Monday, September 30, 2019
Problem Of The Endometriosis Disease Health And Social Care Essay
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) for illustration isobutylphenyl propionic acid or naproxen Na are normally administrated to alleviate catamenial cramping and pelvic hurting. Although they do non shrivel endometrial implants, they help to diminish prostaglandin productions which produce hurting esthesis. [ 4 ] Most of medical interventions available depend on break of estrogen endocrine production by the ovaries as Endometriosis occurs during menses. GnRH parallels and unwritten preventive pills are some illustrations of medicines. [ 4 ]Gonadotropin-releasing endocrine parallels ( GnRH parallels )These drugs are really effectual to cut down the size of Endometriosis implants besides relieve hurting. They inhibit regulative endocrines secernment from pituitary secretory organ and suppress estrogen production to halt menses. [ 4 ]Figure 2: GnRH parallels available in Gluteal injection, guarantee the success of the intervention, estrogen and Lipo-Lutin are taken to avoid side effects. [ 4 ] ( 135 )Oral preventive pillsThese are the most common combination of estrogen and Lipo-Lutin in the signifier of ( OCP ) to handle Endometriosis. Women with terrible catamenial hurting demand to take it continuously. [ 4 ] As a consequence, menses Michigans and this will liberate them from enduring the painful, straitening experience of Endometriosis. Other drugs used to handle adenomyosis:Danazol ( Danocrine )It is a type of man-made drug that produces a high androgen ( male endocrine ) but low estrogen ( female endocrine ) . It is proven that 80 % of adult females overcome the hurting with decrease of the Endometriosis implants ‘ size. [ 4 ] Furthermore, it is normally prescribed to cut down blood loss particularly during hypermenorrhea. [ 26 ] Womans holding liver, kidney, and bosom jobs are non recommended to take Danazol. [ 4 ]Figure 3: Danazol consequence, hypertext transfer protocol: // 130 )B ) Surgical interventionIf medical interventions do non work, or Endometriosis is terrible, surgery is the concluding pick. It is applied on status where there is pelvic variety meats anatomic deformation, intestine or urinary piece of land obstructor. Surgery can be classified as conservative or unequivocal. The purpose of conservative is to continue the ovarian tissue and womb, while unequivocal involve hysterectomy ( uterus remotion ) with or without removable of both ovaries. [ 5 ] Laparoscopy is done in conservative surgery by utilizing optical maser to destruct Endometriosis sedimentations, take ovarian cysts, divide adhesions, and egest every bit small healthy tissue as possible. [ 6 ] Surgery is really effectual to cut down hurting, but the success to better bomber birthrate depends on the badness of the disease in the first topographic point. There is 60 % success rate of gestation for adult females with moderate Endometriosis, while merely 35 % opportunity for adult females with terrible disease. [ 6 ] [ 3 ]Figure 4: Laparoscopy: Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // 148 )Social and Economic DeductionsWomans enduring with Endometriosis normally do non recognize that they are holding the disease until they are affected severely by it. For them, the hurting is normal without seeing a doctor for cheque up. Patients will happen it hard to make any activities during that period. Plus, their emotions are in unstable status and this can take to emphasize to the single herself. [ 21 ] This might impact the relationship between the patients and the people around them. Besides that, loss of appetency will do them to lose weight and do their organic structures go weak due to miss of nutrition. In an article of Rapi Magazine, published on 15 April 2009, a patient named Nor Hasnilah said that the hurting was intense and affected her severely until she even can non travel to work. The lone thing she can make was lying on the bed and her duties as a female parent of two kids and a married woman were neglected. [ 21 ] Therefore supports from hubby, household members and friends are vitally of import for adult females covering with Endometriosis. Furthermore, sometimes these patients are sterile. [ 5 ] Inability of acquiring a kid will do the patient to be in a great hurt particularly for twosomes who have been married for several old ages. Taking medicines in which the side effects are sometimes hard to digest will be an obstruction for them and accordingly do the patient to lose hope. They may experience abashed and deficiency of assurance when confronting people or frustrated by deficiency of energy. This could take to serious societal impact and concerns to people around them. In add-on, the cost depends on the type of interventions chosen. Selected interventions such as utilizing the newer drugs like GnRH agonist and surgery are more expensive. The cost of surgery depends on patient ‘s venue and the extent of his/her surgery. In the U.S, typical outpatient laparoscopy is really dearly-won, normally in the scope of $ 12,000 to $ 15,000. It could be dual if extended surgery is done and the patient is admitted for a few yearss. [ 11 ] Hence, it would do immense fiscal load and major economic impact to the household. ( 359 )Benefits and HazardsNSAIDs are truly effectual to alleviate hurting and do non necessitate other medicines if they do work. However, frequent used of these drugs will advance the development of ulcers and Gastrointestinal piece of land shed blooding. Such effects could be monitored carefully by doctors since the drugs were being administered under them. [ 27 ] GnRH parallels and Aromatase inhibitors work efficaciously to alleviate hurting and shrivel the size of Endometriosis implants. Lack of estrogen production due to these drugs will do osteoporosis, weariness, temper alterations, and vaginal waterlessness. Usually physician will give pill incorporating little sum of estrogen and Lipo-Lutin to avoid most of the side effects. [ 4 ] Enough Ca consumptions besides are needed to forestall osteoporosis. Drug like OCP helps to alleviate hurting by stamp downing estrogen formation and halt menses. Weight addition, chest tenderness, depression, and irregular uterine hemorrhage are some of the hazards. [ 4 ] Patients are advised to take balance diet to acquire adequate foods and exercise on a regular basis to avoid weight addition and to cut down emphasis. Breast tenderness and irregular hemorrhage are merely mild side effects. So patients should be carefully monitored by doctor to avoid even terrible effects. ( 190 ) Statisticss shows that 75 % adult females develop side effects after taking Danazol. [ 4 ] The hazards are:Figure 5: Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // the alterations are reversible. Danazol works efficaciously to alleviate hurting and cut down the size of Endometriosis implants. [ 4 ] Hirsutism can be treated by local remotion of unwanted hair [ 29 ] while practising healthy life style such as exercising and proper consumptions of foods can get the better of other jobs. Basically all of medicines have their ain benefits and hazards. The opportunity for Endometriosis to repeat after surgery can be every bit high as 40 % . [ 5 ] Careful observation by doctor is needed although the implants have been removed. It is critical to educate and actuate patients about the hazards. ( 139 )Alternate SolutionsAcupuncture and Herb teas TreatmentsHerbal medical specialty uses medicative workss applied internally and externally to bring around disease. Herbs work by heightening the organic structure ‘s immune system with natural attack. The use of herbs with modern intervention boosts the effectivity to handle Endometriosis. [ 9 ] Combination of herbal expression and stylostixis points are chosen harmonizing to the person ‘s Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosing and different for each individual. Some common stylostixis points for Endometriosis intervention can be located on ears, venters, carpuss, pess, and legs by utilizing acerate leafs for 20 to 45 proceedingss. [ 9 ] These combinations help to ease the free flow of energy through the organic structure besides aid to smooth blood flow, interrupt up stagnancy and halt hurting. Each point and herb chosen has its ain curative importance in Endometriosis intervention. [ 9 ] â€Å" Great for intestine related hurting I have found that Chinese herbs and stylostixis aid tremendously in bracing the intestine, and therefore cut downing hurting ( along with a dairy free diet ) . †Posted over 6 old ages ago ( 10/24/03 )Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // is besides known as ‘natural medical specialty ‘ ( the power of organic structure to mend itself ) . It requires 6-12 months period of intervention depending on the badness and continuance of the status [ 25 ] . It is a holistic attack since adenomyosis plan in Naturopathy considers the patient ‘s diet, lifestyle, cleansing and endocrine reconciliation herbs, including hurting alleviation ‘s herbs and external readyings to clear toxicity in abdominal country. Furthermore, instructions for soft exercising plan are besides included. [ 9 ] This intervention will success if dietetic and lifestyle alterations are followed purely by the patients to forestall reoccurrences. Combination of diet and non-invasive therapies are conducted to heighten mending procedure. [ 9 ] ( 272 )AromatherapyAromatherapy uses the natural aromatic facets of workss into indispensable oils ; extracted from the seeds, barks, foliages and roots. It operates both through the sense of odor and within the organic structure. [ 9 ]Figure 6: Partss of workss used, hypertext transfer protocol: // oil is prepared with indispensable oils before rubbed on the tegument. The indispensable oils work by absorbing through the cell tissue and into the blood stream