Tuesday, May 26, 2020
stylistics analysis of a sindhi woman - 972 Words
Sindhi Women By (Jan Stallworthy) Bare foot, through the bazaar, And with the same undulant grace As the cloth blown back from her face, She glides with a stone jar, High on her head And not a ripple in her tread. Watching her cross erect Stones, garbage, excrement and crumbs Of glass in the Karachi slums, I, with my stoop, reflect: They stand most straight Who learn to walk beneath a weight. Introduction of poem: â€Å"Sindhi Woman†by Jon Stallworthy is the poet’s description of a Sindhi woman and his appreciation for the way she endures the hardships and boundations of the conservative societies such as the Middle-East, and India. The poet has described the†¦show more content†¦In other words, it deals with the systematic formation, structure and punctuation in the sentence. Graphological Feature: In this poem poet uses full stop (.) two times at the end of both sestets. It means that one line ends at end of one stanza. Poet uses comas (,) in most of times and also uses hyphen (:) in second stanza. Lexical features: Noun Verb Adjective Foot Walk Bare bazar Stand High Grace Stoop Most Cloth Reflect beneath Face Watching Stone Cross Jar Erect Head Tread High Ripple Ripple Glide Garbage Blown Excrement through Glass Karachi slums weight Total=16 Total=12 Total=4 Analysis Conclusion: A Sindh Woman by Jan Stallworthy consists of two sestet stanzas and having rhyme scheme â€Å"abbacc†in first and â€Å"cddcff†in second stanza both are same. The vocabulary of poem is not too much difficult. It is easily understandable. Poet uses beautiful rhyme scheme and stress, unstress pattern which causes unique rhythm in poem. Poet uses rich amount of nouns in poem. In semantic deviations poet talk the current situation of Karachi and showing the picture of its streets as well as the duty of Sindhi women. There is a Urdu word â€Å"bazaar†poet uses once. Findings: The poem sindhi woman describes the condition of Karachi streets and duty of Sindhi women. StallWorthy points out which kind of things she has to move
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay The General Prologue - The Canterbury Tales
The General Prologue - The Canterbury Tales The General Prologue The most popular part of the Canterbury Tales is the General Prologue, which has long been admired for the lively, individualized portraits it offers. More recent criticism has reacted against this approach, claiming that the portraits are indicative of social types, part of a tradition of social satire, estates satire, and insisting that they should not be read as individualized character portraits like those in a novel. Yet it is sure that Chaucers capacity of human sympathy, like Shakespeares, enabled him to go beyond the conventions of his time and create images of individualized human subjects that have been found not merely credible but endearing in†¦show more content†¦The portraits do not follow any particular order after the first few pilgrims have been introduced; the Knight who comes first is socially the highest person present (the Host calls him my mayster and my lord in line 837). The Knight is the picture of a professional soldier, come straight from foreign wars with clothes all stained from his armour. His travels are remarkably vast; he has fought in Prussia, Lithuania, Russia, Spain, North Africa, and Turkey against pagans, Moors, and Saracens, killing many. The variety of lords for whom he has fought suggests that he is some kind of mercenary, but it seems that Chaucer may have known people at the English court with similar records. The narrator insists: He was a verray, parfit, gentil knight, but some modern readers, ill at ease with idealized warriors, and doubtful about the value of the narrators enthusiasms, have questioned this evaluation. His son, the Squire, is by contrast an elegant young man about court, with fashionable clothes and romantic skills of singing and dancing. Their Yeoman is a skilled servant in charge of the knights land, his dress is described in detail, but not his character. The Prioress is one of the most fully described pilgrims, and it is with her that we first notice the narrators refusal to judge the value of what he sees. Her portrait is more concerned with how she eats than how she prays. She is rather too kindShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The General Prologue To The Canterbury Tales Essays1044 Words  | 5 Pagesthe lowest order was involved in this practice. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the most important writers in English literature, was the author of The Canterbury Tales, an elaborate poem about the religious pilgrimage of twenty nine people to Canterbury. In the General Prologue Chaucer introduces each individual along for the journey. Through The Canterbury Tales, we discover the hypocrisy and virtues Chaucer narrates in his characters and can appreciate the nuances in this superior piece of literatureRead More General Prologue of the Canterbury Tales: The Friar and the Parson1655 Words  | 7 PagesGeneral Prologue of the Canterbury Tale s: The Friar and the Parson The Friar and the Parson, as described in the General Prologue of the Canterbury Tales, can be used to portray both the good and the bad sides of clergy. They make a stark contrast to each other, often even directly, with their characteristics as told by the narrator. From physical traits to their actions, these two pilgrims are almost exact opposites in certain ways. Their motivations for these actions describe the differencesRead MoreThe Significance of Clothing in The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue943 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue, Chaucer’s use of the characters’ clothing, to symbolize what lies beneath the surface of each personality is significant. Chaucer strongly uses the Knight, the Squire and the Prioress’s