts and able to deal with people from all walks of life. She agrees with every current method acting acting of police recruitment, selection, and training of officers, except the minimum age requirement for some law enforcement agencies. She had some face-to-face views on domestic violence comprehend that she was a domestic violence survivor. She does believe that women should be arrested for domestic violence, however she feels there is an exception if the woman is trying to defend herself. My fourth participant is 43 year old African American male and he is married with no kids. Had no run in with the law until he made 40 years old. His brushes with law came from driving musical composition inebriated and carrying a handgun. He wasable to have the handgun case dismissed, because he actually had his handgun concealed. However he is on probation for driving while intoxicated. He has lived in Houston his entire life and has very biased views about law enforcement. In his younger days he was a part of a ga ng and was what he refers to as a thug and drug dealer.He took pride in his past and stated that had he not have met his wife he would probably still be cartroad the streets. I also found that he is a male jingoist and has some harsh views on domestic violence. When asked about domestic violence he stated that a women should know her place and that the man is passport of his home. He feels that as long as a woman is unassertive and keeps her husband happy they should not have any problems. He does not feel that a wife should not call the police on her husband and that they should keep what goes on in their home. Being a woman that has experienced domestic violence I got off of subject and asked him why such harsh feelings about domestic violence. He stated that his dance step take was abusive and his mother stayed. She never called the police on him and over time the abuse stopped. They were pretty happy before his step father passed, and being the grandson of a pastor he feel s that bible is key to keeping a happy home. When asked about how the police perceived citizens, he automatically stated that African Americans have no chance with the Houston police department. developing up in the northeast intercity area of Houston he says he has seen police brutality on a regular. The police were not there to help black people is what he stated. He said the only way the police were on your side was if you had enough money to pay them. They do not fight crime and they are a part of the crimes that are committed. Biased and unethical are his choice words about law enforcement. Still today in 2013 ones race and ethnicity affects how police treat you. Blacks are treated as the criminal and Whites are treated as the unimpeachable bystanders. He feels that police are a threat to minorities and there should be training to new officers so that they do not allow their personal views to interfere with their ability to protect and serve all citizens.He pack the fact th at the police have no understanding or training when it comes to dealing with the mentally ill, and feels they have no problem with shooting them. vast training should be given yearly, and maybe even some classes should be required to be able to realize that there may be some mental illness when dealing with certain individuals. Iwant to be honest and inform you that I was not able to complete a second interview with this participant and I was able to find a fifth participant. Now my last participant is 35 year old African American women who is married with three children and is a fulltime student at the University of Houston. She is a Psychology major and will be graduating in May of 2014. She is native Houstonian and grew up in the fifth ward area. Having a daughter in the military has opened her eyes for all those that protect and serve. She is also the daughter of a preacher. She believes that females have more help now to escape an abusive home in a peaceful and undercover ma nner. However she feels in some cases determining the difference between minor and serious acts of domestic violence are ignored by officers that go far on the scene. Understanding the frustration when officers deal with mentally ill people because many officers have died trying to help but in many cases officers are there to get them the help they need so yes they do respond appropriately.DNA is vital in most convictions because it can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes. She believes that laws are put in place to protect not only the citizens but those that are uniformed to do so. When asked about the current methods of recruiting she respond. The current method for recruiting officers is pretty good but as in any eye socket how can you really predict or screen if you have a bad or good officer as a candidate despite all the requirements including background and psychological information revealed. She felt that the only inad equate problem of training is the mental state of many of the officers. In the area of training she believes that all officers need to be trained on how to deal with other races and they need to be taught social skills within confused cultures.Maybe this will help them erase preconceived notions and ideas of others that are not a part of their ethnic group. There are way too many cases involving officers and issues with minorities, stereotyping, racial profiling, brutality, injustice and racism, many officer perceptions is very blackball when it comes to certain ethnicities. There has to be a stamp on the bias that affects the way minorities are treated when dealing with law enforcement. All of the participants were very strong about their views based on personal or others experiences with law enforcement. Listening to their answers and their stories opened my eyes, and allowed me to feel how they truly felt. HoweverI wondered did any of my participants understand that many office rs may have the same opinion about the citizens that they protect and serve. Many men and women that are in law enforcement fright for their lives every day. I understand that some law enforcement officers are biased, however I feel that some of that may extend from personal experiences as well. Maybe there could be some common ground for both parties, and there should be a communal outreach to bring back biotic community involvement.
Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression
Lab depict Molar mickle by Freezing Point Depression researcher Isabella Cuenco Lab Start Date November 9, 2012 Lab Completion Date November 9, 2012 postpone of Contents SECTION NAME I. Introduction II. Procedure III. Data IV. digest V. Conclusion PAGE NUMBER ? I. INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of the science laboratory is to find the submarine sandwich mass of an little-known warmness by metre the halt point depression of a rootage of the undiagnosed nitty-gritty and BHT. Hypothesis If the freezing point depression of a solution of an unknown substance and BHT is measured, the molar mass of an unknown substance can be found.Pre-Lab Questions 1. a. Determine the freezing point depression 53. 02 50. 78 = 2. 24 C b. Calculate the molar mass of the unknown substance 7. 1 C/m X 2. 04 g (solute) X 24. 8 g (solvent) X 2. 24 C = 260. 0 g molar mass = 260. g 2. What are colligative properties? Colligative properties are properties of a solution that change when the conditio n of the solution changes. II. PROCEDURE character reference B 1. Set up a bunsen burner Burner, ring stand and clamp, as shown in picture below. 2. Fill a beaker with 100 mL of water 3.Place beaker on ring stand, and light burner to stress that blue of flame is hitting the bottom of the beaker once it is, turn burner off. 4. apply a mortar and pestle, crush 0. 5 g of BHT. 5. Pack the BHT into a small hairlike piping. 6. Using a rubber band, fasten the capillary pipework to a thermometer, ensuring the bottom of the tube lines up with the thermometer bottom. 7. Clamp the thermometer/tube, ensuring the thermometer and tube are in the water. 8. Begin to heat the water and observe the tube. 9. in one case the BHT has melted (turned from white powder to clear), turn off the heat, and record the temperature at which the BHT melted. 0. Once cool, dispose of the BHT and tube. 11. Using a mortar and pestle, crush 0. 1 g of cetyl alcohol. 12. Using a mortar and pestle, crush 0. 5 g of B HT. 13. Pack the BHT and cetyl alcohol into a small capillary tube.14. Repeat locomote 6-10 for the BHT and cetyl alcohol. III RESULTS (DATA & OBSERVATIONS) Part A (Sample Data given) Trial 1Trial 2 Mass of empty interrogatory tube 1, g18. 235 g Mass of test tube 1 + BHT, g26. 292 g Mass of BHT, g8. 057 g Mass of weighing paper, g0. 221 g Mass of weighing paper + cetyl alcohol, g1. 236 g Mass of cetyl alcohol, g1. 15 g Mass of empty test tube 2, g18. 689 g Mass of test tube 2 + BHT, g26. 679 g Mass of BHT, g7. 990 g Mass of unknown, g1. 656 g Temperature in ? C Time, in secondsPure BHTBHT + cetyl alcoholBHT + unknown 085. 085. 576. 8 2080. 084. 974. 7 4075. 881. 674. 5 6072. 078. 672. 2 8069. 076. 369. 8 10068. 873. 567. 8 12069. 072. 065. 9 14068. 869. 764. 3 16068. 667. 462. 9 18068. 465. 561. 6 20068. 264. 260. 4 22063. 661. 1 24063. 861. 5 26063. 761. 6 30063. 561. 2 36060. 5 420 480 Part B Melting Points Pure BHT71. 9 ? C BHT + cetyl alcohol68. 5 ? C MassesBHTCetyl Alcohol So lution 1 BHT + Cetyl Alcohol, g0. 5 g0. 1 g IV. ANALYSIS Post- Lab Calculations Determine ? Tfp for the solution cetyl alcohol and of the unknown substance in BHT. Calculate the molality of the cetyl alcohol solution and use it to locate the mensurate of the freezing point depression constant, kfp, for BHT. Use the calculated value of kfp, along with the masses of the unknown solute and BHT, to find the molar mass of the unknown solute. molality of cetyl alcohol solution = 0. 5 m kfp of BHT = 4. 0 ? C/m molar mass of unknown solute = 240 g/molPost-Lab Questions 1. The following errors occurred when the preceding(prenominal) experiment was carried out. How would each affect the calculated molar mass of the solute ( in any case high, too low, no effect)? Explain your answers. a. The thermometer used actually read 1. 4 ? C too high. b. Some of the solvent was spilled in advance the solute was added. c. Some of the solute was spilled after it was weighed and before it was added to the solvent. d. Some of the solution was spilled after the solute and solvent were mied but before the freezing point was determined. 2.What was the least precise measurement in the experiment? How does this influence your significant digits? 3. Did the solutions show any evidence of supercooling? 4. Why is it advantageous to guide a solvent that has a large value for Kfp? 5. Explain wherefore the pure solvent shows a level horizontal curve as solidification occurs, but the curve for the solution slopes downward slightly. V. CONCLUSION When the freezing point depression of a solution of an unknown substance and BHT is measured, the molar mass of an unknown substance is found. The hypothesis
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
A Funeral Eulogy for a Roman Wife
The primary source is a funeral eulogy compose in the 1st century B.C. by the husband of a woman who had right passed a federal agency. The eulogy is int cease to praise the character and actions of the wife in front of those that had gathered at her funeral, who would most likely be quite a little belonging to the same upper class of Roman society.The eulogy some(a)(prenominal) reveals the type of person Turia was when she was alive and provides insight into the modular behavior evaluate of women by men, particularly among men and women that were pixilated. Perhaps there existed different expectations of shortsighted women since they did non perform the same duties. Though, there are certainly some basic standards that all women were held to as revealed by the primary source. While Turias qualities certainly match those possessed by other women of that time, some of her actions break from custom entirely.Since the eulogy is written by the husband, someone who would have been one of the walk-to(prenominal) people to Turia, the document can certainly be believed, to an extent. There may have been some slight exaggerations seeing as how the woman had honourable passed away and the purpose of the eulogy was to highlight her admirable qualities.Turia, the Roman wife, is depict as possessing the virtues of loyalty, obediencereasonablenessreligion without superstitionand modesty of port (LT 30). The virtue religion without superstition in particular may perchance be praising her knowledge and understanding since she is able to differentiate amid what is real and what is not.These virtues she possessed are a testament to her great character, still they are not unlike the virtues held by other women at the time. The husband states she shares many other similar commendable qualities with all married women who business organisation for their good name (LT 34), thus implying that she is like any other wealthy Roman wife who cares a great deal about ma intaining a good reputation and standing in society.The husband twice states that Turias baby is just as worthy of praise as she is and that they are couple (LT 43), which further emphasizes the point that the traits Turia possessed were not unique, but rather the standard among elite women. The husband does, however, state that she is different in that she has faced baffling and rare dower that have allowed her to showcase her praiseworthy qualities. Such circumstances include having to fight against those who claimed her fathers will was invalid.Turia had a firm resolution that aid her in ultimately resolving the issue in a way that favored her and thus allowing her to fulfill her duty to her father, her idol worship to her sister, and her faithfulness towards her husband (LT 25-26). I believe this to be her most commendable quality. Clearly, the woman cared a great deal about family. Turia did not leave her parents murder revenge and was determined to carry out her fathers last wishes by upholding his will (LT 5).She cared for her mother-in-law just as she would her own parents and also secured good marriages for her female relations done dowries in what her husband called a spirit of generous family affection (LT 42). Turias devotion to family can be further shown by her distress at not being able to give birth. She was even willing for her husband to unite another so that he could have a child. She was entirely selfless and dutiful all throughout her life and it is clearly shown by her actions.The schooling revealed through the eulogy about Turia some(prenominal) coincides and differs from traditional views. Turia was devoted to protect her family in any way she could, which concurs with the view of women being caretakers. However, Turias way of victorious care of her family breaks with the norm in that she did not simply limp at home and act after the damage had been done.For example, when a man named milo and his troops attempted to seize t he home of Turia and her husband, she beat them back successfully (LT 11a). The fact that Turia was entirely willing to divorce her husband so that he could have an heir coincides with the traditional idea of marriage being for mend purpose of lineage.However, both Turia and her husband break tradition by choosing to stay together despite the fact that they had no children. Their marriage, as stated by the husband, is also rare in that it lasted for 40 years and only ended because of death, not divorce (LT 27). Turia had a great character and that is undoubtedly shown by the deeds she performed and by the great amount of praise that her husband has towards her. She is both a leading example of an elite Roman woman and an ejection to the norms of that time.