throughout the organic structure. Organs and organic structure systems interact straight with these oils through massage done by the aroma healer. [ 9 ] Furthermore for Endometriosis intervention, different indispensable oils with different chemical composing belongingss used can develop healthy digestion, prevent insomnia, hike immune system, back up generative system, and rebalance endocrine system. [ 9 ] Therefore, it is proven to get the better of residuary effects of Endometriosis. ( 135 )EvaluationMedical interventions by utilizing different types of drugs have been found to handle Endometriosis efficaciously by stamp downing estrogen production hurting and shrivel the Endometriosis implants from mention hypertext transfer protocol: // This beginning is dependable since it besides agrees with many other beginnings. One of them is http: // which states, â€Å" Danazol – is a mild signifier of the male endocrine testosterone and reduces the sum of estrogen produced by the ovaries to around the same degree as during climacteric †. Both of these beginnings are dependable since they provide in-depth information, support and instruction related to Endometriosis. Furthermore, these web sites contain tonss of reappraisal articles and researches on Endometriosis. The web Endo Resolved is managed and written by Carolyn Levett, a Registered Integrative Humanistic Counsellor, au thor and besides a qualified Supervisor and Group Therapist [ 14 ] . Therefore, she must be really familiar with the disease through extended research, experienced from her clients and reading on Endometriosis. I besides found the book entitled ‘New Guide to Medicines & A ; Drugs ‘ which mentioned â€Å" inordinate blood loss ( hypermenorrhea ) , pain during menses ( dysmenorrhoea ) , and straitening physical and psychological symptoms happening prior to menses necessitate medical interventions †. This beginning besides agrees to the beginning ‘Handbook of Pharmacy Health-Care ‘ which states â€Å" the symptoms of adenomyosis are varied, but normally include dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, hypermenorrhea, instermenstrual pelvic hurting, and back hurting †; a brief account. Both of these beginnings are trusted since the first book mentioned was edited by Professor John A. Henry and approved by the British Medical Association while the 2nd book emphasises information about the interventions published by The Pharmaceutical Press, undoubted beginnings. Accumulative word count: ( 1913 words )
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Economical and Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis on Hybrid Cars Essay
A hybrid car is a car propelled by the application of two or more power sources. First attempts to introduce hybrid cars goes back to mid 1660, way before the discovery and introduction of the fuel powered conventional cars but were never commercially manufactured until 21st century when Japanese car manufacturer, Toyota produced the Toyota prius exclusively for its domestic market. In fact, it is estimated that the first attempt to produce a hybrid car was in 1665. The delay in the production of this class of vehicles was because of two main reasons; first, the limited range in the distance the vehicles could cover and secondly the difficulty and costly process of recharging their batteries. Furthermore, it is a basic science concept that the more complex a machine is the more it is prone to failure and thus the idea of commercial production of hybrid vehicles has been a slow process over the centuries. World’s population explosion, demand for fresh air and green cities, dwindling petroleum deposits, over dependency in overseas oil, economic recession and global warming are just some of the environmental and economic factors that have forced world’s leading car manufacturers to provide to the market car models that are not only environmentally friendly but also cost effective. A cost-benefit analysis on this topic will attempt to bring out the cost of getting a hybrid car into the road in comparison to the benefits that the world stands to reap as a result of this venture. This research seeks to bring to the surface three major aspects that are associated with the introduction of hybrid cars into the transportation world. These three issues are: (i) The cost of producing a hybrid car: The successful landing of a hybrid car is in focus under this area. It is not easy to get into the road a car that makes use of a combination of two or more sources of energy. The research involved is estimated to run to millions of dollars thus sky-rocketing the price of a hybrid car. (ii) Environmental factors: Environmental factors simply refer to the concerns that a particular type of car produces substances that injure our surroundings thus making life on earth more dangerous and therefore more complex. These substances include green house gases as well as toxic metal compounds such as the ones that contain lead in their structure. (iii) Economic cost benefit factors: Economic factors have much to do with the living standards of people as far as the generation and investment of money is concerned. The economic make up of the world has gotten pegged heavily on oil and there are concerns from every right thinking citizen of the world that this is a self consuming trend that is likely to create serious economic problems if the oil industry hits a serious problem. This has already been witnessed before whereby a slight rise in oil prices has sent shockwaves in economies in both the developed and the developing world. Literature Review The former Vice President of the United States who later won the Democratic Party nomination and lost the presidency in a controversial manner to George W Bush, Mr. Al Gore, has had the world rethinking its actions as far as the degeneration of the environment is concerned. An inconvenient Truth, a film he worked on captures the problems that are already being experienced in various parts of the world as a result of global warming. This, he says is being fuelled by the use of environmentally unfriendly cars that use oil or gasoline (Gore, 2006, para1-3). It is not surprising that he went a head to win a Nobel Prize for this peace of work. Electric and hybrid cars have always received much appreciation due to the perceived ability to tackle this burning issue of climate change. Their ability to cut the emission of these toxic substances into the atmosphere that lead to negative climatic shift is the major reason for this (Anderson and Anderson, 2004, pp 6-10). In recognition of this serious problem, vital steps have been made in the research that is involved in the development and production of cars that make use of a combination of two or three sources of locomotive energy. Chief among these is the research into electric cars that promise to reduce the overreliance on oil (Westbrook, 2001, pp 34-39). The pioneer nation in the world in the research and possible mass production of hybrid cars is Japan. But the appetite with which the United States of America has picked up the issue points to the significance of this type of car. The driving force is the reduction in pollution, the saving that comes in terms of finances and most importantly national security that is put at risk with too much dependency on foreign oil. The argument is often projected in terms of supplying their dollars to nations that fund terror groups such as al Qaeda (Boschert, 2006 pp 2-7). It is common knowledge that mass production of hybrid cars will not only provide a partial solution to world environmental problems but also be a practical measure to save countries from losses running to millions of dollars due to escalating prices of world crude oil. The cost of producing a hybrid car The production of hybrid cars is not a cheap or a simple venture. Confessions by companies that have dipped their fingers into this hot pot have clearly shown that more than just simple technology is in play in the production of this type of cars. Research that has been on-going for a long time now is very complicated and has consumed millions of dollars. At the end of the day, despite the hyped advantages of shifting from purely oil consuming cars to hybrid cars, the cost that must be borne has to be high (Westbrook,2001,pp 56-61). It is the overall ability of the hybrid car to assist man in solving most of his economic and environmental problems that make the whole exercise worthwhile. Environmental factors While scientists agree that there can never be perfect environmentally friendly hybrid cars and that this depends solely on the design and model of hybrid power system. It is worthy appreciating that the use of this class of vehicles will automatically lead to the reduction of global warming by approximately 0. 3 to 0. 