clothing to symbolize how their personalities are reflected through The Canterbury Tales. The Knight’s true character is portrayed through his modest apparel. His character is displayed by the way he chooses to show himself in public, which is a noble knight, thatRead MoreCharacters in the General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales Essay1220 Words  | 5 PagesThe Canterbury Tales are essentially a Chaucerian satire; the author sets out to deliberately upset the social order present at the time and proceeds to mock the faults innate in the characters. Chaucer gives a compressed view of characters such as the Knight and the Monk; in their descriptions, a preview of the kind of stories we can expect from these people is given. Take for example the Miller; his physical description alleviates him as a thick brute with a filthy mouth that was `moost of sinRead MoreGentilesse for the Masses in General Prologue and The Canterbury Tales2355 Words  | 10 PagesChaucers General Prologue and The Canterbury Tales , we can find any number of characters with these behavior distinctions if we examine them. The Knight, for example, is described as a worthy man of trouthe and honour, freedom and curtesie (I, 46). He is of a noble rank, and therefore his behavior is one of good reputation (honour). Conversely, Both the descriptions of the Reeve and the Miller in the General Prologue are quite unflattering; their verbal cutting into each others tales demonstratesRead MoreLearning About Medieval Life and Society from Chaucers General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales1224 Words  | 5 PagesLearning About Medieval Life and Society from Chaucers General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales I have been studying Geoffrey Chaucers General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, of which I looked specifically at six portraits, these being: the Knight, his son, a young squire, the prioress, the wife of Bath, the Miller and the Pardoner. From these portraits I was able to observe the ways of life and society in medieval times. I found out about social status, fashion, wealthRead MoreThe Portrait of Medieval Social Classes as Presented in the General Prologue to Geoffrey Chaucer’s the Canterbury Tales4628 Words  | 19 PagesIntroduction The General Prologue fulfils two functions: it tells the story of how the tales came to be told, and it introduces the tellers. There are about thirty pilgrims travelling to Canterbury to pray to the holy blissful martyr- St. Thomas of Becket. These characters can be considered the portrait of the whole Middle English society. All the pilgrims can be divided into particular hierarchic structure of classes. The simplest division of society was into three estates: those who fight, thoseRead More Chaucers Canterbury Tales - The Character of the Parson Essay596 Words  | 3 PagesThe Character of the Parson of Canterbury Tales    Geoffrey Chaucer is considered by many critics as the father of English literature. His literary masterpiece was The Canterbury Tales. In these tales, Chaucer writes about pilgrims who are on a journey to Canterbury. Each pilgrim has a tale that they tell on this journey. Chaucer expresses themes and messages through the characterization of each pilgrim. Through the Parson, one of the pilgrims, Chaucer is able to portray the life ofRead MoreGeoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales1030 Words  | 5 PagesGeoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a collection of several tales that are all told by different characters and all convey different messages. The story presented in the general prologue is that a group of pilgrims is traveling to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket, and during their journey they take turns telling tales and talking about themselves. Chaucer uses the pilgrims to express his beliefs, about religion, marriage, social class, and many other topics. One of the pilgrims is the MancipleRead MoreGeoffrey Chaucer View and Change on Judgement968 Words  | 4 Pagesthe church, gender differences, and hypocrisy. He wrote about these problems in a set of tales widely known as The Canterbury Tales. The first is The General Prologue which describes a pilgrimage to Canterbury that many people endure, but on this specific journey, twenty-nine different people travel together to Canterbury. He uses two types of satire to relinquish these opinions, juvenile and horacian. A general definition of satire is saying one thing, but meaning another. The author Cynthia justifies
Friday, May 15, 2020
Definition and Examples of Red Herrings in Logic
In logic and rhetoric, a red herring is an observation that draws attention away from the central issue in an argument or discussion; an informal logical fallacy. Also called a decoy. In certain types of fiction (especially in mystery and detective stories), authors deliberately use red herrings as a plot device to mislead readers (metaphorically, to throw them off the scent) in order to maintain interest and generate suspense.The term red herring (an idiom) supposedly arose from the practice of distracting hunting dogs by dragging a smelly, salt-cured herring across the trail of the animal they were pursuing. Examples and Observations A red herring is a detail or remark inserted into a discussion, either intentionally or unintentionally, that sidetracks the discussion. The red herring is invariably irrelevant and is often emotionally charged. The participants in the discussion go after the red herring and forget what they were initially talking about; in fact, they may never get back to their original topic.(Robert J. Gula, Nonsense: Red Herrings, Straw Men and Sacred Cows: How We Abuse Logic in Our Everyday Language. Axios, 2007)Some analysts even question the widespread assumption that rising consumption in developing nations will continue to force up food prices. Paul Ashworth, senior international economist at Capital Economics, calls that argument a red herring, saying that consumption of meat in China and India has reached a plateau.