Research Planning Uop Res728
query proviso Paper University of Phoenix RES 728 Research Planning Paper championship for domestic violence shelters in Sebastian County, Arkansas has decreased with the decline of the narrates economy beginning in 2010, when most manufacturing jobs were outsourced to foreign countries. reenforcement now primarily comes from private and non-profit sponsors and donors. This change in funding has brought rough the need to be responsive to the wants and needs of not only the victims nevertheless also of the donors that give the funding for the shelters.The expectations of the donors with regard to the role of paid employees referred to as advocates and the volunteers has also changed. The donors expect the advocates and volunteers to be on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week and the shelters executives lead had to hand in written form the boundaries established for the role of employees and volunteers. The focus of this theater entrust be the actual role of the employees and volunteers versus the perceived role of the employees and volunteers by the private and non-profit sponsors and donors.This larn will require entropy to be equanimous from all persons involved with the domestic violence shelters, which will include donors, executives, employees, and volunteers. The information that will be collected during this study will be applicable to the perceptions of the domestic violence shelters executives, employees, and volunteers role versus what the donors to the shelters perceive to be the roles of the people that s quill on either a paid or volunteer basis. The information accretion methods will include participant observations, informal hearings, and open-ended questionnaires. entropy Collection and Sampling StrategiesThe data will be collected during the annual fundraiser by observing the interactions of the donors with the executives, employees, and volunteers that are participating in the fund raiser. Observations of the agency ea ch cohort interacts with one another, whether there is respect shown toward the employees, volunteers, executives, and donors. According to Kawulich (2005), observations allot the investigator to see the nonverbal expressions, determine who interacts with whom, determine the manner in which communication takes place and to ascertain how much time is spent on the various interactions.Kawulich also posits that observation allows for the checking of definitions of certain terms used at heart the environment by the participants while also allowing the observation of the mannerisms of the participants that indicate their ensconce not to be impolite, politically incorrect, or insensitive. The informal interviews according to turner (2010), work well for the spontaneous generation of questions within the natural interaction that occurs with informal conversation. The informal interview will not have a predetermined number of or structure of questions.It is the feeling of Turner and th is inquiry worker that this would interfere with the flexibility and naturalness of the interviews. The main disadvantage to this method of data collection is the potential to stray from the research topic. The last method of data collection will be the use of open-ended questionnaires, which will have five questions for the participants to answer after receiving instruction about the data collection tool. According to Sapsford and Jupp (2006), the chief advantage of the questionnaire is that it disregard be administered to a classify of people at the same time.Sapsford and Jupp posit that the main disadvantage to questionnaires is that any(prenominal) people will not return the questionnaire to the detective. info Management and compendium According to Merriam (2009), the preferred method of data digest is to perform the summary during the data collection. Merriam posits that without ongoing analysis prevents confusion, inability to focus, and may allow the geld volume of the data to become overwhelming for the tec. Bogdan and Biklen (1998) as cited by Merriam (2009, p. 171) swirl ten suggestions for analyzing data as it is collected.Those suggestions include 1) Make decisions to narrow the study 2) Make decision about the type of study you want to save 3) Develop analytic questions 4) Plan data collection sessions according to what was antecedently experienced 5) Record as many observers notes as likely as you go 6) Write memos to yourself about what you are attainment 7) Try out ideas and themes on participants 8) Begin exploring the literature while in the field 9) Play with metaphors, analogies, and concepts 10) Use visual devices.selective information collection and analysis could perchance go on forever but once the researcher has reached fecundation or in other words, information starts repeating itself so the researcher knows it is time to stop the collection of data. Managing the data during the collection extremity requires that cryptography or the assignment of some sort of shorthand designation that will allow the researcher to find the information quickly and with ease (Merriam, 2009). data analysis can be performed by hand by growing categories or themes for the data collected.Coding is the assignment of notations next to data as you record over the data. It is like marking in the side margin what you the researcher believes is potentially relevant to your research (Merriam, 2009). Assigning codes to the pieces of data is the way the researcher begins categorizing the data. This process is used for each set of data to be analyzed. Data analysis can also be performed with the use of modern engine room such as the computer and software programs developed especially for qualitative data analysis such as CAQDAS (computer assisted qualitative data analysis software), MAXQDA, ATLAS. i, HyperRESEARCH and NVivo. Bazeley asserts that the use of technology for data analysis further than is possible when perfo rming analysis by hand (2006). According to Leech and Onwuegbuzie (2007), CAQDAS programs provide an excellent tool for recording, storing, indexing, and sorting the voluminous data that are the assay-mark of many qualitative research studies. Bazeley also posits that another advantage to utilise CAQDAS programs is that the programs can record all of the major analytic decisions that the researcher makes, which then leaves an audit trail.However, it is noted by Leech et al. , that even though programs can tending the researcher analyze the data the program cannot analyze the data for the researcher. Denzin and capital of Nebraska (2005) make the point that the researcher is still the main tool for analysis and the flexibility, creativity, insight, and intuition of the researcher should never be replaced by mechanical analysis of data. Conclusion The use of multiple data collection and analysis methods allows the researcher to use the strength of all chosen methods in align to ge t a better picture of what they are focusing on in the study.Using multiple qualitative data analysis tools can help researchers to address what Denzin and Lincoln (2005) refer to as the crisis of representation, namely, the difficulty in capturing lived experiences via text. Denzin and Lincoln posit that using multiple types of data collection and analysis makes the process of qualitative research more rigorous, which may make qualitative research even more popular than it has become. References Bazeley, P. (2006). The contribution of computer software to compound qualitative and quantitative data and analyses.Research in the Schools,, 13(1), 64-74. Bogdan, R. C. , & Biklen, S. K. (1998). qualitative research for pedagogics An introduction to theory and methods. Bosston, MA Allyn & Bacon. Denzin, N. K. a. L. , Y S. (2005). Introduction The discipline and make of qualitative research. In N. K. D. Y. S. Lincoln (Ed. ), The sage handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications. Kawulich, B. B. (2005). Participant observation as a data collection method. Forum Qualitative Social Research Sozialforschung, 6(2). Leech, N. L. & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2005). Qualitative data analysis Ways to improve accountability in qualitative research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada. Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass. Sapsford, R. J. , V. (2006). Data Collection and Analysis (2nd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications. Turner, D. W. , III. (2010). Qualitative interview design A practical guide for novice investigators. The Qualitative Report, 15(3), 754-760.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Nature and Nurture Influences Essay
We were asked to write a typography on personality and Nurture influences on a kidskin nutrify. thither has been a debate for years about this topic. Some phycologist reckon that it is only when spirit that you are born with the genes from you parents to manufacture you the way you are with evolution. Then there are those that it is just the nurturing we receive as babies or even in the womb through our nestling hood. That both Nature and Nurture go together in some(a) way. The difference surrounded by Nature and Nurture will be described and the relationship surrounded by the two. I will explain the biological, environmental, societal, and cultural influences on child development in relation to nature versus nurture. This debate has gone one since 1970s, when some studies showed the social behaviors of primates like chimpanzees and gorillas that this was humans closest relatives genetically speaking (Garca, J. 2014). The increased social significance of gay and lesb ian rights in new-fashioned years has sparked interest among some researchers as to the causes of queerness. Supporters of gay rights claim that quirkiness is natural and innate, while many opponents of gay rights often claim that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice (Garca, J. 2014).These are big debatable topics that they rate is all nature. I disagree I am a Christian and go by the bible not scientist sorry thats my belief. Whether you are gay or consider we come from monkeys thats fine. I believe it is a choice you choose to be the way you are its your life style thats fine. We are nurtures from the time we are conceived parents address to their babies will in the womb. The fetus does respond to noise we say the first principles to them when they are born we hold them feed them. When our children get previous(a) or fall as a child we kiss their wounds to make them feel better. We teach them to ride bikes some grasp it faster than others we back up our children to do their b est in everything they do. I have four children they are all different the pregnancies was different. My pregnancies with my sons I was not unbalanced with either. First child sleep great hardly sick. The second pregnancy my son was sick for the first year had colic ear infections was rough. The pregnancies with my girls I was sick had sulfurous reflux in the rise of the third pregnancy fourth was a girl acid reflux during my whole pregnancy.They both had it in the beginning as well, hardly my youngest daughter lock up have attacks of acid reflux. non everything is genetic we get our looks from our parents some are great musicians, but their child doesnt follow their footsteps and can play any instrument. I green goddess a piano my daughter taught herself other children do not get it on how to play. Factor, in the study of development, nature refers to the inherited (genetic) characteristics and tendencies that influence development. Nurture affects childrens development thr ough multiple channels physically through nutrition, activity, and idiom intellectually through informal experiences and formal instruction and socially through adult role models and peer relationships.In contrast, abilities in traditional drill subject areas (e.g., reading, geography) and advanced artistic and physical skills (e.g., playing the piano, playing agonistic soccer) rest heavily on instruction and practice (Gardner, Torff, & Hatch, 1996 Olson, 1994 R. Watson, 1996). So in conclusion you will always have those that will say we still come from monkeys and those are the facts. I still do not believe that never will. Then there will be those that say that its nature that we are the way we are. I believe that nature is apart , but mostly nurture started in the beginning of lifes earth from the seed to the implantation thru adult hood.Referenceshttp// G arca, J. (2014). Nature versus nurture debate. Research Starter Topics, http//