5 percent and that more advanced models and designs in the coming years due to technological advances would reduce this figure even further. The problems of the quality of urban air, reduction of noise due to application of electric motor in fuel power conventional cars, and elimination of smog forming pollutants could be solved in a century if research on mass production of hybrid cars is given a priority. The main source of air pollutants in cities and major towns is transportation. Fuel powered conventional motor vehicles produce much higher levels of carbon dioxide (Co2) carbon monoxide (Co), nitrogen oxides (Nox) and hydrocarbons (Hc) and this from the primary source of these dangerous pollutants. This is mainly because fuel powered conventional cars (FPCC) make short trips that do not give time for electric motor warm ups and cold starts. It is noted that hybrid cars reduced the levels of the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide by 97% in comparison to other sources of these pollutants. Carbon monoxide (C0), when inhaled for long periods interferes with the proper functioning of the brain in that it impairs the flow of oxygen (O2) into the brain. Once the brain stops working in the expected way, the person involved turns into a vegetable. Carbon dioxide and water vapor form the principal components of green house gases that bring about the green house effect. Green house effect is a scenario in which too much heat is trapped within the atmosphere due to the presence of such toxic gases as carbon monoxide and this resultant effect is a highly raised earth temperature. Infact carbon dioxide (C02) is considered one of the major atmospheric pollutants, and is solely responsible for approximately 57% global warming. Negative effects of global warming include the rapidly declining numbers of polar bears and melting of ice in the tropics. It is therefore an open knowledge that releasing carbon dioxide (C02) into the atmosphere is detrimental to the lives of living organisms and the equilibrium of the ecosystem. Sulphur and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are very dangerous air pollutants produced by combustion of sulphur containing fuels. Over the years, scientists have devised means of producing sulphur and lead free fuels but achieving an excellent degree is still a distant mirage. Deposition of these compounds in the air is harmful to plants, man and infrastructure. Exposure to high concentration of sulphur dioxide irritates respiratory tracts making breathing difficult and can easily cause lung problems. Sulfur Oxide contributes to respiratory illness. Patients suffering from heart diseases risk aggravating their conditions if exposed to even mild concentration of sulfur oxides. These components also form secondary pollutants when transported and combined with other elements forming sulphates, nitrate salts, nitrogen dioxides and even nitric acid vapor. This is what is commonly known as acid rain that corrodes buildings, burns vegetations, burns the human skin and destroys infrastructure. Chlorofluorocarbons also form component of green house gases that bring about the effect of global warming. When exposed to gamma rays, these compounds break down to release chlorine atoms. The presence of chlorine atoms in the atmosphere catalyses splitting of Ozone (O3) into oxygen gas (O2), however the negative effects of their presence overweigh their importance. Photochemical air pollution, usually known as smog and is commonly sported in the tropics and subtropics is also caused by incomplete combustion of gasoline emitted by fuel powered conventional vehicles. This process leads to the production of Ozone gas that is responsible for irritation in the eyes, extensive damage to plants and crops and lung complications. The release of carbon dioxide (C02), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides (N0x) and other pollutants into the atmosphere contributes to the destruction of plants on the earth’s surface. Photosynthesis, the process through which trees produce oxygen from carbon dioxide is so vital to human life in fact it is said that life cannot exist without trees. Destruction of trees by releasing these pollutants into the air is equal to destruction of both human life and plant life. While particulate matters are the main contributors to lung problems and most cancer cases, hydrocarbons are also a cause of lung problems and other tissue problems. Long exposure to high concentrations of hydrocarbons eventually leads to total organ failures. Furthermore it is a major contributor to birth defects and other complicated illnesses like cancer. With the commercial manufacture and introduction of hybrid cars, extensive damage to the environment is definitely reduced, quality of life enhanced and urban areas become clean to inhabit, the dream of world environmental rights groups. Economic factors Crude oil is the raw material that propels almost all components of world’s economy in many ways. In fact the world is so dependent on crude oil that if its supply would be cut abruptly, major world economies like United States of America, Russia and China would immediately come to a standstill. United States depends on crude oil alone for 40% of its energy supply, triple than other sources. Overdependence on crude oil is not sound enough. First, crude oil is a non-renewable source of energy and analysts predict it will be largely exhausted within half a century. This rings an alarm bell that if measures are not put in place and countries go green by using hybrid cars, then the future is bleak and the word is in danger. Transportation sector depends entirely on oil for energy supply. Trucks, planes, ships cars and buses are propelled by motor engines that use oil. Introducing hybrid cars would reverse this trend, make the world safer from fluctuating oil prices and reduce dependence on this energy source (Paterson, 2007 para. 3-5). Reliance on crude oil for fuel supply is a major contributor to ethnic and tribal wars in Africa. This demonstrates the levels at which scramble for this commodity has reached. In fact notably China is so hungry for crude oil that it is ready to ignore the sufferings of millions of peoples around the world and specifically Sudan, so as to get its industry moving. It therefore points to the fact that lasting peace and safety will be found and armed conflicts reduced drastically when less fuel consuming cars are produced and thirst for oil curtailed. Hybrid cars are pocket friendly as they consume less gasoline in comparison to fuel powered conventional cars. Even though they are slightly expensive to purchase, the reward is achieved in long term due to lower fuel consumption. Further, governments and notably the United States of America give tax incentives to buyers of hybrid cars in to a move aimed at reducing the average prices of these vehicles and thus encouraging more people to purchase them. Dwindling petroleum deposits in a major concern to the world. It is widely acknowledged that only a total of one trillion barrels of recoverable crude oil reserves is available for exploration worldwide with only two percent (2%) of this value in the United States of America. Most of these oil deposits are found in the eastern hemisphere that is made up of countries that are well known for political instability. It is therefore very wise for countries that fall in the Western hemisphere and more so, the United States to adapt the mass production and commercial use of hybrid vehicles. This will not only cushion them from ever fluctuating oil prices but will also prevent the imminent collapse of most sectors of the economies of these countries. Conclusion From the foregoing, it is evident that the world stands to gain immensely from the introduction into the world of transportation hybrid cars. It is true that the cost of producing a hybrid car is not one that sends one smiling all the way to the bank. In fact it is prohibitively high and the faint hearted who will not pay attention to the long term benefits of this hybrid car model will not dare. But the benefits or gains both in terms of saving a planet in peril and a global economy in a shambles are so enticing and crucial that it is actually the way to go. The environmental problems that come as a result of oil utilization in transport and other areas of life will be dealt with once and for all. For instance, the release of dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere that is responsible for global warming and numerous respiratory problems as well as problems in farming thorough such phenomena as acid rain will be solved. The economic woes that emanate from over dependence on oil will also be contained. The availing of financial resources to rogue nations such as Iran that fund terrorist groups, the shaking of the global economy due to shifts in oil prices as well as the escalation of conflicts in most third world countries in the east and Africa as a result of scrambling over oil resources will be eliminated. References: Anderson C. D & Anderson J (2004); Electric and Hybrid Cars: A History. ISBN-10: 0786418729, ISBN -13: 978-0786418725, McFarland & Company. pp 6-10 Boschert, S. , (2006); Plug-Ins: The cars that will recharge America. pp 2-7 ISBN-10: 0865715718, ISBN-13: 978-0865715714, New Society Publishers. Gore, A. (2006): An Inconvenient Truth. Retrieved on 24th March 2009 from: http://www. climatecrisis. net/aboutthefilm/. Para 1-3. Paterson, B. N. , (2007). Economic benefits of hybrid cars. Retrieved on 23rd March 2009 from: http://www. helium. com/items/1026111-economic-benefits-of-hybrid-cars, para 3-5. Westbrook M. H, (2001): The Electric Car: Development and Future of Battery, Hybrid and Fuel-Cell Cars. ISBN-10: 0852960131, ISBN-13: 978-0852960134. The Institution of Engineering and Technology. pp 56-61.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Essays on Literature Essay