(Patrick Falby, Economy: Panicked About Expensive Food And Oil? Don’t Be. Newsweek, Dec. 31, 2007-Jan. 7, 2008) Alastair Campbells Red Herring Credit where credit is due. In the space of a couple of days, Alastair Campbell has managed to turn an argument about the way the government presented its case for war in Iraq into an entirely different dispute about the way the BBC covered what was going on in Whitehall at the time. As a piece of news management, it has been brilliantly done. Hats off to Mr Campbell for the way he pulled the trick. It is easy to imagine, in years to come, how a new generation of trainee spin doctors will be raised on this case study of how the master was able to wrongfoot his tormentors so successfully.Brilliant or not, what Mr. Campbell has achieved is largely a classic use of a very pungent red herring. The BBCs reporting, though important, is not in fact the real issue; that is the strength of the case for action against Iraq. Nor is the red herring within a red herring about single sourced stories really relevant either; if your source is good enough, then the story is too.(Labours Phoney War, T he Guardian [UK], June 28, 2003) Red Herrings in a Henning Mankell Mystery Novel There is something in the report that disturbs me, [President de Clerk] said. Let us assume there are red herrings laid out in appropriate places. Let us imagine two different sets of circumstances. One is that its me, the president, who is the intended victim. Id like you to read the report with that in mind, Scheepers. Id also like you to consider the possibility that these people intend to attack both Mandela and myself. That doesnt mean Im excluding the possibility that it really is Mandela these lunatics are after. I just want you to think critically about what you are doing. Pieter van Heerden was murdered. That means there are eyes and ears everywhere. Experience has taught me that red herrings are an important part of intelligence work. Do you follow me?(Henning Mankell, The White Lioness, trans. by Laurie Thompson. The New Press, 2011) The Lighter Side of Red Herrings What about Red Herring, maam?Im not sure. Is Red Herring a red herring? Or is it the fact that were meant to think Red Herring is a red herring that is actually the red herring?Or perhaps the fact youre meant to think Red Herring isnt a red herring is what makes Red Herring a red herring after all.Were talking serious metaherrings here.(Jasper Fforde, One of Our Thursdays Is Missing. Viking, 2011)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fnma 2002-046 Cmo Case - 9314 Words
PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT (To REMIC Prospectus dated May 1, 2002) $250,000,000 Guaranteed REMIC Pass-Through CertiÑcates Fannie Mae REMIC Trust 2002-46 The CertiÑcates We, the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae ), will issue the classes of certiÑcates listed in the chart on this page. Payments to CertiÑcateholders We will make monthly payments on the certiÑcates. You, the investor, will receive ‚ interest accrued on the balance of your certiÑcate, and ‚ principal to the extent available for payment on your class. We may pay principal at rates that vary from time to time. We may not pay principal to certain classes for long periods of time. The Fannie Mae Guaranty We will guarantee that required payments of principal†¦show more content†¦You can
Prejudice and Tolerance in To Kill a Mockingbird - 1068 Words
â€Å"Prejudice and Tolerance.†By Elizabeth Cassar, Laura Furze, and Angelica Newbond During the 1930’s depression, there was a great divide between black and white America. There were many communities and groups who had been exposed to the same treatment and persecution as the Negroes in To Kill a Mockingbird. Harper Lee has used a small town setting, such as that in To Kill a Mockingbird, to illustrate America’s views on white supremacy and the inferiority of the black race. The author has illustrated view that are expressed world-wide through her characters in Maycomb county. In the small town of Maycomb, prejudice towards Negroes was a common sentiment of white people. Prejudice is strongly evident between these cultures in To Kill†¦show more content†¦people still looked at the Radley Place, unwilling to discard their initial suspicions†(p. 9) Maycomb’s prejudice towards Mr Arthur Radley was cruel and unfounded; Boo was a mockingbird, who never hurt the world, but through people’s early judgment, they hurt him. Boo Radley proved to be one of the heros of the novel, which supported Atticus’s view that ideas formed before hand are groundless, and prejudice is wrong. In the country town of Maycomb, people were easily influenced so prejudice was shown by most. The citizens knew that the colour of your skin determined your place in life and that Negroes were to be treated differently. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, there was only one true character that portrayed the true essence of tolerance. Atticus Finch stood on his own two feet, and never formed an opinion unless he had prior knowledge on the particular person or situation. Throughout the entirety of this novel, it was Atticus alone who not only was tolerant, but set an exemplarily example to his children, and the town, of how knowing before judging is not only important, but vital to society. â€Å"First of all†¦if you can learn a simple trick Scout, you’ll get along better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person till you consider things from his point of view†¦until you climb into his skin and walk around in it†(p.33). This is a perfect ex ample of how Atticus passes on his knowledge to his children, and educates them on how respectShow MoreRelatedEssay To Kill a Mockingbird: An Analysis of Discrimination893 Words  | 4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: An Analysis of Discrimination The most important theme of the 1960 Pulitzer Prize winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird is author Harper Lee’s tenacious exploration of the moral nature of people. Lee tenaciously explores the moral nature of human beings, especially the struggle in every human soul between discrimination and tolerance. The novel is very effective in not only revealing prejudice, but in examining the nature of prejudice, how it works, and its consequencesRead More Symbolic Mockingbirds Essay940 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolic Mockingbirds Symbolism is used extensively in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The theme of prejudice in the novel can be best perceived through the symbol of the mockingbird. Atticus advised his children that if they went hunting for birds to shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hitem, but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird (96). Miss Maudie explains this further by saying that mockingbirds dont do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They dont eat up peoplesRead MorePrejudice And The Dark Abyss Of Prejudice By Harper Lee1297 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Prejudices are the chains forged by ignorance to keep men apart.†(Marguerite Gardiner Blessington). Over the years, countless people have fallen in to the dark abyss of prejudice because they merely following the trend of society. Prejudice is exactly what it sounds like; its root words are firmly planted. Prejudice may be defined as the act of pre judging someone because of their race, religion, sex, ethnic background, or can be based solely on how they look. Prejudice is a flaw in society manyRead MoreGo Set A Watchmen By Harper Lee930 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Go Set a Watchmen†is Harper Lee’s second full-length novel following her 1960 Pulitzer Award winning novel â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, a narrative within a novel where a black man is accused of raping a white woman and whom is also awaiting trial in a small Alabama town. In this, Harper Lee illustrates a theme of the injustices of prejudice, intolerance, judgments of others, and prejudice itself through the use of the setting: a time of social turmoil and havoc, a time of early American sociology, andRead MorePrejudice in To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee Essay870 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen a victim to prejudice? I have – it’s like being thrown into a trench of darkness every time, with only the wish to change you for the sake of society. It’s a terrible feeling, coming from Southeastern A sia it’s something my family and I have encountered continually. I believe that prejudice, intolerance, and moral blindness should not be an issue in our world, especially in the year of 2014. We as young Canadian citizens should learn virtues of fairness, charity, and tolerance in order for ourRead MoreMaturity And Personal Growth Often Appear Through The Experience1628 Words  | 7 PagesHarper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird presents the ideas of coming of age and the loss of innocence while the Great Depression was occurring in the 1930s. Racism and gender inequality were widespread issues during this time period which gave rise to the Civil Rights Movement. To Kill a Mockingbird teaches its readers that the coexistence of tragedy and the loss of innocence affect personal growth through the way in which several innocent characters suffer the wrath of prejudices, resulting in imprisonmentRead MoreWhy Not to Ban Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird990 Words  |  4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has been challenged/banned countless times since it’s original publication in 1960. The reasoning people could have behind banning it is that they feel that the racism, language and subject matter in the book is offensive, inappropriate, immoral and that it encourages and condones such things. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb, a small town in Alabama, during the depression from 1935-1937, and is told from the perspective of a little girl named ScoutRead MoreAnalysis of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay1360 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee In 1960, Harper Lee published her critically acclaimed book To Kill a Mockingbird. Only a year after being published the American classic novel was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in fiction as well as the Brotherhood Award of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Gregory Peck stared as Atticus in the successfully adapted 1962 motion picture of To Kill a Mockingbird that won an Academy Award. This book is based on many childhood experiencesRead MoreRacial Segregation And The United Arab Emirates1422 Words  | 6 Pagesthe UAE has created a dynamic entrepreneurial environment for international investors. The finan To Kill a Mockingbird, produced in 1962, is an exquisite film adored by many. This classic trial displayed drama and established a childhood innocence from the narration of an adult’s point-of-view, which captivates the viewers’ attention throughout the entire film. To Kill a Mockingbird uses dynamic historical references, narrative structure, and editing to contrast the problem of the racism andRead MoreKill A Mocking Bird By Harper Lee Essay1581 Words  | 7 PagesTo Kill a Mocking Bird is a written narrative by Harper Lee. The story is a linked sequence of conflict as seen through the eyes of a little girl named Scout. It looks back at a time when social injustice of prejudice was prevalent. The story if full of interesting characters, some good and some bad, but each very important to the plot of the story. It is very important to understand each of character’s views and the plot of the story as it plays an important role in the overall theme of the story