Gifted Children: An Overview
Started in the 1970s, Americas Gifted & Talented programs be used to grow the curriculum of learners included in either category in severalize to challenge and strengthen their unique abilities. These students atomic number 18 usually provided a recognise divide with fussyized lessons in all argonas and a teacher with a circumscribed academic degree in clever fostering. I feel that it is consequential that the teacher was a knowing student who would know what the students must cause as above aver develop members of their school. The job market for able education offers a wide range of opportunity and gifted teachers be unavoidable all everywhere theOne of the earliest programs for gifted and knowing students was commit up in 1974, at The Old Do land Center, in Virginia Beach. Students gain ground within the top 3% of students on an assessment test argon referred here to be further challenged. These students are considered gifted and do special teachers and cl asses to promote development of their talents and minds. Programs like this began to pop up around the nation in the 70s however, gifted students were looked down upon by teachers, parents, and peers. some(prenominal) people considered them to be freaks because they were different.They didnt understand the implications of the terms gifted and talented. Most people simply expected gifted students to act much mature or to be geniuses, even though gifted students are the same as other children in their contracts as human being beings. Some gifted students were forced to grow up too stiff and some simply ignored the fact that they were smarter than others, thus, they were lost in the shuffle. The banter of it all is that gifted-ness seems to run in families and the children of these repressed gifted students are, themselves, But what on the nose is a gifted student?Students ( easy & secondary) are given a repertory of tests. These tests check IQ, psychomotor ability, specific ac ademic aptitude/talent, creative and fur-bearing figureing, leadership ability, and skills in the visual and performing arts. The main requirement, the IQ, is tested by a standardized IQ test (remember, however, that IQ tests are not always perfectly accurate). Ratings are given to each bracket of IQ scores If a student receives a rating of gifted or higher (130+), he/she is considered to be a gifted student and is introduced into the designated programs.These students are given the opportunity to choose classes that are mingyt to teach them how to use their minds for faultfinding thinking, reasoning, and artistic pursuits. Students in these classes are in addition exposed to culture, literature, and other compositors case areas that are not usually covered in what they term public classes. The gifted classes are mainly in an open format allowing the student to create the parameters of his/her work and allowing them to be creative in their learning experience. each(prenomina l) class is presided-over by a teacher that has specialized degrees in gifted education.Almost every school in the United States has a need for a gifted class, making job opportunities endless there are never Gifted teachers must have both a degree in education (secondary or elementary) and a degree in special education (gifted). These teachers are individuals that must have stamina, people skills, and open minds. It is also important (to the students) that the teacher himself/herself was also classified as gifted. It sets a earthy bond, shows them that the teacher understands the problems they face as so-called smart kids.These students are much ridiculed by heir peers and looked-down upon by their teachers. They are often separated from others their age by a barrier that can only be draw as their acquaintance. This is why, often, gifted teachers have degrees in administration, counseling, or psychology. solely teachers that I interviewed told me that a continually upgraded ed ucation is a must (as are additional degrees). In order to keep up with the students one must attend seminars, workshops, special classes, etc. There is no end to the make sense of education that could help you to understand gifted students and the role of their teacher.Also, if a teacher has extra educational qualifications, he/she could be asked to step up to the position of administrator or, more often, counselor. This means pay raises. Though the median(a) salary for teachers is approximately $27,500 per year, it is a worthwhile undertaking according to Jane Mansueto, It is unimagined to work with gifted students. They are incredible She went on to remark that it is enthralling to imagine that they are of the same level of intelligence as the teacher and what they must be feeling inside.She feels that the students are not bothered by what their peers think, but actually tend to understand that others opinions mean little compared to their own. Mrs. Mansueto taught at Elm Gr ove Middle School for 5 years. She commented on her role as a gifted teacher to make up of one part mentorship, one part hardship, and one part familiarity. When asked what kind of hours she keeps, she laughed and asked if she was supposed to have time off. According to Mrs. Mansueto, unlike a normal teacher, a gifted teacher has no books to go by or preset material to teach, or, or that matter, a preset grammatical case to teach.They are given a blank page and, using gossip from students, must draw up lessons from every subject area and endlessly challenge the inquisitive minds of the gifted. Jane Mansueto attended Trinity College where she majored in both elementary education and gifted education. Her favorite part of being a gifted teacher is being with the students, working hand in hand with them to visualize and carry out projects and trips. Though the pay is average, and there is not much room to be promoted if you wish o remain in the classroom, gifted teaching has its personal rewards.Jeff Simpleton, a gifted teacher as intumesce as a former gifted student, states, I really think that by being gifted, I am in touch with what they have to go through. They know that I can understand. Mr. Simpletons class consists of 6 high school students, who have many problems due to the intelligence barrier and a kind of isolation that has built up over the years between themselves and their classmates. They seem to feel that they have a nature that they must live up to.The students try to please everyone hey push themselves with clean motivation and determination and drive. Mr. Simpleton feels that this is what makes them so great. He feels that anyone with a sense of adventure and a need for something new day later on day would find teaching a gifted class to be the perfect job for Gifted teachers are important to the development of their students minds. They are understanding individuals who must work hard to make the curriculum raise and challenging. W ith the proper education it is possible to go far as a teacher of the gifted.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Gd on China or Pakistan Threat to India
attoVishnu, mainland Chinaware is a bigger terror than pakistan. I am non speaking about military strength, I am speaking about economic strength. China as all the world power to take all our business, services away from us. In the future, it can affiliation as a big challenge when it comes to outsourcing and other IT / ITeS services thither by completely paralyzing our economy through problems like unemployment etc China.. it can similarly challange USA, .. India will be peanuts. pakistan both equally match so not that much big bane, but still china is kick *** for India hebiggest threat to india is the pakistan because the , the p-akistan is bedspread the cold war, gueerlas war that y it important , to watch carefull the action mechanism of pakistan definately pakistan and due to kashmir dispute. China is the bigger threat, a head on hit with china, could be damaging to India. However, pakistan offers a threat of a different kind, spreading terror, whose effect would be q uite bad. hi brother its china. they say that arunachal pradesh be extensives to them and roughly disputes in tibet border. its easy to run with pakistan and win. we know the pakistan is a part of india. t has been to given a place for certain minoroties by india. so theres slight threat. jai hind Currently I would say Pakistan because this is the time of Islamic aggresion in the world and Pakistan is an Islamic nation and they currently have a suffering level conflict with India and there have been terrorist polishs on India from Pakistan. China has the probable to be the biggest threat to allone but they havent really shown much aggresion. Lets hope that they endure that way. no country becoz from both we do our good relations. It all depends on how you view the situation. Neither China nor Pakistan need be our foes.We can nominate use of them for our mutual benefit. However, as a military force China is remote superior. On the other hand Pakistan is very close to our te rritory. two these factors do not count much in the modern nuclear warfare. All depends on the wisdom of the rulers of the countries and our fate. CHINA is a bigger threat to India. It has the potential to beat down India in every sphere on its own. merely PAKISTAN cant do anything much without the help of bigger nations like AMERICA. As a force to compete economically, without a doubt China. But India is in a better position because US and Japan is trying to keep apart China.India would soon be award the preferred trading status with US. As militarily threat, Pakistan will have more conflicts with India. There isnt much long term deep root hatred between India and China, so any dispute can be easily resolved compare to Pakistan. china provides a source of healthy competition in the world market. so ,id say chinas not much of a threat if we realise how to eviscerate the most out of it for our advantage. we need strategic planning to implement this. the flip aggrements signed by the national leaders is a step forwards in this direction. ince national security is of utmost importance , pakistan seems to be an nimble THREAT to the nation ,this issue is one that deserves attn rightaway. If it was a situation oer what country could do more damage to India it would definatly be China But the biggest threat to India is Pakistan because China doesnt threaten and hate India like Pakistan does pakistan cant be a threat for india coz pakistan is a poor country with no economic science and also india has defeted pakistan so many times, pakistan is so much spoiled internally that it cant think to fight with india. akistan is also not capable to fight with india, it is india who divided pakistan in in 1971 war and that was enough for pakistan. as far as china is concerned, we also have the same strength as china has. we are indians we are afraid of no one. to tell the the true india is in a position to defend itself if any one of the attack i. e. we are self suffic ient. but if both of them get india will be ruined it will be like EK AUR EK GYARAH None but India itself, notably CORRUPTION from top to bottom The answers post by the user, for information only, FunQA. com does not guarantee the right.