1. How does societal condition affects in the past and present literary production? Literature is a mirror by which societal condition is reflected. This means that literary reproduction is often determined by the events that affect the lives of the people or the writer himself. For instance, if we are going to trace the evolution of Philippine Literature, we will be able to conjure up the ghost of the vanished centuries long before the coming of the Spaniards. During this period, literary production attained slow growth. We can generally infer that oral lore is the starting point of our literary heritage. Though, Alibata – the old Filipino alphabet is already known during this era, the production is very limited to writings on dried leaves, bamboo, or bark of a tree which aside from the fact that they were burned by the Spanish colonizer, they are often said to be perishable which could not last the test of time. Thus during this era, literature flourished through word of mouth. The slow growth of literary production prevailed not until the concerned literary geniuses are born and seriously compiled them as significant and immortal heritage. These, happened along with the introduction of papers and printing press where literary production gained stature and skyrocketed to a towering height. The industrialization of the society which was brought by the colonizers became an elixir of interest in writings. New types of Literature were produced such as, but not limited to, essays which commonly appeared in periodicals, novels such as Noli Me Tangere and the El Filibusterismo and other genre. In short, economic condition of the society affects literary production. It is evident in transformation from oral tradition, then to writings on perishable materials and eventually the introduction of ink, papers and printing press. Consequently, political conditions of the society can also be a determining factor for literary production. In the past centuries the content of the literature is influence by the church, writings were religious in tone. It shifted into nationalism and patriotism spearheaded by the propagandist. Then, with the coming of American colonizer, the idea of liberalism and democracy were introduced In the modern era, literary production attains even more awesome height with the establishment of factories of intellect – colleges and universities, where Filipino intellectual giants are continuously produced. They are the assets of Philippine literature. Thus, writings in different fields are unabatedly flourishing to portray the society. 2. What is the literary perspective in terms of time and subject of literary work? Literary perspectives in terms of time and subject can be further define as the focus or theme of a certain writing with respect to when the piece was written and how its time frame or the historical background affected the main concern of the literature. These are actually one of the critical approaches in the study of literature. It is a general notion that historical backgrounds of the society or the biographical background of the author influence the subject of a piece. It is essential to investigate and critically analyze the history for it will serve as the key to understand and evaluate the piece o literature. Much in the same way is the critical analysis of the traces of the life of the author for it has a significant effect on the theme structure and presentation of his writings. To clearly illustrate this notion let us consider the poem â€Å"When I see a Barong-Barong†by Maximo Ramos (1946). â€Å"When I see a Barong-Barong neighborhood In the heart of war-torn Manila†Here the word barong-barong significantly portrays the racial background of Ramos. It is a common symbol of a Filipino who still proudly standing after the Filipino-American War which he expressed on the second line â€Å"war-torn Manila†. It is certain that Ramos was able to portray in his poem the situation of the Filipinos during the period where they gained freedom after nearly a half thousands years of slavery under the colonizers. We can notice here how the time frame is noteworthy in each piece of literature. The subject may vary depending on the events that captured the emotion and intellect of the writer. This view of literary perspective is commonly known as Historical-Biographical Approach. 3. What make a writer in a certain literary period produce a literary piece As clearly stated by Kahayon and Zulueta, man’s thoughts and emotions that are coached in a beautiful language is literature. In other words, literature is a means of expressing the writer’s heart and mind. His feelings, aspirations, grieve, love, sentiments and others are best highlighted through literature. For instance, literary focus shifted from a religious tone toward patriotism and nationalism. This is known as the period of enlightenment. Distinct writers during the period like Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini, Emilio Jacinto, Jose Palma and others express their sentiments and aspirations for freedom through writings which eventually enrich the nationalistic behavior of our Filipino comrades who bravely fought against the 300-year-slavery under foreign conquerors. The barbaric Spanish occupation intensifies the strong will of the propagandist and revolutionaries to revolt against the dynamic force. Rizal’s â€Å"My Last Farewell†expresses his grief for his fatherland and his willingness to drench it with his own blood – his most admirable heroic deed – to revive its people and regain the freedom. Likewise Andress Bonifacio – the father of Filipino democracy wrote â€Å"Pag-Ibig Sa Tinubuang Lupa†which expresses his greatest love for our fatherland which paved the way for revolution. In short writers are able to write literary piece in a certain period as their response to his everyday efforts to live, to be happy in his environment and ultimately after laborious or bloody struggle for freedom and the happiness to reach his Devine Creator. Just like what Rizal said: â€Å"For I go where no slave before the oppressor bends Where faith can never kill, and God reigns o’er on high†4. How does a literary product helps shape society? Give specific example. Literature is powerful. It has the ability to touch one’s life, transform the society from one condition to another and eventually shape the entire society. It can redefine culture and traditions and polish political situations. It can amazingly revive the forgotten centuries and immortalize people, places and events. The Filipino people, before the coming of the Spaniards were believed to be the servant of nature. They worship trees, stones, water, sun and anitos. Their religion is animalistic in nature. However, when the Spaniards set foot on the Philippine shore, the world’s sacred writings – the Holy Bible spread in the archipelago and educate our forefathers and consequently the modern generation. It redefines our belief, behavior, culture and traditions. It becomes a tool for the enlightenment of the society and brings order in every institution. Literature has the ability to polished political situation. Harriet Beecher Stowe of the US vividly convey the sad fate of slaves in his â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin†which became the basis of democracy. He emphasized that black American should have equal rights with the whites. His masterpiece severely criticized the racial discrimination which in due course led to the recognition of the rights of the black American. In the Philippines, the writings of the propagandist and revolutionaries assuage the sufferings of the Filipinos. The Noli Me Tangere exposed the evils of the Spaniard and the fake and hungry-wolves-like Spanish friars. It heightens the nationalism. Finally, literature as a great ocean of thought that is piled from the vanished centuries immortalized the characters of Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas and other great Philosopher who molded the morality, virtue and ethical standard of the society. 5. How does a piece of literary product help you mold you life? Literature is an indispensable aspect of my life as a student of Teacher Education Program. This is a viable tool in facing the complexities of the challenges of Teaching. Through reading different literary works from around the world such as English and American, Afro-Asian and other famous literature I was able to indulge in the richness of our second language. It laid the foundation of strong human being which is vital as I enter the world of Teaching. It gives me a full grasp of why Teaching is the noblest profession. I appreciate my career to a great extent which more than words can express. Reading patiently from the works of famous writers of different generations enables me to experience life vicariously, thus widening the horizon in tracing the little rills of humankind which help me in my voyage to a great ocean of thought. I admire the writings of our Filipino comrade, for they instill great values of being a Filipino – a distinct race among the rest in the world. It might be corny to say but I am proud to express that through the writings of Rizal, Bonifacio, Santos, Palma and other Filipino writers – I am a Filipino. Most of all – what I love among the world’s masterpieces which I am struggling to understand with the guidance of the Devine Providence – The Holy Bible. This is the sacred writings which I can turn to in any moment of my life. The kind of literature that we read defines our character. They say: â€Å"Tell me who your friends and I will tell you who you are. †I say: â€Å"Tell me what you read and I will tell you who you are. â€
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Influence of Rewards and Intrinsic Motivation on the Turnover Dissertation
The Influence of Rewards and Intrinsic Motivation on the Turnover Intent at Bourne Leisure Ltd - Dissertation Example While most of the intrinsic motivational factors (work content, working conditions, and managerial support) along with employee benefits brought about positive responses, mixed findings were acquired in relation to the amount of pay along with recognition. It has been recommended that the organization focuses on both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards for employee retention. Background of the Study Turnover of employees has become a persistent occurrence that has led to adverse consequences for organizations worldwide (Collins and Smith, 2006). The loss of competent and qualified workers has been associated with the decrease of quality, innovation, productivity and performance with regards to a company’s delivery of service. Consequently, client dissatisfaction can be expected as well (Lin and Chang, 2005). Furthermore, according to Abbasi, Hollman, and Hayes (2008), employee turnover requires a considerable amount of costs attributed to selection and recruitment along with the training of new employees. Therefore, employee turnover has been considered as one of the most critical managerial problems in the current workplace (Pfeffer and Sutton, 2006). Given such unfavorable outcomes, it has become common for studies to focus on identifying the factors that contribute to employee turnover (Holtom, Mitchell, Lee, and Eberly, 2008). These findings from research are highly r elevant for organizations and their managers for directing their efforts towards reducing the rate of voluntary turnover among their workers. A wide range of studies in various fields, including psychology and economics, have led to significant findings for understanding employee turnover that include demographic factors, the relationship between the employee and employer, satisfaction with one’s job or work-related stressors (Griffeth, Hom, and Gaertner, 2000; Kuvaas, 2008; Podsakoff, LePine, and LePine, 2007). However, despite the considerable number of studies that aimed to explore voluntary turnover among employees, the direction of their outcomes widely differ based on the population or a given situation, hence implying that employee turnover is influenced by a wide range of predictors. One