Digital Marketing Strategy Of IT Excellence of Davenport †Free Sample
Question: Discuss about the Digital Marketing Strategy Of IT Excellence of Davenport. Answer: Introduction Digital marketinggenerally refers to the advertisement process that is delivered through the digital channels, such as websites, search engines, emails, social media, and mobile applications. According to Tiago and Verssimo (2014), digitalmarketing is the most effective and helpful method to reach out to maximum people and establish the brand image. On the contrary, in spite of covering a wide range of marketing activities, the process may lead towards business failures if it is not managed appropriately. For example, one of the most common types of the digital marketing is through paid search, which is also renowned as PPC (Pay-per-click) (Baltes 2015). This advertisement procedure is the sponsored result, which appears when the specific search terms are required or when the business requires targeting to a particular audience. The maintenance of the flexibility, visibility, and effectiveness is necessary in order to undertake the fruitful digital marketing process. The study would thus explore the digital marketing strategy undertaken by IT Excellence of Davenport, which provides the best IT solutions around the business. The understanding of the business needs and requirements would confirm whether the existing strategy is feasible enough to accomplish the business goals. If not, the managerial recommendations would present the most suitable digital marketing strategy for the business by analyzing the theoretical background. Concentrating on such solutions, the business leaders would be able to maximize the business profits and strengthen the sustainable position for a long run. Situation analysis IT Excellence Devonport, the small IT Company, located in Devonport, Tasmania, offers the best IT solutions to the business professionals (Itexcellence.com.au 2017). The company is much concerned about the value of time and therefore looking after the specific business needs. The efficient expertise and skills are used to the IT businesses for developing the best solutions within short time. The company helps the businesses with data recovery, IT security, gaining better insights into the business, and office automation. In addition to these services, the company even provides the general IT solutions as well. The company maintains the competitive price rates and provides the discounts for the bulk use. IT Excellence of Davenport provides the data security services to the IT companies. The company provides the IT solutions to the larger IT organizations. One of the major services offered by the company is the Data Recovery Services (Itexcellence.com.au 2017). It is notable that Data loss is much expensive and inconvenient. Generally, the organizations keep the backup of the data in order to prevent the uncertain situations (Gummesson, Kuusela and Nrvnen 2014). However, it is noticed that due to some of the malfunctions or malwares, the stored data is lost. Especially, when the hard drive fails, the data would be lost accordingly. The crashes of the hard drive signify that the access to the paid-for programs is no longer available. The lack of availability to the license keys would crash the entire system. During such time, it is necessary to purchase the new software for the reinstalling purposes. The use of the advanced recovery techniques sometimes helps in recovering the lost data. IT Excellence provides that security to the IT firms. Moreover, the company provides the MS automation services that save the time and money (Itexcellence.com.au 2017). The company generally uses the Email marketing procedures to ensure the completion of the digital tasks. It is notable that Email marketing requires the high expandable data drive to restore the data (Kumar 2015). However, the company is a small organization that provides the data securities to the IT businesses. Hence, the company lacks the sufficient resources for expanding the email data drive. It is quite problematic for the company since the huge amount of data is needed to be restored. In fact, the lack of sufficient space in the data storage may cause the data loss that will affect the business services and reputation (Karjaluoto and Ulkuniemi 2015). Moreover, the company does not have any sound promotional strategy to generate more customer traffic and leads. The lack of proper customer buzz is much challengin g for the company to survive for a longer time. Hence, it is necessary for the company to improve the digital marketing process through effective promotions and modified email marketing that would be helpful in generating more customers or business clients (Royle and Laing 2014). The identification of the proper means of promotions would help in attracting more customers and generating revenues accordingly. Another most prominent issue is the management of the existing websites (Jrvinen and Karjaluoto 2015). The company requires paying attention towards the executives who have been managing the emails and concerns received from the business clients. It is necessary to train the service executives more efficiently to gather the interests of the target customers. When the customers receive the expected services and their queries are instantly solved, they would be inclined towards availing the help from these websites. The identification of the theoretical context of the digital marke ting process would ensure the necessity of improving the digital marketing process for the business development purpose (Lipiinen and Karjaluoto 2015). Recognizing the proper theoretical concerns would help in presenting the preferable recommendations