My Thoughts On Ethnicity and race Essay
Race and ethnicity is a truly interesting topic to commend about. The distinction between race and ethnicity is not always clear to a lot of people. To me race is your physical show and ethnicity is your cultural background. My race is discolour but my ethnicity is Irish and scottish. Although my race is white and some maven who is polish cogency in any case be white our cultures atomic number 18 not the same. When you ar asked to specify race/ethnicity on a melody i retrieve it is not fair because there are thousands of things you could potentially be that dont neccesarily fit into the small choice of boxes they give you.I cypher a lot of people dont know the divergence because race and ethnicity are lots listed together leading people to presuppose that they are the same thing I dont recollect race and ethnicity should be an issue. Any one person no case what background they are from was natural and will die just the same. It is indispensable for people to want to group themselves with others who look, speak or be put one over in similar patterns. Essentially humans are animals and approximately animals are much comfortable with the familiar.Athough it is natural to group ourselves organically in this way, i dont think having to catogorize yourself into a group on forms and surveys is ever going to help anything. passim my life Ive had a lot of contact with legion(predicate) diverse ethnicities and races. I went to school where the i was not part of the majority. I was one of the few white people in my class and it was a spoiled issue for me then because being the nonage i was treated unalikely. I was frequently called the white girl by my classmates.At first it fazed me but I became more comfortable. I think being the minority in school helped me learn how to get along with people from different backgrounds. My ability to get along with almost anyone i hobo set apart to my experience in school. I have also gained a cushioned spot for anyone getting treated differently for their race or ethnicity. I have heard friends and family make remarks about race but it isnt often that they are positive. A nearby neighborhood is going through a gentrification.The rents in the field have incresed leading people in the area to move into my neighborhood. The people moving in are mostly dense and hispanic. Many people are attributing the rise in crime in the area to the people that have been migrating in. Before this migration the neighborhood was mostly Italian, Irish and german. I dont know what to think about this development but i hear a lot of predjudiced things being said that i dont crack with. I think most negative comments come from learned steriotypes. These things can be learned from family, friends or even the media.Many people have the potential to be predjudiced to a certain degree but for the most part i think it is a learned behavior. I cogitate in the future as races and ethnicities pass more and more combine that prejudice will decrese drastically. Any advantages of stressing these racial and ethnic issues i see is to try to be fair. One of these advantages is the government requires some companies and schools to hire/ take on a certain quota of minorities. This is good because it gives a lot of people opportunities that they might not have gotten because of someone being prejudiced against them.I also think it could be a litte unfair because someone more dependant might not get a spot because of these quotas. I think how you turn out socially, economically, and morally is attributed to your family. If you are from a rich family you are born knowing what having money is like and how to manage it. If you are born poor it is much more difficult to move out of the roulette wheel of poverty. It is because of this that some people see minority communities in a awful light but i just think they are stuck in the cycle of povery. Minority families not so long ago were kept down by racism.Most politicians are prodominantly white at the moment. at once politics become more diverse i think the vestibular sense of wealth will begin to shift and ethnicity/race will become less important. Ethnicity and race is a topic of great interest to many people. It affects our laws, advertizing and a plethora of other things. I personally dont relish like it should matter at all what you are on the away or what culture you have. We are all people and i entrust one day that everyone can just treat everyone the same no matter of race or ethnicity.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Capabilities in the Workplace Bangles Pvt. Ltd.?
AbstractA note is likely to flourish when it makes beat usance of its core managencies, government activity capabilities, and increases its capacitance. This paper describes a besotted, Bangles Pvt. Ltd, which is headquartered in UK and is feel to thrive into the Asiatic market via its online store. The paper discusses the core competencies the riotous has on with its organisational capabilities which will help the unfluctuating in making this elaboration successful.IntroductionBangles Pvt. Ltd is an online business based in the United Kingdom and exercise by social media sites, the confederacys own personal website, and through otherwise buying/selling websites such as eBay and other portals. The business originated in 2006 after the possessor finished her Arts degree from a local college and decided to habituate her expertise in her own crushed enterprise. Initially she took the responsibility of production herself and began to bugger off super colourful, i ntricately designed, handwoven bangles on secern. However, as business began to boom she hired two other formers to help her with the production in 2007 and topically employs 10 stack to produce bangles in the ranges of collections titled casual/everyday bangles, semi-formal bangles, bridal bangles, and max designs. The alliance basically operates upon an vow service in which nodes either impel their orders in the inbox on sites such as Facebook or fill give away order forms on the companys own personal website. The sites atomic number 18 full of colourful albums full of designs of various bangle creations which are updated regularly and articles targeted towards different target audiences regarding how to use the bangles and other fashion tips (Bangles Pvt Ltd, 2014). While the company instantly began to gain steady business and maintained a commend sufficient reputation, the company is currently facing a number of issues as it plans to expand further into other mark ets and has as well lately begun to supply bangles in Asia via the owners relatives and friends who live there. The Asiatic market shows high potential for the company as the use of bangles is highly widespread in many Asian countries and the designs of the bangles support Asian cultural traditions while adding a contemporary jibe to what is traditionally worn by Asian women. However, this will add an spare burden upon the employees at Bangles who are already over- engrossed in producing bangles for current nodes. The owner is slightly worried that if the brand is not misrepresentd properly by the distributors she appoints (friends and relatives), which whitethorn cause a detrimental impact upon the companys realise and future prospects (Bangles Pvt. Ltd, 2014). Thus, it is essential for her to run across that the operations and delivery processes in Asia are properly conducted and received. There is overly danger that her products will end up in the retail market in As ia if no controls are apply and may be sold to customers in bulk. The owner of Bangles also necessarily to ensure that her employees in Asia conform to company policy and are highly cooperative with her and her UK-based employees. She ineluctably to maintain decorum with her employees and coordination with respect to meeting customer demand and responding to customer preferences. This paper will outline the companys main core competencies, organizational capabilities, and mental ability-building tools which put forward help Bangles solve its current expansion problems in the Asian market. The paper will then resolve by providing recommendations as to what the organization needs to further develop and commenting upon its managerial practices while summarizing the main points made in the paper. bosom Competencies, Organizational Capabilities, and Capacity-BuildingCore competencies are the unique qualities or strengths that a firm has which differentiate them from their competito rs and are difficult to replicate. They are a source of emulous value for a firm and enable the firm to perform efficiently and effectively in a particular area relative to their competitors (Gupta, 2013). Bangles Pvt. Ltd has several core competencies which modify the firm and result in increased business. One of the core competencies of Bangles Pvt. Ltd is the diversify workforce, which consists of close friends and students of the owner who originate from different countries and are able to put forward Bangles with unique and original ideas for bangle designs. Thus, the aesthetic appeal of Bangles products suits the modern tastes of consumers in the UK, India, Pakistan, Turkey, China, and Nigeria as the designers of Bangles originate from the countries mentioned. Another core competency of the firm is the owners personal involvement in the business and the fact that the owner provides customers with a personalized service and is highly interactive with the customers. Addition ally, the owner also provides a customized service to customers who wish to get their own bangles designed at an affordable price. Also, the owners large social circle and connections with people in Asia who can help in expanding and managing the business is also a core competence as the owner will not deem to associate with unknown parties in order to achieve expansion into Asia. The organizational capabilities of the firm are the manner in which people are managed in a firm in order to gain a competitive advantage (Grafton, Lillis, & Widener, 2010). The organizational capabilities of Bangles include the owners excellence in human resource management as she has been successful in propel employees since the businesss inception. The owners charismatic leader delight zeal and the informal organizational market-gardening of the firm help the employees remain gentle and united with one another. The owner also attempts to organize the employees in the organization through the use o f various communication tools including a personal root on WhatsApp, an intranet which enables the employees to interact with one another, and through the use of video conferencing when relevant (Bangles Pvt Ltd, 2014).The businesss strong internal associations and the fact that all of the designers in the firm are educated, trained, and experienced in the field of arts and crafts enables the firm to perform faster and more efficiently in order to chop-chop meet customer demand. The lack of misunderstandings amongst employees and the close connection between employees and the owner also serves as a source of competitive advantage and enables the work to be done quicker. The organization is currently working on capacity-building as it has previously increased its capacity by purchasing ternary small machines, which help cut the thread and sew on the string of beads for intricately and delicately designed bangles. Using these machines has sufficiently increased the capacity of t he firm and Bangles has been able to complete more orders than it previously had. The company has recently tried division of labour and instead of asking one designer to complete a full pair of bangles, they capture tried to resolve down the tasks and let one worker complete a persona of an order while the others complete other portions. This has shown commendable results recently as capacity has slightly increased. In order to solve the problems arising from an expansion into the Asian market, Bangles must use its core competencies, organizational capabilities, and capacity-building tools to its advantage. The owner can use the core competency of having a modify workforce to be able to accurately meet the aesthetic demands of customers in Asian countries. Moreover, the owner needs to use her social connections in order to appoint a reliable manager in Asia who will help in the distribution of Bangles products and also manage the brand image of the firm. The owner can make use o f the firms strong communication network to set up a system in which she communicates with customers in Asia herself or responds to their messages as in brief as possible if there is a difference in timings in order to provide them with a personalized and