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Is America a country that is in a constant state of flux as it is in a Essay
Is America a country that is in a constant state of flux as it is in a constant state of flux as it relates to identity or is it - Essay Example Therefore, it is only appropriate that debate regarding the character of the nation, one which is shaped by political convictions and cultural factors should be pushed towards a decisive conclusion. It is only through the resolution of such debate can there be a better appreciation of national and social traits be achieved, which would consequently lead to solutions for other problems in society. In presenting the arguments involved in the said debates, two articles may help. These are Who and What is American: the Things We Continue to Hold in Common by Lewis Lapham and Dinosaur Dreams: Reading the Bone’s of America’s Psychic Mascot by Jack Hitt. Both articles are attempts at understanding the American psyche, especially in relation to identity. Lapham’s article is more direct in presenting his arguments that Americans have the tendency to constantly make changes in there perspectives, stand, or tastes, many aspects, from the most important to the most trivial. On the other hand, Hitt insists that Americans are to use old symbols in order to represent their resilience and their proclivity to stabilize everything. Although both may have differences, it is obvious though these articles ultimately reach an agreement that the American mode of thinking is actually open to changes. Therefore, it is clear that the country itself cannot avoid being a state of flux always. Just like all other societies in different parts of the globe, America continues to evolve. Naturally, this means that changes are still occurring in whatever aspect, whether it is political, cultural, and economic. Even if the country is actually centuries old, its development never ceases because of the simple fact that its people are never contented about what they already have. This is not a bad thing though. In fact, the reason why innovations are made, ones that improve industry, make lifestyles more convenient, and cultures more advance is that Americans are always trying to discover something new. As American society continues to evolve, it can only be in a state of flux, largely triggered by its response to challenges of existing situations. One proof of this continuous instability is in the field of politics. It is quite clear that a huge majority of Americans voted for President Obama in the 2008 elections. However, now that he is in power, it did not take long for many to shift sides in politics. Lapham explains that â€Å"democratic politics trades in only two markets – the market in expectation and the market in blame.†(January 1992) This means that when Americans feel that their expectations are not met, they automatically lay the blame on the on the person which they previously believed could solve problems of society. Because of this attitude, there will always be the impression that Americans are rarely contented with what they have; hence, the inclination towards flux. There is, however, a counter-argument to Lapham’ s theory. This articulated by Hitt as he tries to explain the Americans’ penchant for dinosaur, particularly the T-rex. Hitt points out that they tend to hold on to old symbols or extinct objects such as the dinosaur. He explains that the dinosaur’s â€Å"periodic rebirth in pop culture neatly signals deep tectonic shifts in our sense of ourself as a country.â€
Adaptation of the Color Purple from Alice Walker and Steven Research Paper
Adaptation of the Color Purple from Alice Walker and Steven Speilberg's movie - Research Paper Example Her best known and most critically acclaimed novel is The Colour Purple, written in 1982, which earned her a Pulitzer Prize and a National Literature Award. The novel was adapted for screen-play by Steven Spielberg in 1985, in what was a significant departure from his summer blockbusters. The film follows the life of Celie, a young girl of African American heritage, and via her life captures the problems faced by African American women, including racism, poverty and sexism. While the movie garnered mainly positive critical response with prominent critics besting it for its sentimental, emotional and absolute truths about American history, there was also some stinging criticism. This paper attempts to ascertain whether or not the adaptation was successful, when compared to the great novel. After viewing the movie at its premier, Alice Walker didn’t become its big fan. However, after being the recipient of many positive reactions and letters, she came to the realization that, wh ile the movie did not expressly show her vision, it did convey the correct message. She claimed that, while every fan might miss the best part, what was there would be its gift, and that she hoped they would accept the spirit with which it was given (LaGrone 50). She also quite often answers questions on whether she liked the film by saying that the book was not film and vice versa. She is right. This is the reason why Spielberg took the decision to differ slightly from this great novel. However, he stayed true to her message, especially on overcoming adversity. The screenplay creates a successful and faithful adaptation, via its capturing of the novel’s characters, plot, setting, themes and characters (LaGrone 51). Spielberg faithfully sticks to the central themes of the novel. In the novel, Celie is used by Walker as the protagonist, showing how asserting oneself aids an individual in resisting oppression. This comes out in her letters to Nettie, especially touching on Albe rt, her cruel husband (McBride 172). The movie also sheds light upon this theme. Spielberg, however, turns these letters into scenes full of power and vitality. In one standout scene during dinner, where Albert discovers that Celie is moving to Memphis with Shug and leaving him in the process, there is the use of direct quotes lifted from the book. Cellie shoots to her feet and calls him â€Å"lowdown dog†. In the novel, Celie writes that she is black, poor, ugly and could not cook, but at least she was there (McBride 172). However, during the film, Celie says this to Albert, straight to his face. Spielberg incorporates the same core characters into the movie, from the book. Whoopi Goldberg encapsulates what Walker intended, but breathes new life into Celie’s character, via her hidden smiles, sly winks and muffled laughter. While this is not evident in the novel, these differences aid the audience to see and hear Celie’s transformation from an invisible, passive woman into an independent and strong one (Lupack 101). The movie also closely portrays Shug’s character, just as in the book, where she changes Celie’s life via acting as a catalyst. The screen translation, however, has one flaw, as it contains scenes that show Shug as a vulnerable woman. The movie attempts to create conflict with her father who is a preacher and disapproves of her lifestyle. She is depicted trying to reconcile and impress her dad. In the book, however, she is a free from oppression rebel who is also quite unrepentant. The films characterization of Albert is also slightly off what can be gleaned from the book. At first, the movie portrays Albert accurately as a cold, domineering husband who wed Celie not for love but convenience. Later, it differs slightly from the book since Albert