for the company. Objective Setting The objectives of this digital marketing plan are as follows: To develop the conceptual ideas about the effective digital marketing process To increase the sales of the IT solutions offered by IT Excellence, Davenport To improve the existing email marketing strategy for creating customer traffic To provide the actionable recommendations for the betterment of digital marketing strategy Strategy Development Some of the digital marketing channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Groupon are much fruitful social networking sites that help in connecting people and develop the business communication. Moreover, in case of promoting the business and creating the customer buzz, the contribution of the social networking sites is much remarkable (Taiminen and Karjaluoto 2015). In fact, the company, IT Excellence can use this theory to enhance the customer base by generating the customer traffic. Concentrating on the effective strategy development for the digital marketing process would lead the organization towards the right direction. It is necessary for the company to develop the tactful strategies to establish the right digital marketing method. The company requires utilizing the following strategies to develop the digital marketing. The company requires building the buyers persona by collecting the demographic and psychological information. The detailed information about the customers requirement would help in building the effective relationships. Identification of the digital marketing goals and tools is also necessary for providing effective digital services to the customers. Evaluating the existing digital marketing channels and assets is also essential to understand the underlying issues and gaps. Auditing and planning the owned media would suggest the further development of the digital marketing method. The projects are broken into individual and small tasks and distributed among the larger number of individuals. Task divisions help the individuals to complete the tasks within the scheduled timeframe. It is even helpful process of getting control over the digital process. Tactics The current business atmosphere is surrounded by the huge competitions among the business competitors. The business companies often use the digital methods to face the challenges posed by the external competitors (Royle and Laing 2014). The lack of proper customer buzz is much challenging for the company to survive for a longer time. Hence, it is necessary for the company to improve the digital marketing process through effective promotions and modified email marketing that would be helpful in generating more customers or business clients. Many of the business activities are controlled by using the advanced technologies or modernized method to reach out to the target customers. Similarly, Digital Marketing is a remarkable and efficient process of providing services to the target customers and making profits by offering the time saving and efficient solutions at a competitive rate (Jrvinen and Karjaluoto 2015). There are few types of digital marketing processes that are widely used by the business marketers. It is to be stated that the company requires improving or modifying the current email marketing strategy instead of changing the entire digital marketing process. The limited resource of this small company is needed to be invested in modifying the existing strategy. Especially, the small business marketers or the entrepreneurs that have limited resources to invest on business can be benefitted by these digital marketing strategies. The following types of digital marketing processes are used. Paid Search Pay-per-click (PPC) is a type of digital advertising process, which refers to the paid to search solutions. PPC appears on the top or side of a search engine. The customers required paying to the business when the ad is clicked. The PPC search has the flexibility to e searched by tailoring the preferences (Donnelly et al. 2015). This ad targets the particular audience suitable for the business. The flexibility, visibility, and effectiveness of the organizations are presented through this search if the customer puts the right term or keyword (Chaffey and Allen 2015). The search engine optimization (SEO) is the greater option for this type of this digital search. Content Marketing Creation of the attractive contents, which are not promotional in nature helps in gathering the customer buzz. Especially, in case of IT solutions or technical solutions, the informative contents are much beneficial in gathering the attention of the target clients (Stone and Woodcock 2014). It is quite difficult to some extent, but is much feasible and relevant to the audience. Resourceful contents are also much appreciable for attracting more customers towards the contents developed for the business purposes. Email Marketing Email marketing has been around for few decades from now. It is still considered as the most direct and quickest form of reaching to the target customers. The major reason behind such frequency is the consumers are much attached to their emails. However, the business marketers require identifying the best possible way of using this process (Holliman and Rowley 2014). It is noted that the successful email campaigns must be informative, engaging, entertaining, and relevant. The companies require using the adequate information for guiding the decisions for the effective communication process. There are some of the core attributes that are needed to be followed by the business marketers while using this process. For example, the business marketers need to be trustworthy, conversational, relevant, strategic, and coordinated to be successful in this context. Mobile Marketing Use of the mobile devices is becoming increasingly integral part of our daily lives. The marketers need to understand the method of effective and unique