Saturday, December 28, 2019
Managers and Managing - 15099 Words
CMEC01 12/8/06 8:50 Page 1 Chapter 1 Managers and Managing LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: âÅ"“ Describe what management is, why management is important, what managers do, and how managers utilise organisational resources efï ¬ ciently and effectively to achieve organisational goals. âÅ"“ Distinguish among planning, organising, leading and controlling (the four principal managerial functions), and explain how managers’ ability to handle each one can affect organisational performance. âÅ"“ Differentiate among levels of management, and understand the responsibilities of managers at different levels in the organisational hierarchy. âÅ"“ Identify the roles managers perform, the skills they need to execute†¦show more content†¦It was Werner’s third son, Carl Friedrich, who continued in his father’s tradition of being ahead of his time in business. Carl started to rebuild the company after the First World War by concentrating and focusing the company direction based on its expertise a nd withdrawing from non-traditional areas of business. Carl was also responsible for various strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions during his time at the helm. Siemens was the ï ¬ rst company that ever posted sales ï ¬ gures in excess of 1 billion Marks. In the 1930s and 1940s Siemens was the largest electrical company in the world despite the Great Depression. Due to its strong family values Siemens managed to survive the devastating Second World War in which nearly 80 per cent of its assets were lost and through some decisive management and its belief in people the company turned into the largest employer in Germany in the 1960s and 1970s. Today Siemens operates in 190 countries, has nearly half a million employees and still believes that employees and innovation are its strongest assets. The success speaks for the effective management of the company, which had sales exceeding A75 billion and proï ¬ ts exceeding A2 billion in 2005. CMEC01 12/8/06 8:50 Page 3 WHAT IS MANAGEMENT? 3 Overview The history of Siemens’ ups and downs through competition, politicalShow MoreRelatedEssay about Managing the Managers1829 Words  | 8 PagesManaging the Managers MANAGING THE MANAGERS: JAPANESE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN THE USA The article reviews one of the greatest difficulties that Japanese multinational companies face, that is integration of its subplants in other countries, where not just management is viewed as different, but also the general running of the mother companys, not to mention the cultural changes which may be faced when atempting to integrate into another country. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
How Has The Alteration Of Autism Affected Parents Since...
How has the alteration of autism affected parents since the 1930’s? There has been a significant amount of progress in defining the rights of special education for students over the years. Special education assists students who require guidance as he or she is attempting to learn within a public education environment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 68 children are identified with autism, which is also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (â€Å"Facts about ASD†). According to Autism Society of Maryland, â€Å"Autism is a complex developmental disability’ signs typically appear during early childhood and affect a person’s ability to communicate, and interact with other individuals differently and to varying†¦show more content†¦Specifically, how the parents are affected with this change as well. My mother worked with a child with autism for the first years of elementary school up until the child’s fres hman year of high school. I had the opportunity to experience one on one interaction with the student, which led me to curiosity as to how the individual’s disorder has transformed over time. After speaking with her parents on how difficult it is to cope with the child’s diagnosis, I am eager to research more on this topic. I am excited to share the new information that I discover with the student’s family and eventually find unique information that will help me with my future career. The project topic is appropriate to pursue because the guaranteed rights of special education are significant. There will always be students with exceptional needs in the world; consequently, the unsurpassed idea is to learn as much as possible about specific details in order to justify an individual with the disorder if necessary. Autism is relevant to most individuals because depending on what type of employment an individual is involved in, an individual with autism may require guidance at a specific point in time. I would like to present my research to future parents of children with autism in order for the parents to prepare for any changes. At this given point in time, autism is a prevalent subject because of the prodigious changes that are being made every day. Researching this