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Spanking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Spanking - Essay Example Human beings develop or grow by observing the surroundings and so they are called as social animals. Children at young age don't have that much understanding to differentiate between genders or elderly people, teachers, family members and friends are the easiest scapegoats. The beginning of spanking may start from people surrounding the child start interfering in their matter and trying to alter their thoughts and at the same time molding them in a way what their parent or guardians need their wards to grow. This noble effort may be a good weapon to blend their children into a multi-talent adolescent, but it may have serious consequences if the child is already preoccupied by thoughts of his own. At this time if someone tries to interfere with their thoughts and intentions, emotions that may burst paving a way of spanking whoever tries to bother them. "When children mould their behavior as ways to avoid pain, they are likely to end up as self-centered and selfish adults." (McCord, 832). Children at tender age can't differentiate between teaching and strict discipline. Their lies a very thin line between teaching and discipline. If the child experiences this he/she may get disturbed and may get averse to the situations and will react unruly. The greatesThe greatest responsibility of molding a child depends on parents, teachers, etc. Students are the building blocks of the society. Teachers should be well versed in their subject, learnt and should have enchanting character which should influence the child to imitate their teachers. One of the reasons for children and adolescents is suspected weakness in themselves or in others. They try to cover up their weaknesses by aggressive behavior and showing the power personally. Effects of Spanking Spanking has diversified and serious effects on adolescents and adults. The effects of spanking have long-standing issues and may stretch thought life span. Short term or long-term spanking tend to have serious mental difficulties on adults. Adults who continue to spank get into serious troubles and commit crimes like, marital violence, child abuse etc. "Even non-abusive spanking, which is accepted as justifiable, appears to be ineffective in changing child behavior." (Larzelere, 824). It also affects the cordial relationship between the family members and friends. As it develops an adult may use more sophisticated form of bullying either directly or indirectly. It has shades of sexually harassing men and women to an adult where if sexually also reported even to moral policies. Adults who continue to spanking tend to become more sophisticated and gets associated with peer groups forming organized social structures with differentiating codes of behavior targeting women and children for personal collective needs.Boys and girls who continue to be spanked and bullied end up getting in to romantic relationships and affairs before marriage and extra marital affairs after marriage. Which effects their relationship and may end up getting divorced through court of law are may get separated with out getting divorced.The
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The History of Film Style. Narrative Structure and Cinematic Style Essay
The History of Film Style. Narrative Structure and Cinematic Style - Essay Example Classical Hollywood Cinematic style was developed in 1917 to 1960 and this style became popular due to international dominance of Hollywood films. Classical Hollywood Cinematic style has attained popularity at the global mainly due to unified driving force behind called as motivational convention. The period in which classical Hollywood films got famous is known as â€Å"Golden age of Hollywood†(Jewell 2007). After Golden age of Hollywood, innumerable films have been produced that have gained popularity at the global level, one of which is seven awards winning recent film entitled as "Lantana". Along with the rise of Classical Hollywood films attention of film professionals also diverted towards arts films during 1960s. Art films involve reflection of high cultural and educational values. These films focus on the authorial expressivity of the director on actions and perceptions of characters. In both types of cinematic work, innovative techniques or styles are used for the de velopment and exploration of new ideas (Jewell 2007). This paper aims to evaluate narrative styles and cinematic techniques of Classical and Art films of Hollywood. Also, most importantly the influence of these styles on New Hollywood and New Australian film directors with reference to an Australian film Lantana (2001) by Ray Lawrence. It is an Australian film that won seven awards and popularity all over the world. In this film, some most prominent traditional stylistics and narrative techniques of classical and art films era have been adopted. The term classic flickers some timeless, great, old, black and white films on our mind screens and these are true stereotypes. However, there are some traditional styles, modes of representation and techniques, which are used to make classical films to awe-inspiring in quality. In almost all classical films an element of â€Å"auteurism†has been observed, which implies that the vision and viewpoint of the director should be clearly r eflect in the film (D. Bordwell 1997). A touch of auteurism has been clearly reflected in the film Lantana (2001) by Ray Lawrence. This touch was noticed with the intensity and analysis of a complex series of relationships in suburban Sydney, and the mysterious crime scenes. In art film cinema different films such as auteur films are presented that clearly depicts viewpoints and perceptions of directors like Classical Hollywood films. An element of "auteurism" was prioritized in both classical and art films of Hollywood. Thus, it is noteworthy here that the new directors have also adopted theory of auteurism in their films that clearly reflects thoughts and ideas of a director. For instance, Lantana movie critics have claimed that the way whole movie has been designed and produced reflects upon the personality analysis of Lawrence, and it can be explicitly observed the way he presented emotional bonds in the film are his own perspectives. Also, film literature has evidenced that the film Picnic at Hanging Rock released in 1975 was based on the Joan Landsey book related to unpredictable disappearance of a schoolgirls. Scholars have written that this was a sharp you turn in the development of Australian cinema, as it was the first quality film in which the theory of Auteurism was applied and as a result Weir became the first director to reflect inferiority of Australian culture (Weir 1975). Radical techniques have been employed to create a sense of profound thoughts through photography, which ensured that photography focus everything in shot and implementation of a â€Å"Mise-en-Scene†stylistic technique allow viewers observe deeply. While using this stylistic
Monday, September 23, 2019
Goodwin Development Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Goodwin Development Trust - Essay Example This demonstrates how Goodwin networks the community in Hull to improve the quality of life for everyone. To sum up, the Goodwin statement â€Å"Our overall goal is to improve the quality of life of people living in deprived neighborhoods. We aim to do this by helping communities and community-based organizations to develop innovative new services through practical learning, knowledge management, and networking†, says it all. (The Goodwin Trust Link) 2 Introduction Nearly any community anywhere comprises of the Haves and the Have Nots. It is a universal phenomenon and has existed from time immemorial. However, in each era, there have been conscious individuals or institutions that have taken care of the needy, poor and deserving. Usually, this was out of pity, religious teachings and occasionally out of love for the fellow brethren. This act of charity was limited to a few of the higher strata and was not universally practiced. In the modern era, however, due to higher levels of education that are now widespread, and also due to more liberal outlooks the community at large has started feeling uncomfortable at the existence of pockets that lag behind in education and resources. There has also been a feeling of resentment from the have not which was duly acknowledged by others. The feeling of obligation to give a helping hand has become more pronounced than ever before. Out of this has born the need to institutionalize the noble act of charity and people from all over the community participate in it.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Care Giver Perceptions of End of Life Care for COPD Patient
Care Giver Perceptions of End of Life Care for COPD Patient RESEARCH PROPOSAL Title: Exploring the primary family care givers perceptions of care giving for end of life care of COPD ICU patient. Introduction: The world perspective is shifting towards non-communicable diseases, with chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as chief causes of death globally. COPD is a chronic progressive disease of air flow obstruction which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD is predicted as 3rd leading cause of death in 2030 according to 2008 WHO statistics. In terms of social burden of disease quantified by disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) lost, COPD ranked as the 12th leading cause of DALYs lost worldwide in 1990, but will be the 7th leading cause of DALY lost worldwide in 2030.COPD is more common among world age people due to decreased lung function capacity. The world population above 60 years was1.7% in 2013 and will continue to grow as a reaching 21.1 per cent by 2050 (world ageing population 2013). COPD is one of the major 8th leading causes of death in Singapore. According to MOH 2013 census COPD causes 1.6% of deaths per 18938 populations.COPD is a treatable disease but not a curable one. So ultimately it increases the economic burden of the country by its chronicity, rate of hospital readmission and affects the quality of life activities of daily living of the patient and family members. The total expenditure for COPD was $9.9 million per year. $ 7.2 million accounts for inpatient care cost (W.