communication process. The instant checking facilities are quite convenient for the business marketers to reach out to the targeted audience (Menon et al. 2015). In-app marketing is one of the most effective forms available in the mobile devices. However, it is necessary to recognize the right method to convey the messages through mobile marketing process. Marketing Automation Marketing automation is another type of digital marketing platform that ties the different marketing types altogether. Campaigns become more effective if this digital marketing process is used in the right way. The software used for the marketing automation automates and streamlines the workflows and the marketing tasks (Hartemo and Hartemo 2016). It generally measures the results of the digital campaigns and helps the business marketers to increase the revenues faster. Marketing automation process helps in gaining more insights about the right programs to be used (Green 2015). Moreover, this process even creates the significant impact on the bottom line process as well. These different typologies of the digital technologies help in reaching to the target audience as per the business requirements. It is notable that the development of the high-tech and highly advanced technologies would be much helpful in terms of gaining the supports from the external sources while establishing the digital business. Actions The company, IT Excellence has been utilizing the email marketing method. The following actions would be relevant for developing the skilled email marketing process. Emails should contain the messages, which are more persuasive and consistent. Customers usually prefer consistency about the services and information they are receiving from the company. Hence, maintaining the consistency level is essential. It is necessary to avoid the misalignment of the messages. The broken emails and alignment of the different messages confuse the customers and create the negative impact. Hence, it is necessary to avoid these messages. Managing the contents of the message is another most necessary action to be undertaken by the company for influencing the customers. Controls It is necessary to control the actions by monitoring the entire email marketing process. The service executive of the company requires developing a complete quality checklist that would measure the contents, time, structure, and information of the mail. Checking the progress report would also ensure the proper controls on the digital marketing plan. It influences the choices of the clients and communicates with them more clearly (Holliman and Rowley 2014). In some of the cases, it is noted that the agents may assume the challenges due to the conflicting priorities. As per the theoretical concept, it is cleared that managing the customer relationship is necessary to generate the sufficient amount of revenues. Therefore, modifying the existing email marketing would be beneficial for the company. The limited customer base may affect the long term sustainability of the business. Even the theoretical approaches are considering that the company needs to develop the social networking proces s for the future development. In such cases, maintenance of the proper social networking methods would be much helpful for the business. Actionable Recommendations The case scenario reflects that the company has been facing challenges in gathering the sufficient customer traffic for increasing the revenues and ensuring the growth. The email marketing process undertaken by the company requires more development to ensure the business success in a significant way. As per the theoretical development, it is notable that the company requires developing the proper networking process to create the customer buzz. Considering such requirement, the further study would provide the effective ideas about the efficient email marketing process. The steps are described further: Personalization of the email It is to be considered that the practice of the personalized email greeting is much effective. The email marketing process requires the strengthened relationship building with the business clients. The recipient needs to know the sender of the email to gain more reliability. The personalization process of the email marketing helps the clients to identify the sender of the email. Moreover, it determines the authenticity that generates trust and developing frequent business process. It also feeds the subscribers individuality for the betterment of the services. The service executives if IT Excellence can use the name while receiving and replying to the emails received from the clients. Shorter and longer subject lines In order to prepare the proper subject lines for a particular IT services. It is necessary to maintain 60 to 70 characters while preparing the subject line for an email. It is researched that including 70 characters in a subject line is most beneficial to engage the readers in clicking through the content. It is one of the most effective and beneficial email marketing strategies to attract more customers. Providing Free Contents Providing a free content or free template is another most beneficial form of email marketing that would create the positive impact on the customers minds. While offering the IT solutions to the business clients IT Excellence requires providing the informative contents to the clients to attract towards the services. It helps in resolving the queries of the customers as well. However, it is even necessary to develop the attractive contents to make the information influencing enough for the business clients. Time Scheduling It is necessary for the company to identify the most convenient time to circulate the emails among the business clients. Sending the emails anytime may create the negative impact on business clients. It is necessary to communicate at the initial stage to obtain information about the right time