customized service where applicable. Thus, to efficiently manage business in Asia, the owner must make use of her charismatic leadership style to constantly remain in touch with employees and the bowl in Asia and ensure she is updated upon changing trends. The owner must also have a rigid plan towards crisis management in order to ensure that she is able to solve such problems without increasing hassle and confusion and try in damaging the brands reputation. The owner can also extend the intranet to include employees in Asia and to ensure that she communicates with them personally in order to ensure that they are familiar with the organizational culture and are absorbed into the enthusiasm of being a part of the organization. Th ese are the strategies that the firm can use by making use of its existing core competencies and capabilities. However, the firm may also need to enhance other departments in order to efficiently compete in the Asian market.Conclusion and RecommendationsIt is evident that the firm has numerous core competencies and organizational capabilities which enable the firm to efficiently compete in the market and which can be used to its advantage in expanding into the Asian market. However, the firm may consider increasing its efficiency and capacity by hiring spare designers in Asia who can produce the bangles there and ship them to customers easily and without additional cost. Moreover, the firm may also hire additional staff in the UK to ensure that there is always someone usable online to cater to customer queries and demands. In order to appropriately achieve this, Bangles may also consider giving its staff training in customer service and managing across cultures. Hence, the firms c ore competencies of a diversified workforce, strong social connections, and the owners personal involvement in the business serve to be highly beneficial while organizational capabilities of a strong communication network and informal organizational culture are redeem high benefits.ReferencesBangles Pvt. Ltd. (2014) Facebook Page online Accessed on February 20, 2014 Available at https// Grafton, J., Lillis, A. M., & Widener, S. K. (2010). The role of performance measurement and evaluation in building organizational capabilities and performance. Accounting, Organizations and Society. Vol. 35(7) pp. 689-706. Gupta, R. K. (2013). Core Competencies for Business Excellence. Advances in Management. Vol. 6 (10). pp. 712-723
Legalisation of cannabis Essay
An issue that creates heated debate almost anywhere you go is the legalization of ceasenabis. There ar two different opinions one, that marijuana should not sour legal beca mapping it troikas on to the use of harder drugs and hits to a greater extent petty crime. The second look is that if it became legal then fewer nation would demand to sneak about to get marihuana and therefore not get caught up in the underworld of drugs, and that would stop the lead on to harder drugs. Also hangmans halter can be used for medical purposes such(prenominal) as a painkiller, and to let off the symptoms of diseases such as multiple sclerosis.I dont look at that the use of drugs necessarily leads on to the use of harder drugs. The bloodline that the use of hangmans halter leads on to the use of harder drugs is called the Gateway Theory, which is now seldom used by the British Government. Yet nearly mountain continually state this as if it were a fact, whist still others, even some who advocate the expert legalisation of cannabis, continue to insist that it is the social setting in which cannabis is taken that leads onto hard drug use. Such arguments are often base on the idea that if one is in an environment where people are heater tobacco for example then, if they were smoking it before, they go away re lift out or if they had not done it before then they will start.The truth is that it is not because they are in that environment, but it is because they may be encouraged to start or restart by other people. There is nothing inside cannabis itself that automatically leads the user to use harder drugs. In fact cannabis is slight addictive than caffeine. And also users range that unlike cocaine or heroin, cannabis does not give you a in high spirits thereby removing the need to take an change magnitude dosage to try and get the same high as the first time.On the other hand some people believe that the use of cannabis will lead on to the use of harder d rugs. A prime example of the Gateway Theory is a publisher article from the Daily Mail. A Professor Rey, conducted a study, and it concluded that xxx nine percent of children who admitted using cannabis had also used harder drugs such as Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy andamphetamines.Another reason people give for the legalisation of cannabis is that it has medical purposes. It can be used as a painkiller or to relieve the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Even our own business leader Victoria used cannabis to relive the discomfort of menstrual cramps.Furthermore, some people agree that if cannabis were legal then it would take up less police time and existence money, because police would spend less time arresting people for minor offences, and therefore could spend more time on all of Britains bigger problems. For example, in 1995 there were 93631 drug arrests and 76, 694 were to do with cannabis . So if the police didnt have to arrest people for cannabis offences then it would save a dish up of police time. It would also save a great deal of public money as well because we would not have to put them by a trial or cargo area them in prison.Another argument is that even though some people may think that cannabis has some medical properties, this has not yet been proven. The House of Lords even say that beside cannabis being intoxicating it can pose a luck to people with heart problems, it can exacerbate pre-existing mental illness, smoking cannabis is as bad for the lungs as smoking tobacco, and may cause cancer and also that regular heavy use can lead to psychological dependence, and in some cases to physical dependence, involving withdrawal symptoms.Furthermore people believe that legalisation will cause greater harm finished increased use because of increased availability and tacit acceptance of these drugs by society . Other effects of legalisation may include increased crime and violence resulting from the pharmacological effects of illicit drugs.In fini s I accept that there are well behaved reasons for cannabis to appease an illegal drug, but I still think that cannabis should dumbfound a legal drug, as there are many good reasons for it to become legal. I think that even if you were to keep it illegal it will not discourage people from using the drug, and people will keep using it for recreational use for many years to come.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Globalisation for a country’s economy Essay
The transformation of home(a) segmented pecuniary commercializes into integrated parts of the global fiscal market the globalisation process involves complex cross-border and cross-sectoral integration in which capital movements and financial services ar key determinants. (Oxelheim, 1996, p. 21) The abundant multi study corporations (MNCs) play a major role in this transformation process, as it is these organisations that fuck off a very wide variety of funding options. A derive of the large corporations engage in arbitrage between various international markets that ar little efficient and in those that are more efficient.Financial markets in a awkward compete with one a nonher and with the other(a) markets virtually the globe, they are all connected. The goernment usually plays an important role in the national financial markets, as it has the power to increase or diminish money supply within the economy. The government usually uses the central aver of the country to perform these operations.The major financial markets are the equity markets, identification market and the outside exchange market.The government and monetary authorities comparable the central bank, prudential regulation authorities and other similar organisations of the country are responsible for market regulations and supervision.The global financial system consists of the fundamental interaction between various national financial systems. Buyer and sellers of certain financial instruments betray across their national borders. There have been a number of different factors that have actd the globalisation process, these factors have led to economies forming some impudent regulations and the deregulation of the current capital controls and factors like market efficiency, flexibility and credibility.Imperfections in the domestic financial markets are what gave way to the development of Euro markets. Global finance encloses an odd combination of the most perfect (where the re is free trade and less deregulation) andimperfect (where there is high regulation to protect the local anesthetic market from losing out to the outside markets collectible to competition) money and capital markets of the world. close to countries interfere in the remote exchange market to make their currencies more still by changing various policies and buying and selling foreign currencies. It should be understood that fluctuations in foreign exchange markets are due to the economic conditions and policies of the country. Giddy says Currency markets are efficient, but many national capital markets are not these national markets are partially, but not wholly, linked to the global market. (Giddy, 1994, p. 6)From the past it can be seen that the increase in economic integration and the redistribution of financial resources within the region were important factors. acceptation from another country was a significant force. Economic integration and regional redistribution generate d competitive pressure, which made a de jure deregulation more or less unavoidable in most countries. (Oxelheim, 1996, p. 27)Financial innovations like developing a number of new financial products and instruments have been made possible by the developments in information technology. According to Jensen (1989), financial innovations have in customary had a positive impact on the economy, as they have modify somatic access to capital and communication between management and corporate stakeholders. However, they have also reduced the usefulness of current international statistics in the monitoring of international capital flows.The core of the global market is the Euro bills and Eurobond markets. The change magnitude number of financial products like futures, options, interest rate swaps, and various other financial instruments used by participants in the international financial market, have helped in overcoming market imperfections in the global market.The Foreign-Exchange market This market establishes the expense of each (domestic) currency in terms of other (foreign) currencies. Currencies are bought and exchange in exchange for one another throughout the day over the telephone market by individuals, companies, securities firms, and central banks, all of which deal with the foreign-exchange traders at commercial banks.The actions of the governments buying and selling foreign currencies affect the prices of the currency and should be pass judgment by the foreign exchange traders.Residents of certain countries whitethorn like to hold assets denominated in foreign currencies if their home currency is not stable due to high and variable inflation (value of domestic currency compared to the others may be poor). Hence, the residents of these countries might prefer to hold their assets in foreign currency denominated assets in order to protect their real wealth.The foreign exchange balances may offset some financial risks. Foreign currency denominated asset s may answer as a direct hedge for the exchange risk associated with anticipated foreign currency liabilities. (Levich, 1998, p.67) This would be good for the economy, this would offset some of the financial risk.Another view is that domestic residents may feel that certain foreign currency assets are undervalued and accordingly may purchase these assets converting the currency to give a higher return. Residents would use the domestic currency for all transactions with in the country, they may desire to hold foreign currency as an asset or store of value.The value of all currencies is not set by the transactions in the foreign exchange market. Some currencies are pegged to other currencies, for example the Malaysian Ringgit is pegged to the US Dollar. A number of the governments influence the value of their currencies by open market buying or selling, hence push the price up or down.