-S. Kelvinteo, 2011). For last 10 years no studies found in Singapore on family care givers perspectives on end of life care in ICU. Primary family care givers most of the time the spouse are the carer for the COPD patient The Singapore old age percentage is in increasing trend 7.3% in 2000 9.3 in 2011 expected to rise up to 18.7% 2013. When a family member is dying, conversations about the end of life can be uncomfortable and difficult. Still, discussing end-of-life care is important. Patients with end-stage of diseases may suffer from distressful symptoms.The Advanced COPD patient suffer from severe distressful symptoms such a dyspnea anxiety and depression. Palliative care of malignant disorder gained more attention when compare to non-malignant diseases (Blackler et al., 2004; Lynn, 2000; Simonds, 2004).The palliative care needs of patients with end-stage respiratory diseases are increasingly being recognized (Curtis, 2008; Lanken et al., 2008) . The COPD patient experience significant impairment of quality of life and physical and psychological needs when compare to individual with lung cancer (Core et al., 2000; Edmonds et al., 2001; Skilbeck et al., 1998; Tranmer et al, 2003). Why family members? When there is progression of diseases it imposes negative impacts on psychological health of Care givers (Daniela Figueiredo, 2014). Careers are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depressive symptoms providing continuous care during the advance stage of the disease and end of life care (Abebaw Mengistus Yohannes 2007). Preparation for death should include a realistic appraisal of the prospects for dying peacefully at home. (Hansen –Flaschen J .2004) Most of the patients are willing to be housebound at the end stage of life so its responsibility of family cares to provide continuous care and support them White P (2011) stated 45% were housebound, 75% had a career in end stage of COPD . despite no studies have been conducted qualitatively on family care givers perception on End of life care on COPD in Asian countries . Review of literature: â€Å"Palliative care in COPD†search in PUBMED extracted only 285 titles from 1991 to 2011. ( Anirban Hom Choudhuri 2012) .The absence of palliative care services highlights the need for research into appropriate models of care to address uncontrolled symptoms, information provision and end of life planning. (Jones et al 2014). Synthesis of findings: The literature review showed that the family care givers suffer from intense conflict, emotions such as helplessness, guilt, anger, anxiety and frustration. These suffering are due to deterioration of the health of the loved one and cumulative losses over time that the patient illeness affect the care givers the most. The key findings of each study were identified and supplemented based on a review of the full article. Then, categories were derived by grouping the key findings thematically. Lack of support: Most of the family care givers reported they were unaware of the facilities for COPD patient. There was no social or psychological support. If the support is received also this is inadequate or sporadic. They learnt most of the things by their experience regarding prognosis, treatment signs and symptoms, illness. They faced the financial constraint in addition too. They are expecting support from the health care professionals. â€Å"Well, the care from Father’s doctors was extremely basic and, I felt, on the most part extremely uncaring†¦ The doctors really had an attitude of ‘You were a smoker, you’re dying of lung disease, and what do you want us to do about it?’ The way they spoke to him, and the fact that they really weren’t concerned, and they didn’t doo very much for him; anything they did for him, I was disappointed in†– participant from Hasson et al. (2009) Burden of care givers: Burden of care givers are noted in all the studies. Most of the care giver said they are exhausted and need to perform multi task. They need to spend most of time in caring the patient. The involvement in social life is reduced, change of relationship with patient. Mostly they are anxious and frustrated. Sometimes care givers are helpless when they patient are suffering from breathing difficulties. â€Å"It is very frustrating, and you know I don’t know if the government realizes how hard it is for carers..It’s a full-time job. It’s work isn’t it? It’s not something you do because you like it. I mean I care for my Dad, I love him and I want to look after him, but I also need my own time.†- participant from Philip et al. (2014) End of life care and support of Bereavement Mostly family career are involved end of life decision making which lead to a peaceful death and die with dignity for the patient. â€Å"I think the situation was the way is should have been. I think if there had been any external help, it would have been a bit of an intrusion. [Father] did not want to leave the house and that was fine but also whenever he was like that and he was not feeling the best, it was just best to leave him alone†– participant from Hasson et al. (2009) Some said the hospital policy did not allowed us to care for the patient in home during end stage of life. No adequate bereavement support for the family careers after the death. Some had counselling in later part of life. Rewards, meaning, and coping: However, some caregivers described their experiences as positive. Identified positive features include sense of pride, esteem, and mastery as a caregiver a sense of normalcy; being able to demonstrate love and fulfill satisfaction and sense of accomplishment ability to be with and help the patient life-enriching experiences closer relationships a sense that it is important. Some care givers felt that their loved one died with dignity and respect. They were able to provide good care and that provided them a sense of accomplishment. Conclusion: The COPD has a great impact on Family care givers. All the studies stated that there is a lack of support and facilities, unmet needs. There was a lack of knowledge about the available facilities and lack of emotional support .There is a need for supportive and education regarding the palliative and end of life care. Mostly of the careers reported they are helpless when patient suffering from breathlessness and guilt of not doing enough. Caregiver’s involvement in providing care and feeling able to provide quality care, will enhance the coping among the care givers. These four studies were conducted in European countries and thus there is a lack of ethnic diversity which may have an additional impact on caregiving culturally. Many recommendations were made for further research relating to the care givers perspectives. The studies did not discuss if there were any difference in the care provided by spouse/children or by ethnicity. Thus, further research can be done to study the cultural influences on care giving of COPD patients. Research Objectives What are the experiences of Family care givers on end of life care of patient with COPD in ICU? What are the needs of family care givers on end of life care of patient with COPD? What are the barriers of caring family care givers Details of Research Proposal: Aims To explore the needs of Primary family care givers or bereaved careers on end of life care of ICU COPD patient To explore the perspectives of Primary family care givers or bereaved careers on end of life care of ICU COPD Patient. Operational definition: End of life care: The care provided to alleviate the symptoms of patient during the end stage of COPD. Family care givers: Care provided by the Family members other than the health care professionals. Bereaved careers: Bereaved careers are one who suffered from the death family members due to COPD. Research Methodology: Study design: A Phenomenological Descriptive approach will be adopted to explore the perspectives of Family care givers on End of life care. Interviews will be conducted. Sampling: The study will use purposive sampling method to select the participant for the interview. Samples: Primary Family care givers COPD patient who have died in ICU Inclusion criteria: Participant Speak English Participant over 18 years of age Bereaved careers of COPD patient within a year. Exclusion criteria: Bereaved careers of other diseases. Family care givers of other diseases Bereaved and Family care givers of More than one year of COPD patient Sample size planning: Approximately 10-15 primary bereaved careers of COPD patient until the data saturation is obtained Ethical Consideration: The DSRB approval will be obtained before data collection. The purpose of the study will be explained to the participant before informed consents are obtained. The participant will be ensured that the information collected will be kept confidential and it will be used only for research purpose. Data collection: The researcher will get access to the COPD Program coordinator and get permission to conduct a study. After Permission is granted, the COPD patient died in ICU will be identified through the register. The eligible participant will be selected who meet the inclusion criteria. Then the family members will be contacted through telephone by the researcher and if the participant is willing to participate in the research.. The research process will be first explained to the selected participants in an appropriate manner without hurting their sentiments and understanding their difficult situation’s as well. Face to face semi structured interviews will be conducted with the Family care givers. In that interview, a set of general and open ended questions would be asked. And the entire conversation will be audiotaped. Each conversation is assumed to last for 40 to 60 minutes. When the participant become too emotional, the interview will be stopped and reassured by the researcher. Again the interview will be conducted when normality is retained. After the interview, basic demographic data will be collected and the same will be kept confidential. A pilot study will be conducted based on the interview guidelines prepared with 2-3 participants to assess the feasibility of this study. Interview guidelines: Introduction 🙠2 minutes) Good morning .Thank you for participating in our Research. I Arunadevi graduate student from Alice Lee Center of nursing Studies, National University of Singapore. As a Part of my program I am conducting this Interview. The interviews will be carried out for 45 minutes to an hour. The Questions will be open ended questions. The answers will be audiotaped. Objectives :(1 Minute) To identify the perspectives of primary Family care givers on End of Life care Interview Questions: 45 minutes to One hour) How did you