of sending emails. It is suggested that from 9 am to midnight is the most convenient time to send emails. The clients mostly prefer to check their emails during this period. Hence, it is a considerable strategy to be utilized while circulating the emails among the target clients. Using the social networking process to promote the business It is noticed that IT Excellence lacks the sufficient resources for the development of the promotional strategies. However, the limited customer base may affect the long term sustainability of the business. Even the theoretical approaches are considering that the company needs to develop the social networking process for the future development. In such cases, maintenance of the proper social networking methods would be much helpful for the business. Development of the business pages and websites in the social networking sites is one of the cost saving strategies for promoting the business. The business clients can present their concerns and experiences through such social networking pages. It would thus develop the proper networking with the business clients, which is essential for the business development. The recommendations are presented to modify the email marketing process in a significant way. Identifying the skilled strategic views would be efficient enough in developing the strong customer base. While the company lacks the adequate resources, implementing these strategies would help in increasing revenues by creating the customer buzz. Conclusion The study observes the digital marketing strategy undertaken by IT Excellence, Davenport that offers the digital and technical IT solutions to the business clients. The efficient expertise and skills are used to the IT businesses for developing the best solutions within short time. The company helps the businesses with data recovery, IT security, gaining better insights into the business, and office automation. The lack of proper customer buzz is much challenging for the company to survive for a longer time. Hence, it is necessary for the company to improve the digital marketing process through effective promotions and modified email marketing that would be helpful in generating more customers or business clients. In order to mitigate these issues, the recommendations are developed in this study. References Baltes, L.P., 2015. Content marketing-the fundamental tool of digital marketing.Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V,8(2), p.111. Chaffey, D. and Allen, R., 2015. Managing Digital Marketing in 2015. Donnelly, C., Simmons, G., Armstrong, G. and Fearne, A., 2015. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Othello and Things Fall Apart free essay sample
The use of gender and power in both, ‘Othello’ and ‘Things Fall Apart’ is very significant. In Othello men have more personal freedom and women are judged by them in relation to them, where as in Things Fall Apart, women do not have any power in the society since a man is considered wealthy if a man has three wives which the protagonist of things fall apart, Okonkwo did. In Othello, the relationship between Iago and Emilia is an example of power in gender roles as they were prescribed in Renascence society which, ultimately destroys Emilia; the feminine persona. The definition of women as subservient to men is exemplified in their behavior towards each other. Emilia, hardened to cynicism about male female relationships by years of marriage, has the view that women are food for men who are all stomachs and belch women when full. Iago continually describes women as whores by which he means only well for supplying the desires of men, in this case, the handkerchief. We will write a custom essay sample on Othello and Things Fall Apart or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In contrast to Things Fall Apart, much of the traditional Ibo life presented in this novel revolves around structured gender roles. Essentially all of Ibo life is gendered, from the crops that men and women grow, to characterization of crimes. In Ibo culture, women are the weaker gender, but are also endowed with qualities that make them worthy of worship, like the ability to bear children. The dominant role for women is: first, to make a pure bride for an honorable man, second, to be a submissive wife, and third, to bear many children. The ideal man provides for his family materially and has prowess on the battlefield. Another example in Othello where the use of power and gender an be seen is when Cassio is exempt from his job he is told to ask Desdemona for help, to approach her and talk to her about it and that she could help him get back on some job. Desdemona approaches Othello about it and he says that he would think about it which shows that Desdemona, a woman could quench her needs. On the other hand in Things Fall Apart there is scene where Okonkwo’s daughter, Ezinma falls ill and a woman preacher is asked for help and she is depicted as an empowered woman. In Othello there is another example of power and status, which is where Bianca’s vulnerable status as ‘strumpet’ reminds us of double standard. It is socially acceptable for Cassio to consort with a courtesan, but it is presumptuous for Bianca to expect him to marry her. Men toy with and discard women as they choose. And according to Othello there are two types of women, which are chaste women and whores. If Desdemona is not one, then she must be the other. If she is a whore, she must be punished. For men in the Ibo society from Things Fall Apart reputation is very important. Reputation is based on men gaining reputation through bravery in battle, skill at wrestling, and hard work as seen through the size of their yam harvest. Reputation earns men position of power and influence in the society as well as numerous wives. The spirit that drives Okonkwo is his father, since he was a failure.
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