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Changes Alcohol Behavior Among Adolescents â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Changes Alcohol Behavior Among Adolescents? Answer: Introduction This evaluation plan discusses the impact evaluation for Alcohol culture Change program, an VicHealths program dedicated to change or project a proper drinking culture among the youth. This promotional program focuses on normal drinking values and culture and it aims to decrease the array of acceptance of drunkenness among youth. This project is a joint venture of the Vichealth and the state government of Victoria ( 2017). Background Drinking culture is known as the practices or customs one civilization has acquired with time. There are different attitudes regarding drinking alcohols or alcoholic beverages around the world and those attitudes varies as well. Australians use alcohol widely to celebrate happiness events and according to government reports they spend around $14.1 billion on alcohol yearly ( 2017). The major influences behind alcohol consumption are peer pressure, family, social occasion or to express the social status and marketing. However, this open acceptance of alcohol damages the society as well. Excessive alcohol consumption carries some negative effects on the society that includes drunken driving accidents, increasing crimes in which youth is accused, domestic as well as public violence, health degradation of alcohol addicts, damaged social connection and so on. According to ( 2017), alcohol overdose is the reason of every one in eight deaths of under 25 aged people in Au stralia. To change this scenario, VicHealth announced alcohol culture change program supported by the state government ofVictoria. The purpose of this program is to protect those who get affected due to the alcohol culture. The norms about alcohol consumption is vague in Australia, hence, it is important to account the social, environmental and economic factors of alcohol in those subpopulation as well. The framework of this program targets to change the habits of alcohol consumption (Kubacki et al. 2015). Prime strategy of this program to change the alcohol culture is by arranging alcohol free events. Major events like race days, school/college partiesand festivals can be arranged without serving alcohol. Other key strategies include: Educate the society about alcohol consumption with pros and cons. this will help to provide a targeted and improved idea of its misuse. Furthermore, it will help to tackle crime and other anti-social activities by educating the youth about alcohols adverse effects (Riekert, Ockene and Pbert 2013). Convincing the alcohol industries to take part in the culture change initiative so that their customers can understand the alcohol related harms and take active part to change such culture (De Bono, Heling and Borg 2014). Past research evidences (Literature review) According to a Meng et al. (2014), the strategy used to influence change in the drinking culture of England was educating society about overuse of alcohol. This education was provided in schools and colleges to influence the younger generation to take part in this promotional drive. Even the workplace, market and other public place was equipped with advertisements and pamphlets to educate the citizens about the limits, and overdose effects of alcohol. The alcohol companies were advised to sell their product with a message to encourage sensible drinking. According to Smith (2015), New Zealand government used a set of strategies to overcome the drinking culture harms. These strategies involved social campaigns, change in driving norms and criminal laws, social media pages to force the people change the habit of getting drunk. The government also considered taxation reforms regarding alcohol consumption and carried out promotional campaigns in every public place to let people understand the adverse effects of alcohol overdose in society. Evaluation Strategy The prime aim of this assignment is to carry out the evaluation of the impact of alcohol culture change in Australia. The objective of this evaluation is to understand: What was the reaction of people who use alcohol to socialite? What was the prime changes in the society? What was the rate of crimes or accidents after implementation of this program? What was the benefits or adverse effects of this program on the health of alcohol consumers? These questions will help to find out the effects of the program on society. The VicHealth organization and the State government of Victoria are spending a huge sum of amount to conduct this program. A huge section of public taxes has been used to implement the strategies. Hence, it is important to find out the reaction of public to understand role in this cultural change initiative. Role of community and individual is important for this change, as government cannot force people to stop drinking without changing drinking norms. Therefore, it is important to register the changes in the society. Increased rates of drunken drive accidents and criminal activities was one of the prime reasons this cultural change program was implemented. Hence, to understand the impact of this program it is important to record the rates of accidents and criminal activities after the commencement of alcohol culture change. Addiction to alcohol made maximum number of citizen reluctant about their health, leading to deteriorated health conditions. Even the adolescent age group become addicted to alcohol, indicating towards an unhealthy society. Therefore, during evaluation of the impact of this program it is important to record the hospital admissions due to alcohol overdose after implementation of the strategies mentioned. The prime goal of this impact evaluation is to understand the intended or unintended effects due to the changes in alcohol culture in Australian society. Design of evaluation The chosen evaluation design for assessment will be Quasi Experimental Design (QED). In this type of experimental design, user can study the effects or impacts of the applied intervention on the target population. The prime difference between the randomized control trial and QED is the later does not have random assignment to trials or controls. Hence, it let the user to study the effect on the entire population for a stretch of time. In a similar experimental design, Verho et al. (2012) had used QED to evaluate the impact of alcohol Addiction on younger generation. The participants of this program were interviewed