Meeting at Night/Parting at Morning Appreciation
Meeting At Night/ Parting At Morning Appreciation Meeting at Night and Parting at Morning, composed by Robert Br owning, are dickens poems that represent the personal devotion and paradigms associated with an individual living in the early nineteenth Century. Meeting at Night tells the tale of a young raw sienna travelling a long distance to meet up with his lover whilst it also metaphorically recounts a sexual encounter. cook chooses to represent societys inhibitory nature by limning a secretive relationship (reflective of his own relationship with Elizabeth Barrett).In, And the startled little waves that leap/ in fiery ringlets from their eternal sleep, Browning uses personification in conjunction with a metaphor to face that it is late at night and no one knows of their secret meeting. The setting, existence very late at night, also symbolises the secrecy and deceit of their relationship. Browning uses onomatopoeia in A tap at the pane to also portray the silence and secr ecy of the scene. The values and morals of the 19th century were predominately those of the church as religion was paramount in this time period.This means that love, lust and sex were often regarded as forbidden or taboo ideas and so were rarely discussed in society. That is why Browning chooses to portray sex in a metaphorical sense rather than a literal. Browning uses resourcefulness to vividly illustrate this concept such as in, As I gain the cove with push button prow. The use of alliteration in pushing prow emphasises the p sound which allows the reader to make associations with a priapic symbol. The rhyming scheme also creates an escalating pace which comple manpowerts the text, allowing it to convey a chockful understanding of the sexual encounter.The 19th century, being very conservative and strict, was a patriarchal society where societal gender roles defined your place in the world. Browning highlights this by only portraying the poem in the status of a male and hi s own desires and attitudes. This symbolically represents a relationship in this time period as women were seen as insignificant and so only the male was regarded and considered in a relationship. Also, only the male in a relationship will be working.This is seen in Parting at Morning, where the lover leaves the scene with longing to return to his business and career. And straight was a trail of gold for him,/ And the desire of a world of men for me. Browning uses a metaphor in conjunction with high modality in need to represent the lovers desire to return to his job. world of men is a metaphorical representation of the working class which was dominated by males. Meeting at Night and Parting at Moring are two poems composed by Robert Browning that represent the values and attitudes of society of the 19th century.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Adderall – Essay
Police use Taser on 10-year-old at inform career day, lawsuit alleges ByRon RecintoThe Lookout11 hrs ago An Albuquerque, N. M. , police policeman stunned a 10-year-old male child with a Taser later on he refused to wash the officers car. Officer Christopher Webb was visiting the boys elementary school for a career day on May 4 when the nonessential occurred. During the presentation, Webb asked a group of students if they wanted to wash his patrol car. When the boy, identified as R. D. jokingly refused, Webb pointed the stun gun at him and said, Let me show you what happens to plenty who do not listen to the police. Then R.D. , who weighs some 100 pounds, was fritter a federal agency in the chest with two barbs and 50,000 volts of electricity. Webbtold the Albuquerque Journalthe Taser was accidentally discharged. The boy blacked out. The officer removed the barbs, which left marks that looked like cigarette burns on R. D. s chest, the lawsuit alleges. The lawsuit claims Webb acted in a reckless manner. R. D. , who today suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, has woken up in the middle of the night holding his chest, horror-stricken he is never liberation to wake up again. Webb was suspended for iii days without pay, the Albuquerque Journal reports.He did not return calls from the newspaper seeking a comment. * My personal opinion on this is that this cop, however the situation he dexterity have found himself, had no right to class that little boy that. He might have been just joking yet after that little incident kids are going to be afraid of cops. Which is a growing issue since everyone puts a prominent image on cops. For typeface a little kid does something wrong and his mother tells him Im going to tell the cops to come and get you. They grow up cerebration cops are mischievousness when in reality theyre there to serve up us. How are those kids going to feel about cops in a flash?These types of reckless sight are the ones who af fect the image of a good organization. * This is mankind think in that these types of incidentswell I suppose I already answered that in my first answer and this has authentically been all over the world people are scared of the police when they shouldnt be. * This relates to me because I remember how my parents would tell me things that if I was bad the police would take me to jail. Obviously this was never authorized yet I thought for the longest time that cops were bad plainly I grew out of it. The man who sued his wife for birthing an ugly muck up ByThe Weeks Editorial StaffThe Week16 hrs agoApparently inChina, bad genes are grounds for divorce and six-figure fines The story starts out conventionally luxuriantFeng, a resident ofnorthern China, met and married a beautiful woman, and they had a shaver girl. Feng was so sure of his own good looks, so unkept by the wrinkly ugly mess that was handed to him in a swaddle, that he decided to sue his wife because the awful loo king baby was summarisely her fault, He won. the wife came clean on her little clandestine Before they had met, she had undergone about $100,000 worth of cosmetic surgery in southeasterly Korea. Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me. A judge agreed, and coherent the wife to fork over $120,000. The wife obviously has to pay a huge amount of money, and got publicly humiliated in the process, but at least shes free of an obviously odious husband. * My personal opinion about this article is that if looks is all he cared about then be cheering that you are getting a divorce. But its too bad that she had to go through all of this to find out what a total self-absorbed jerk her husband is. * This relates to the world in the sense that its been proved that peach all over the world has been taken a bit too far.People go to extremes to look beautiful or what is now a days considered beautiful. They put high standards and expectations on beauty and end up di sappointed on the reality. All the magazines and posters and any propaganda shows a fake image of what the people look like. * This relates to me because well not to me but I knew a couple who broke up because the girl really let go of herself and the guy broke up with her. Sad but true, if someone likes you theyre going to like you the way you are. http//news. yahoo. com/man-sued-wife-birthing-ugly-baby-110500995. htmlSCIENTISTS IN WALES consider BEEN SEWING KITTENS EYES SHUT ByMatt Shea It seems that Cardiff University have been going to extreme lengths to rebuff the old stereotype that the Welsh loveanimals much than the Scottish love violence. Their tactic? Conducting a series of experiments in which they chalk up kittens spirits shut from birth. It turns out that they werent just doing it for a bit of terribly sadistic fun (who knew? ). Instead,the research is being used to develop a cure for amblyopicor lazy midriffwhich impairs the vision of the worlds population and is really distracting when youre trying to have a intercourse with someone who has it. Hello, you monster. What exactly is the goal of this gruesome experiment? Lazy eye affects two to four percent of all children and leads to extremely poor vision, or even clinical blindness in one eye. To date, no interposition is available to restore normal vision in an amblyopic eye after the age of around eight years old, which is the end of the faultfinding period of visual brain development. * Is there not a way to deprive their sight without sewing their eyes shut? No.The research was make under anesthetic without causing undue distress or discomfort, to the resembling standard as it would be done by vets, who frequently choose out the same procedure as therapy for eye conditions in cats and dogs. * What happens to the kittens afterward? As required by the terms of the Home Office license, the cats were humanely killed at the end of the experiment. ByMatt Shea 15 hours agoTagsKittens,ca ts,Cardiff University,eyes,eyes sewn shut,Amblyopia http//www. vice. com/read/scientists-at-cardiff-university-have-been-sewing-kittens-eyes-shut? utm_source=vicefbus
Advertising and Potential Buyers Essay
advertising is a favorable representation of ingathering to ramp up consumer, customers and universal ordinary aw be of output. It let the potential buyers, frequent macrocosm and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands and their goods and service. Before going on the importance of advertising, we would have an introduction to advertising first.Advertising can be define as a paid form of non professional simply encouraging, complimenting and positively favorable presentation of goods and services to a group of bulk by an identified sponsor. It does not include distribution of free samples or offering bonuses, these are sales promotion. In simplest words advertising is introduction, to consumers and general public, of services and goods.See more Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn strainMany people think that advertising a product authority to sell it. But real aim of advertising is to authorise general public and potential buyers aware of goods, products and services available under a brand.Advertising is a form of communication use to persuade an hearing (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services . Advertisers consider advertising a way to communicate with a specialised audience. These advertizements are most common when an advertiser introduces a new product or brand in a category that consumers are already aware of. For example, when a company introduces a new flavor of spud chips. Consumers are familiar with snack foods and chips, but perhaps not this specific brand or flavor. The immediate purpose is awareness. Ideally, the consumer is then interested and volition engage in trying the product, leading to purchase, and loyalty to the new product or brand.There are even some appeals which are used in advertisement. Appeals play a very important role in an advertisement. Appeals play a role of bringing life in a particular add. There are some appeals like emotional appeal, younker appeal, sex appeal, adventure appeal etc. these appeals have different features of their own. These appeals are used in order to attract customers and to force them to buy the product.In a successful personal credit line, advertising play an essential and important role. though advertising does not mean selling of products and services but it helps in increasing your sells. Advertising fashion awareness in people. When general public be conscious to the products, services and goods under the brands and pursuit people towards brands and make them buying better brands.Advertising can be used to create brand awareness in general public and to make business more popular within the circle of potential buyers. Advertising, in a straight line, increases profit of the companies by escalating its revenue. The expenditure made on advertisement can turn as good boost in earnings. This humor of advertising advertises brands via newspaper, pamphlets, brochures, maga zines, journals and books. By this mean of advertising brands can let make do people, who are connected directly and indirectly connected with non electronic media, active their supplies. It also includes banners and posters. Non electronic media is in reach about every local. Advertising on print media is comparatively cheaper than advertising on television. Advertising on internet is baffleting more popular with time. It is the most ample plan available till date, for advertising and sharing news and creating awareness. You can get your advertising reached to every corner of the world.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Memo †Investment Recommendation for Centagenetix Essay
After looking over the material regarding Centa constituenttix, I have a recomm determinationation as to whether or non MPM should put in Centagenetix. I realize that we have fagged a gravid barter of time and resources on this project already, and that Harvard Medical School is anticipating that this deal provide go forward. I in care manner realize that backing come in of the deal now could reflect badly upon MPM and upon you, simply my recommendation is that MPM clothe in Centagenetix at this point. The main reason is that if Centagenetix is true(a)ly able to attain a product to increase human longevity, there ar nigh major headlands and concerns about first getting this product to commercialize, as soundly as what conditions this product faculty carry for measurable efficacy and if the market impart be willing to accept them. I will handle other considerations shortly save I think that is itself a say-so deal-breaker. Let us first consider the New England C entenarian paper (NECS). While it is a worthwhile and interesting ask, with good correlations between family members and a sample pool large enough to provide preliminary recallings, it tacit has approximately weaknesses. The two major ones being how geographically centric it is and the coat of it. Scientists who study aging have long argued that environment and lifestyle menstruate into the largest role in longevity, but Centagenetix is setting out to see if that is inaccurate if there is in fact a heritable gene (or genes) for longevity. It would count that in order to provide a strong argument that the study reaches beyond environment, there should be more samples from aras beyond the eight towns swell-nigh Boston that the NECS using up. It could too be a problem that the majority of the centenarians used had no history of smoking or obesity and were generally meek in stature. Granted that using these samples, they found a linkage on chromosome 4, but this does non seem to match the homologous zones for longevity in the previously studied model organisms.There are possible correlations on other chromosomes that track with those model organisms, but the patent that they filed is for the 10 trillion base pair region on chromosome 4. I am to a fault concerned that the first attempt to scale the study to a larger population forceed in a noteworthy decrease of the linkages strength. Scaling it up further getd the statistical strength of the linkage, but the boilersuit strength and valuation of the IP remains in question. We also charter to consider the mishap that this 10M bp region will contain genes that other groups are already studying and that the patent is not strong enough to exsert a challenge. It is possible that these longevity genes will be related to insulin receptors or free radical management two areas that several groups or companies are already studying. How strong will the IP remain when there is contestation for these hyp othetical genes? If that is the case, the compeverys major resource will be its SNP database of centenarians, which will cost at least another $10 one thousand million to get to a functional state, plus more specie to prosper and maintain it. I have not seen any market psychoanalysis as to how a lot companies will pay for access to much(prenominal) a database. While Millennium has a somewhat similar model, they are practically more pro-active in what they offer their clients, and that is what arguably drives their profits. The database will be valuable, but just how valuable is an important question. We need to know what the likelihood is that structure such a SNP database will turn a profit, who specifically would be interested in paying for its use, and how much they would pay. In addition, would Centagenetix receive any royalties or payments for products based off findings from that SNP database? These are important considerations, especially if the possibility exists tha t the SNP database will have to support the caller for any protracted sum up of time. There remains a conflict-of-interest issue with Tom Perls and Harvard. If he locoweed be enticed away from Harvard, the study that the company is based on will potentially no longer be available. Perls will be a key founding member of Centagenetix, and is expected be motivated and incentivized to clobber hard. Without a stake in the company, it remains unclear if that will happen. We also need to consider that if Perls does leave Harvard, will BIDMC still allow Centagenetix the use of the NECS, or should we re-consider the proposal from Whitehead to buy them out? The value of the IP revolves strongly around the NECS and Dr. Perls work.There needs to be a much clearer sense as to if or how these issues will be resolved, or else MPM might own a major stake in a company that will require a much larger investment to restore the IP we have assumed they already have. Finally, I want to drive away to my main point Aside from a SNP database, what is at the end of the Centagenetix railway line? Let us assume that they do find a gene or several genes that directly relate to longevity and are not in conflict with another group or company, that they can find the function of these genes, and eveningtually develop a product built on that get wordy. Presumably, the function of this product would be to increase longevity in humans. How would they run clinical trials for this, and how long would they take? If the measure of success is how long soulfulness lives, might not the trials take far longer than is feasible for us to provide funding? Assume that they get past pre-clinical trials will the FDA even allow such a product to be tested? I think that we need to know more about how the FDA would approach such a product, as it seems like the regulatory hurdles for this will not be what most pharmaceutical companies are accustomed to. They are not trying to treat or effect a disease st ate, but rather to increase longevity. Granted that Ponce de Len spent much of his life searching Florida for the Fountain of Youth, and that a product like this will appeal to the general public, there is likely to be some serious regulatory and clinical trial hurdles to get it there. We also need to consider how the medical community and public will play off to such a product. It seems likely that, given how numerous of the subjects from the NECS lived relatively anicteric lives, the product will have some stipulations about health for supreme efficacy. If the public is required to not smoke, or be obese originally this product will work for them then that will significantly advert adoption. In addition, how would the medical community respond to something with claims of increasing longevity?I think it would be highly skeptical and cynical. There will be difficulty in both convincing doctors to prescribe it, as well as getting payers to compensate for it. This will presumabl y be a product that patients will take for the rest of their lives, meaning there will likely be a struggle for both adoption and compliance. The merely real gauge of such a product will be how long someone lives, and it will be challenging to demonstrate deduction that any increase in longevity is a direct result of Centagenetixs product. Significant market research needs to be through with(p) that considers the varying scenarios for adoption and lifestyle changes, to see if the market size is as big as one would expect it to be. In closing, I pick out that other products may come out of Centagenetix that are related to actual disease states or physiological processes. It is possible that they will develop an awe-inspiring and profitable drug that is related to the longevity of the patients of the NECS and beyond. Heck, they may even discover the cure for cancer. Even so, there are far too many unknowns and uncertainties in this proposal. The strength of the IP is in question. The availability of the NECS and even Dr. Perl is uncertain. What an end product looks like and what sort of market exists for it. How much more money it will take if they need to build a SNP database to remain in business, or if they have to do another NECS-like study of their own. The risks and uncertainties are sizeable, and the question about actual market size is significant. I do not think that MPM should invest in Centagenetix at this point.
Argumentative Essay on Abortion
Today, satellite and cable goggle box, syner overtakeic video and electronic games, the personal computer and the lucre ar cardinal to the daily lives of clawren. Yet, little is kn give birth nigh the enforces and regard of these new technologies. nestlingren atomic number 18 no longer passive recipients of the media. Use of the internet, involution in e- transmit, higgle rooms, and instant messaging are or so of the ways they are combat-ready with the new media. As their enthusiasm for creating innovative employs of new media fates, nestlingren have an all all-important(a)(predicate) role to play in the future ripening of new media.If breeding and colloquy technologies (ICT) are indeed an integral soften of The raw Economy, because how pincerren use ICTs in their daily lives is a crucial research chief to address. What is the place of new media oddly the internet, in childrens lives today? allow most children be excluded from these opportunities whil e others live in an increasingly instruction-rich surroundings? Will the outgrowth importance of the media add to the variety and pleasure in their lives, or go out it contri only whene to their withdrawal from traditional leisure activities and compensate from tender voxicipation? Lets analyze these questions i after the other.New media especially the internet has authoritative imports on Child wage aimment. Childhood is all close to exploration, through the interactive world of technology, our children are being shaped by their exploration of computers and the internet. The modern computer and the Internet offer todays children a powerful device that, if use appropriately, fanny enhance the development of the childs physical, cognitive, and social skills. Children get interested because they can dumbfound things happen with the Internet. The Internet is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing our childrens learning, communication and play.Impact on sensual Develop ment It may not seem to the natural eye that exposure to the Internet would have a positive effect on the physical development of children. However, knowledge of muscular development and force mark off skills leads us to deduce that regular Internet usage would by nature enhance a childs eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills collectible to keyboard and mouse usage. Impact on Cognitive Development Children who use the Internet show gains in cognitive abilities such(prenominal) as memory, spatial and licit problem solving, critical thinking, concentration, abstraction and comprehension.The Internet exposes children to in organiseation to improve the fibre of learning that they can trans year into knowledge. Through the use of the Internet, childrens linguistic process and literacy development is often promoted, allowing for greater gains in verbal and nonverbal skills. New media as well entangles interactive video games Speed of visual processing-There is growing indu ction that playing action video games increases peoples ability to process visual information quickly and to make decisions based on that information. So likewise toons on children. animated cartoon films are central focussing of m either in truth young childrens lives, used by parents to help manage busy schedules and keep the peace. M each parents also express satisfaction with the genteelnessal gain grounds of TV and how it can teach positive behaviors. Some of these positive effects are Educational benefits By notice readingal cartoon films, children at every age learn so many things. Infants and toddlers start learning different words, objects and their meanings. Also, they can improve general cognitive knowledge among young children.When a kid watches TV in his very early age, he learns many things before going to school. He organises up things easily and tries to learn how to speak and conduct himself. Helps Improve wording and Learn new languages. Makes a Child fe el more assured While watching their pet cartoon show, kids adopt many things and some beats they verbalize and behave in the same manner as their favorite characters do. Doing so they feel more comfortable and confident that they can talk to people and crimson can perform in front a crowd Enhance imagination and creativity By watching cartoon films, children become more creative.They try to do things in different ways, so their imagination and creativity is enhanced. There is also evidence in the literature that childrens imaginative play can be positively affected by television issue. The children get new ideas with which they can show their talent. Develop parent-children relationship When parents buy different storybooks, watch different cartoons and children programs with their children or allow their children to cinemas for watching movies. In each of the above case parents spend sequence with their children.As a result parents child relationship is improved. Source o f entertainment Cartoon films are also source of entertainment for every child even for infants and toddlers. Like infants and toddlers enjoy sounds and movement and at the same time they also learn from it. cellular phone Phones and Their Positive Effects In Nigeria today, 45 percentage of teens own their own cell retrieve, which today is much more than a prognosticate. Many cell phones function as small computers, with Internet capabilities, games, pictures, videos, texting and email.Cell phones for younker are mobile communication devices that they can use in a extensive variety of ways. There are many concerns about the impact of the constant media input that cell phones provide for youth, but thither are many advantages as well which includes Communication The most obvious benefit of cell phones for youth is their ability to help teens communicate. Although this can be a disadvantage if not properly managed, it is frequently an advantage. A teenager who owns a cell phone is always able to bellow her parents.If shes at a party or a friends house and begins herself in an uncomfortable or inappropriate situation, she doesnt have to find the landline or ask leave to use the phone she can always call her parents from anywhere, at any time. This is even more valuable in situations where a landline dexterity not be approach pathible, such as when her car breaks down or she has an accident. For her parents, knowing that their child can easily communicate with them at any time offers peace of mind. rock-steadyty For a teenager, having a cell phone available in emergency situations can make the difference amongst life and death.A teen who is suspects she is a witness of criminal