thrice during the intervention process. First interview took place at the beginning of the program, which was denoted as T0 of the impact evaluation. The interview lasted for 90 minutes. Second interview took place after 6 months during the intervention and lasted for 45 minutes. Third interview was carried out after the completion of the intervention and all the data were recorded and analyzed based on Addiction Survey Index (ASI), social interaction, psychological tests and so on. In another experimental design used byArsenaeault et al. (2015), surveys as well as personal interviews were used as tools to estimate the total impact of drug prohibition program on the youth of UK. Rationale for QED The advantages or strengths of the QED over other evaluation programs are the prime reason behind selection of this experimental design. The advantages are as follows: This process reduces the difficulties and moralconcerns,which surrounds the random selection of the test subject. Instead, it includes all the participants in surveys or interviews (Cook 2015). It reduces the time required to carry out random assignment and pre-screening, hence it is feasible to use the design for health programs that includes thousands of people (Campbell and Stanley 2015). It is easy to identify the trends through the implemented surveys and interviews instead of other time consuming experimental designs (Furtak et al. 2012). However,there are few weaknesses of this approach. It limits the array of the search strategy. During the examination of impact of alcohol culture change program on the people addicted to it, different factors need to be taken into account. These are education, social influence, effects on health and so on. These pre-existing factors are not taken into account in the case of quasi-experimental design (Kontopantelis et al. 2015). Human error is one of the prime disadvantages of this approach. People generally avoid the idea of surveys and interviews as according to them it is time consuming and cannot change the view of others (Larsson et al. 2014). Surveys has their own limitation as answers of questions can be contradictory and users can interpret different questions differently. Data errors are other disadvantage of surveys in QED as non-responded questions may create biasness (Moser and Kalton 2017). Data Collection As per the QED norms, the data need to be collected thrice, before commencement of the process, in between the process, and after completion of the process (Corcoran 2013). According to the VicHealth alcohol Culture change program, the place where the evaluation will take place is Victoria. Five groups containing 10 people will be send to every promotional camps and public /private places where awareness of this program has need carried out. The role of the team will be conducting surveys and interviews in those areas to understand the trends and local mindset. Data collection will be done from those people who are willing to change their habits of alcohol consumption after the awareness programs. Each promotional campaign is proposed to enroll 25 individuals to take part in the program. The data will be collected from promotional camps, official websites, social networking sites and organizations office. All the partner institutions will also carry out the same process as per their convenience. The first survey and interview will be carried out before commencement of the program. Participants will be asked a set of questions which will include: Why they want to change their habit of consuming excess amount of alcohol? What made them think that consuming excess amount of alcohol will affect their health adversely? Why do they think that alcohol culture change will be beneficial for society? Why do they believe alcohol culture change will reduce the amount of crimes and accidents happening in society? Another round of data collection will be carried out after 6 months of the commencement of the program. This session will also have surveys and interviews of the participants. However, the set of questions will be different from the previous one. The questions will be: What are the feelings of participants after reducing the amount of alcohol? Are they able to withstand the aftereffects of alcohol addiction? Are they able to spot the changes in their behavior and in society as well? Third round of interview and survey will be carried out after the completion of the program. They will be asked a set of questions including: How the alcohol culture change program changed their personality? How they will be able to change the alcohol culture in the society in future? What are their feedback about the culture change program carried out by VicHealth organization? Timeline and Budget Factors process Jan-Mar Apr-June July-Sept. Oct-Dec Vision, planning and task handover Survey question preparation and the pretest Survey and personal interview for the first session (before commencement ) Data collection and interpretation The following table describes the timeline of the process Budget is an importnt factor to carry out such a huge health promotional program. The following table describes the budget and from where they will be collected. Category Year 1 Year 2 Year3 Total Personnel General physicians trainers nurses skill trainers paid volunteers 30,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 90,000 45,000 36,000 30,000 30,000 231,000 Non-personnel Medicines Printing posters and labels, Printing brochures skill development kit Website - establish and maintain 5000 6,000 5000 6000 5000 4000 7000 5000 3000 18,000 16,000 12,000 46,000 Total Requested 278,000 Donated/In kind Office space for personal counselling Telephonic interviews Brochures Medicines 12,500 5000 7000 2000 12,500 5000 7000 3000 12,500 5000 7000 5000 37,500 15000 21,000 10,000 83,500 Conclusion In spite of living in a post-modern world, Addiction has been evolved as the biggest enemy of the humankind. The broad acceptance of alcohol consumption has forced and influenced people to consume excess amount of alcohol that leads people to commit crimes. The VicHealths program to change the alcohol culture was proposed to change this acceptance in the society which destroys the society itself. This assignment points out the strategies of the program. The prime aim of this assignment was to carry out the impact evaluation of the program by different approaches. QED was carried out to evaluate the impact. The timeline strategies and budget factors were also included. References 2017.4364.0.55.001 - National Health Survey: First Results, 2014-15. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2017]. Arseneault, C., Alain, M., Plourde, C., Ferland, F., Blanchette-Martin, N., Rousseau, M. 2015. Impact Evaluation of an Addiction Intervention Program in a Quebec Prison.Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment,9, 4757. Campbell, D.T. and Stanley, J.C., 2015.Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research. Ravenio Books. Cook, T.D., 2015. Quasi?experimental design.Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. Corcoran, N. ed., 2013.Communicating health: strategies for health promotion. Sage. De Bono, S., Heling, G. and Borg, M.A., 2014. Organizational culture and its implications for infection prevention and control in healthcare institutions.Journal of Hospital Infection,86(1), pp.1-6. Furtak, E.M., Seidel, T., Iverson, H. and Briggs, D.C., 2012. Experimental and quasi-experimental studies of inquiry-based science teaching: A meta-analysis.Review of educational research,82(3), pp.300-329. Kontopantelis, E., Doran, T., Springate, D.A., Buchan, I. and Reeves, D., 2015. Regression based quasi-experimental approach when randomisation is not an option: interrupted time series analysis.bmj,350, p.h2750. Kubacki, K., Rundle-Thiele, S., Pang, B. and Buyucek, N., 2015. Minimizing alcohol harm: A systematic social marketing review (20002014).Journal of Business Research,68(10), pp.2214-2222. Larsson, H., Sariaslan, A., Lngstrm, N., D'onofrio, B. and Lichtenstein, P., 2014. Family income in early childhood and subsequent attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a quasi?experimental study.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,55(5), pp.428-435. Meng, Y., Holmes, J., Hill?McManus, D., Brennan, A. and Meier, P.S., 2014. Trend analysis and modelling of gender?specific age, period and birth cohort effects on alcohol abstention and consumption level for drinkers in Great Britain using the General Lifestyle Survey 19842009.Addiction,109(2), pp.206-215. Moser, C.A. and Kalton, G., 2017.Survey methods in social investigation. Routledge. Riekert, K.A., Ockene, J.K. and Pbert, L. eds., 2013.The handbook of health behavior change. Springer Publishing Company. Smith, L.A., 2015. Oh they drink here harder I think: young people and alcohol consumption at three New Zealand secondary school formals.Journal of Youth Studies,18(1), pp.118-132. Verho, A., Laatikainen, T., Vartiainen, E., Puska, P. 2012. Changes in Alcohol Behaviour among Adolescents in North-West Russia between 1995 and 2004.Journal of Environmental and Public Health,2012, 736249. (2017).Alcohol Culture Change Initiative 20162019. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2017].
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Tartuffe Essays - Operas, Tartuffe, , Term Papers
Tartuffe Molieres neoclassic comedy, Tartuffe, is a prime example of his expertise in the comedic technique. The plot is one that keeps the reader or viewer interested and aware. It begins with Madame Pernell visiting her sons house and reprimanding all of them but their boarder, Tartuffe. She believes Tartuffe is a man of astounding character. The members of the house, however, disagree and say that Tartuffe is deceitful and a fraud. After Madam Pernell leaves, Dorine and Cleante, the maid and the brother-in-law of the main character, Orgon, discuss Tartuffe and both agree that he has captivated Orgon. Damis, Orgons son, wonders whether his father will allow Mariane, Orgons daughter, to marry Valere, who she is in love with, because Damis is in love with Valeres sister. Orgon comes and tells Mariane that he wants her to marry Tartuffe instead of Valere because he wants to ally Tartuffe to his house. She is so shocked that she does not say anything. Cleante tries to tell Orgon about Tartuffes misleading personality, but Orgon does not want to hear it. Valere finds out about this proposed marriage, and Dorine promises to help Mariane and Cleante expose Tartuffe for the hypocrite he is. Meanwhile, Damis has a plan to hide in a closet to try to expose Tartuffes hypocrisy. He hears Tartuffe profess love to Elmire, Orgons wife, and suggests that they become lovers. Damis comes from the closet and threatens to tell Orgon what he has said. Damis then tells Orgon, and Orgon is so blind to the truth, that he believes his own son is evil and disinherits him. Later, when Orgon and Tartuffe are alone, Orgon tells Tartuffe of his plans to make him his sole inheritor and his son-in-law. After this, Cleante tries to talk to Orgon about Tartuffe and he confronts Tartuffe in front of Orgon. Tartuffe just dodges the questions, though, and leaves as soon as possible. Elmire then convinces Orgon to hide and find out for himself about Tartuffe, so he does so. Tartuffe comes to see Elmire an d once again professes his love. Orgon hears it all, comes from the closet, and bans Tartuffe from his house. Orgon, however, has already signed over his house to Tartuffe and Tartuffe threatens him with this. Orgon is afraid because he has given Tartuffe some secret papers that could ruin his position in the court. Tartuffe comes back later with officers of the court to try to get Orgons house, but the king has seen through Tartuffe and sides with Orgon. Tartuffe is ordered to be arrested and the story ends. This production seems to be about the blindness of Orgon and how easily a person can deceive another. Tartuffe has fooled nobody but Orgon the man who has the power and wealth in this situation. The characters in this play all play a certain role in the plot. Elmire, Orgons wife, presents a reasonable attitude towards life and the situation. She was the only one able to convince Orgon to see for himself that Tartuffe was a hypocrite. She wants nothing but to save her husband from Tartuffes control. Damis, Orgons son, is the unlucky soul to take the blame for his fathers misjudgment of Tartuffe. In trying to help his father, he loses his trust and his ties to him. He wants to keep Tartuffe away from his family, but the only thing he succeeds in doing is losing his inheritance. Mariane is the lovely daughter, who is going to be forced to marry a man she does not love or even like. She is part of Orgons plan to make Tartuffe a member of the household, whether she likes it or not. She just wants to marry the man she loves. Cleante is Orgons brother-in law. He tries to get everyone to view the situation with calm and reason. He wants the best for Orgon and his family. Tartuffe is the imposter who weasels his way into Orgons inheritance and then betrays him. He is only looking for the money and is a very greedy man. Orgon is the central character that comes under the influence of Tartuffe. His only want seems to be to make Tartuffe Essays - Operas, Tartuffe, , Term Papers Tartuffe Molieres neoclassic comedy, Tartuffe, is a prime example of his expertise in the comedic technique. The plot is one that keeps the reader or viewer interested and aware. It begins with Madame Pernell visiting her sons house and reprimanding all of them but their boarder, Tartuffe. She believes Tartuffe is a man of astounding character. The members of the house, however, disagree and say that Tartuffe is deceitful and a fraud. After Madam Pernell leaves, Dorine and Cleante, the maid and the brother-in-law of the main character, Orgon, discuss Tartuffe and both agree that he has captivated Orgon. Damis, Orgons son, wonders whether his father will allow Mariane, Orgons daughter, to marry Valere, who she is in love with, because Damis is in love with Valeres sister. Orgon comes and tells Mariane that he wants her to marry Tartuffe instead of Valere because he wants to ally Tartuffe to his house. She is so shocked that she does not say anything. Cleante tries to tell Orgon about Tartuffes misleading personality, but Orgon does not want to hear it. Valere finds out about this proposed marriage, and Dorine promises to help Mariane and Cleante expose Tartuffe for the hypocrite he is. Meanwhile, Damis has a plan to hide in a closet to try to expose Tartuffes hypocrisy. He hears Tartuffe profess love to Elmire, Orgons wife, and suggests that they become lovers. Damis comes from the closet and threatens to tell Orgon what he has said. Damis then tells Orgon, and Orgon is so blind to the truth, that he believes his own son is evil and disinherits him. Later, when Orgon and Tartuffe are alone, Orgon tells Tartuffe of his plans to make him his sole inheritor and his son-in-law. After this, Cleante tries to talk to Orgon about Tartuffe and he confronts Tartuffe in front of Orgon. Tartuffe just dodges the questions, though, and leaves as soon as possible. Elmire then convinces Orgon to hide and find out for himself about Tartuffe, so he does so. Tartuffe comes to see Elmire an d once again professes his love. Orgon hears it all, comes from the closet, and bans Tartuffe from his house. Orgon, however, has already signed over his house to Tartuffe and Tartuffe threatens him with this. Orgon is afraid because he has given Tartuffe some secret papers that could ruin his position in the court. Tartuffe comes back later with officers of the court to try to get Orgons house, but the king has seen through Tartuffe and sides with Orgon. Tartuffe is ordered to be arrested and the story ends. This production seems to be about the blindness of Orgon and how easily a person can deceive another. Tartuffe has fooled nobody but Orgon the man who has the power and wealth in this situation. The characters in this play all play a certain role in the plot. Elmire, Orgons wife, presents a reasonable attitude towards life and the situation. She was the only one able to convince Orgon to see for himself that Tartuffe was a hypocrite. She wants nothing but to save her husband from Tartuffes control. Damis, Orgons son, is the unlucky soul to take the blame for his fathers misjudgment of Tartuffe. In trying to help his father, he loses his trust and his ties to him. He wants to keep Tartuffe away from his family, but the only thing he succeeds in doing is losing his inheritance. Mariane is the lovely daughter, who is going to be forced to marry a man she does not love or even like. She is part of Orgons plan to make Tartuffe a member of the household, whether she likes it or not. She just wants to marry the man she loves. Cleante is Orgons brother-in law. He tries to get everyone to view the situation with calm and reason. He wants the best for Orgon and his family. Tartuffe is the imposter who weasels his way into Orgons inheritance and then betrays him. He is only looking for the money and is a very greedy man. Orgon is the central character that comes under the influence of Tartuffe. His only want seems to be to make
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