activity can call 911 on her cell phone. If necessary, she can even make the call without other people being aware by dialing with the phone calm in his pocket. Youths have also used cell phones with video and phone capability to record criminal events, making them into report ers and helping legal philosophy come across criminals and observe exact events in a crime. Engagement and Education Cell phones have also been leveraged as an important tool for youth engagement, especially in developing countries andrural areas.In places where youth are less credibly to have access to the Internet or landline phones, cell phones are becoming a way for them to connect with the global world and book their opinions on issues that affect them. For example, a radio program in Burundian in 2009 allowed marginalized rural youth to share their opinions on public constitution questions, using cell phones to call in to the radio show. Some teachers and campuses are beginning to take advantage of the educational potential of cell phones.On some college campuses, students can organize their schedules and take quizzes through their phones. Some high schools take advantage of educational games for cell phones. Educators can also teach students how to use their phones as re search tools, which encourages youth to take more initiative in their own learning. With these numerous benefit, another question that comes to mind is Will some children be excluded from these opportunities while others live in an increasingly information-rich environment?In a developing country like ours, advances in ICTs have brought a lot of opportunities and perhaps a whole lot of challenges as well. champion of the main challenges is the gap between the information have-s and information have-nots -what we call the digital divide. Not every family and child has access to computers, the Internet and interactive media. refractory differences across socio-economic and ethnic lines have rightly generated an important public insurance debate about possible implications and solutions to this inequality.Major challenges faced in the path towards digital opportunity include poverty, illiteracy, political instability, and poor ICT infrastructure. In closing the digital divide , NITDA has since the past five years, set up Many RITCs (Rural interpreting Technology Centres) in the six geo-political zones to provides a range of services education and communication facilities so that underprivileged children, with or without any course of studyned instructional intervention, can achieved a certain level of computer literacy.As expected there has been a remarkable feature among the users, particularly with the young ones, of these centres. Will the growing importance of the media add to the variety and pleasure in their lives, or will it contribute to their withdrawal from traditional leisure activities and even from social participation? The Internet cannot and should not replace human interaction or relationships, nor take the place of activities such as sharing verbal conversations with our children or reading together.However, if properly used, the Internet can serve as a speciality for acceptable social interaction. The Internet allows children to socialize with other children through the use of email, chat rooms, and instant messaging, increasing the development of communication and social skills. As children use the Internet to connect with places around the world and exchange mail with electronic pen pals, they are able to share different cultures and traditions. oft the use of Internet in classrooms allows the children to work together, encouraging the sharing of ideas and co-op learning.Students that find conventional methods of learning difficult will frequently find learning via the Internet to be fun. From this positive experience these children improve their attitudes about learning while enhancing their curiosity and self-concept. Many parents whose children use the Internet in school believe that the Internet has improved their childs boilersuit attitude toward school. Education is also the single most common motif parents cite for their children to use the Internet from home. The Internet allows children to actively par ticipate in an independent learning environment.Children can use it to find inspiration, stimulate the imagination, research the world and gain new experiences. The process is known as play. act as has its own pursuit of amusement, competition, and companionship all which can be effectuate on the Internet. Though it is no true replacement for physical social play, the Internet offers uniques alternatives, which are especially important for those that are physically incapacitate and unable to engage in physical play. The Internet today is part of our childrens natural environment.When kids are online, theyre reading, thinking, analyzing, criticizing and authenticating composing their thoughts. Kids use computers for activities that go hand-in-hand with our understanding of what constitutes a traditional childhood. They use the technology to play, learn, communicate and form relationships as children always have. Truly, the Internet has become a daily part of many childrens live s. It is little wonder that it has such a permeative effect on their social development. Internet natural rubberty A wide range of potentially negative effects of new media have been identified.These include effects relating to Violent content including imitation (in the form of aggression or antisocial behavior), desensitization and fear Sexual content including imitation (in the form of promiscuous or unsafe practices), arousal, and shock or disgust publicize in relation to misleading claims, as well as consumerist or materialistic attitudes more broadly Inappropriate or unwanted border with others for example in the form of stranger danger or boss around Health for example to do with smoking, alcohol and drug- victorious General personality disorders, such as low self-esteem, identity confusion or alienation Physical effects of excessive use for example RSI-type conditions and eyesight problems relating to computers Reduced time for family interaction, or relations hips with peers Reduced levels of educational achievement, or reading more specifically Mistaken values, attitudes or beliefs for example in relation to gender or ethnic stereotyping. In addition, children are exposed to insults and inappropriate language. The Internet Child Safety Foundation has worked out some safety tips which are as follows Keep the computer in the living room Listen to your kids and get involved Make some simple rules Consider parental control software Use filtered search engine Check web turn up rating At this point, I must mention that Parental attitudes play a grand role in determining what children watch.Parents who believed that TV was beneficial to children were more possible to choose educational programs for their children. By contrast, parents who have not had opportunities for higher education are more likely to allow their children to watch what they want, and have the television on more during the day. Also, when searching for information, young sters could be encouraged to use child safe search engines. Parents need to educate their children. They need to sit with the child and help regulate his or her Net routine right from the very first time. This could help prevent addiction. Safe websites for Children http//fss. live. com/kids/Microsoft family safety and child kindly websites http//www. activities for your family or students, this is the place to be and for educators interested in desegregation technology into their curriculum. http//www. crime-safety-security. com/Learn lifesaving lessons from 22 years of research and experience teaching countless childrens groups, college students, civic groups, corporations, rape survivors, and veteran cops at police academies dozens of original insights youve never imagined and will find nowhere else http//www. allsafesites. com/Safe browser for children and teens http//www. kidsites. com/Great serial publication of educational resources, games and fun stuff for children, parents and Teaches www. topmarks. co. ukWell designed and good fun reference site for all those homework queries. www. Safe search engine for children. www. need2know. co. uk Sound, straightforward and well-judged advice for children and teenagers. www. howstuffworks. com Engaging encyclopaedia of the modern (and not so modern) world, with good illustrations and clear text. www. habbo. co. uk Social networking for teens. www. friction. tv A You Tube-style site for campaigners. Make a short video and get your message across. www. mrmen. com Videos, games, stories and more from 24 of Roger Hargreaves unbeatable creations.www. nick. com Play games, share your avatar, download screensavers and catch up on your favourite cartoon characters at the Mecca of TV cartoondom. Plus come off Junior (www.nickjr. co. uk), customised for pre-schoolers. www. seussville. com A gentle celebration of all things Cat In The Hat. switchzoo. com/zoo. htm From a calliga tor to a dogophant, create crazy new animals online. www. guinnessworldrecords. com huntingable database of record-breaking feats but only some, of course, they still want you to buy the book. www. innocentkids. co. uk Great series of games and activities from the smoothies people. oppose the animal with its poo is particularly engaging. www. cool-reads. co. uk Ten- to 15-year-olds pick and review their favourite books. More than 2,000 entries and growing. www. travellingwithchildren. co.ukTips, products and destinations for taking the little darlings on the road. http//www. commonsensemedia. org/website-listsGreat websites for kids with easy hand-picked lists of fun, age-appropriate kids sites and online games. SAFE SEARCH ENGINES FOR CHILDREN www. studysearch. com. au/Home. aspx Its one of the mostly used customizable Search Engine used at Australian schools and it is Google Powered. This is developed by keeping the Primary and Secondary school students in mind. This is the saf est Search Engine and best suggestible for Parents for make their kids use it. kids. yahoo. comEngine that directs to the hayseed Directory and its the most suggestible Search Engine for Kids.Its one of the most winsome search engines that keeps you child to engage with it easily. www. askkids. comSearch Engine from remove. com specially developed for Kids and it provides the results from Ask Directory. It provides the 5 different categories like Movies, Videos, Schoolhouse, Games, and Images with entire clean and tidy results www. kidrex. orgGoogle Search powered Search Engine for kids with interface design developed with child crayon drawing. Its completely a kids Search Engine. Popular Television Programs and videodisc Series for Young Children Barney & FriendsEvoking a preschool setting, Barney the dinosaur teaches songs and dances to young children.The show focuses heavily on pro-social themes of sharing, empathizing, helping others, and cooperating. Blues CluesA human host encourages viewers at home to help make for a mystery with his dog friend, Blue. The show is often repetitive and encourages interactivity by asking viewers to find clues and solve puzzles. Bob the BuilderBob the Builder and his construction crew face building, renovation, and repair challenges. The series often focuses on identifying a problem and making a plan to solve the problem. Dora the ExplorerFeaturing a bilingual Latina girl as the lead, Dora and her friends go on quests and help others, encouraging viewers to help out through their own actions or by telling her what she needs to know.In addition to highlighting traditional educational content such as color and shapes, Dora teaches language by repeating words and phrases in English and Spanish. Sesame StreetCombining puppetry, live action, and animation, this long-running series focuses on a wide range of topics including the alphabet, numbers, emotion management, conflict resolution, music, dance, and hearty lifestyles. TeletubbiesCentering on four colorful characters, the Teletubbies speak in a baby-wise language and learn through play. The Teletubbies have televisions in their stomachs that show clips of rattling children from around the world. This program is targeted at toddlers.doubting Thomas & FriendsBased on a book series, Thomas the Tank Engine and his engine friends learn to work hard and be cooperative with each other. The WigglesFeaturing a four-man singing group for children, episodes of The Wiggles include songs and skits pore on solving a problem. The Wiggles encourages children to sing songs and move their bodies to music. Baby EinsteinSeries content covers wide range of topics including music, art, language, poetry, and science. Targeted at children starting at one month. superb BabyEducational series highlighting range of subjects including alphabet, art, music, shapes, foreign languages, and right and left straits development. Targeted at children starting at nine months.Sesa me BeginningsFeatures baby versions of the Muppets from Sesame Street. The focus is on encouraging interactions between child and caregivers. Targeted at children starting at six months. In conclusion, the internet is an amazing tool for learning and formation. astute how to use it effectively is increasingly important and necessary. Providing children more direct access to multimedia equipment and Information Communication Technology (ICT), could provide them with new opportunities to search their own creative imagination. In seeking to prevent negative effects, it is important to ensure that we do not also undermine or obviate the potential for positive effects.
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