become a Primary care giver? What you understand your role as a care giver? What do you understand about end of life care? How do you experience providing care to family members at the end stage? What helped with the care? What do you felt as lacking while providing the care? What could be improved? Ending session: (5 minutes) Would you like to say anything further? Thanks for sharing your thoughts and views. It would surely help others and provide support when others are facing the same problem. Data analysis: The analysis of the data is based on Colaizzi (1978) which includes various steps such as read and acquire the meaning, organize it into meaningful themes, integrate results, send it to the participant as final validating steps. The recorded interviews will be listened repetitively and transcribed to verbatim by the researcher. The initial impression and reflection will be noted in a separate note book. The themes will be emerged from the transcript. The clustering of the themes with similar context will be made .The thematic analysis will be used to analyses the data. Whenever possible the transcript will be send to the participant to know the meaning or to validate the information. Gaps will be identified as well based on the expectations of the family care givers. Then certain recommendations/suggestions will be generated for the group based on the findings, in addition to the current facilities available. Rigour /Validity: The four essential criteria highlighted by Lincoln and Guba (1985) are as follows: Credibility, Transferability, Dependability and Conà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ rmability. Credibility refers to the confidence in the truth and interpretation of Data. After transcribing the transcription will be send to the participant when possible to validate the information. To ensure the findings are not modified by the researcher. Reflective Questioning will also be used to ensure the credibility. Transferability of the results generated in the study will be achieved through ‘thick description’, (Lincoln Guba 1985). The study findings will be useful to all the health care professionals family care givers of COPD patient on End of life care. Conformability and dependability rest on the consistency, objectivity and accuracy of the data findings chiefly depends on the data consistency and accuracy and (Richard Morse 2007). Audio recording and supervisor member check in will be done for conformability and dependability.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Thier Eyes Were Watching God :: essays research papers
In life everyone tries to find their true identity. For some it comes naturally, for others it might take years to find their identity, or they might never find it at all. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God; Zora Neale Hurston reveals a woman’s identity through her struggles in life, her treatment by society, and her thoughts on life. Janie a young African American girl who grew up in white life style; believed she was related of them till about the age of six. This impact changed Janie’s view on life. While she thought she was able to do things the color of her skin held her back. This made her try harder to accomplish her goals. When her grandmother insisted that she marry Logan she did not want to. Janie married him to fulfill her grandmother’s dreams. Even though Janie did not love him she struggled till she could not stand it and left with Joe.†It had always been his wish and desire to be a big voice and he had to live nearly thirty years to find a chance.†(28) While, Janie was with Joe in Eaton Vile she had a higher status then the rest of the towns people. Janie tried to interact with them, but Joe would not let her. He thought of Janie as being better then all of them. This led to the way she was treated in society. All of the women in the town thought Janie had everything, but Janie did not. She wanted to be excepted as part of them. When Joe died people in the town expected Janie to be mournful, so she put on an act for them. â€Å"She sent her face to Joe’s funeral, and herself went rollicking with the springtime across the world.†(88) After, Joe’s death Janie still ran the store. While working she meet Tea Cake, he showed her how to play checkers. â€Å"Somebody wanted her to play. Somebody thought it natural for her to play.†(96) This represents how he treated her as equal. Tea Cake compared to the other two husbands in Janie’s life was everything she was looking for. Tea Cake taught her so much that she started to fell more independent. After, Tea Cake’s death Janie grieves on the inside so much that she
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Characters of Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire :: A Streetcar Named Desire Essays
The Characters of A Streetcar Named Desire            Tennessee Williams was one of the greatest American dramatists of the 20th century. Most of his plays take us to the southern states and show a confused society. In his works he exposes the degeneration of human feelings and relationships. His heroes suffer from broken families and they do not find their place in the society. They tend to be lonely and afraid of much that surrounds them. Among the major themes of his plays are racism, sexism, homophobia and realistic settings filled with loneliness and pain.1 Tennessee Williams characters showed us extremes of human brutality and sexual behavior.2 One of his most popular dramas was written in 1947, and it is called A Streetcar Named Desire.            The drama is basically about a married couple -Stella and Stanley Kowalski- who are visited by Stella's older sister, Blanche. The drama shows the caustic feelings of these people putting Blance DuBois in the center. The drama tells the story of the pathetic mental and emotional demise of a determined, yet fragile, repressed and delicate Southern lady born to a once-wealthy family of Mississippi planters.3 No doubt that the character of Blanche is the most complex one in the drama. She is truly a tragic heroine.            First she is introduced as a symbol of innocence and chastity.4 She is aristocratic and intelligent, and sensitive and fragile at the same time, also beautiful and this delicate beauty has a moth-like appearance. But these positive characteristics are overshadowed by the fact that Blanche arrives to Elysian Fields, which is a poor section of New Orleans, on two streetcars, Desire and Cemeteries. These misterious expressions, which can be considered to be the main symbols of the play, suggest that something is is not clear around Blanhe or that something wrong will happen towards the end. Elysian Fields symbolizes paradise beyond death from ancient lore,3 Desire expresses Blanche's desire to be loved and Cemeteries represents her fear of death.4           Blanche represents a deep-seated attachment to the past.5 Her life is a lesson how tragic events events in the past can ruin a person's future. Her husband's death affects her the most. Blanche was only a young girl without any experience when she got married. She married Allan Grey, who was only sixteen. Their marriage started well, but later the young wife found out that Allan was homosexual.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Black Water Essay -- Creative Writing
Submerged in water, it was the fourth of July on Grayling Island, the Senator's rented Toyota whistling tunes of the Beatles, topics of debate: the Vietnam War, Dukakis, skidded off the road. Lizzie, "Kelly" they are not the same, she can't die like this, no not now. She was someone's little girl, not a bad girl, she wasn't a bad girl, she told her mother she wasn't don't mention G____, was she ready? Her white anklet socks flew into the air as massive male hands, Grandpa's hands, swept her off her feet saving her from the black waters rushing in, they didn't have to know, they wouldn't have to tell Grandma, Grandpa was spared, he died several years before. Kelly wrote a paper on the senator, her senior thesis, she grabbed on to his leg, his shoe, "oh how Buffy would laugh, his shoe, his empty shoe?", she wasn't pretty, but it was her time, she didn't believe in the stars, but today she listened to her horoscope: go for what you really want, or something to that effect, black water r ushed in and she died; she's here, she's here, SHE'S HERE!, "caution: ultra-violet rays, saltwater swimming, and overheated blow dryers are serious dangers to Beautiful Hair," Pluto was not originally a man but a woman, black water rushed in and she died. To die an unfinished life. To exist only as a faded memory. To cry but not be heard. Life's uncertainty and ill-felt fate surrendered to death's deceptive, cumbersome realm in Joyce Carol Oates' "Black Water". Oates created a world in which the subconcious overcame reality, where confusion and uncertainty overcame monotimy. Throughout Oates' novel sex, life, naivete, death, and eternity all shared a common link. Kelly Kelleher, a twenty-six year old in the prime of her life succumbed to the "b... ...ies to make the reader feel and understand. The author grasped the ability to create a link between G____'s suppressive weight during their[Kelly and G___'s] love-making and the suppressive weight of the senator as he dented Kelly's body. Kelly starved herself as a source of discipline, she gave in to man's desires, she was ignorant of the true intentions of people and her surroundings. "You're in politics, you're an optimist. You're no longer an optimist, you're no longer in politics. You're no longer an optimist, you're dead." She was an optimist, even in her remaining moments and she still died. Optimism failed to shield her from her inconceivable fate. The world failed her, life failed her, hope failed her. Trapped in her metallic dented coffin, she dreamed of the "future". "If I can still see it, I am still alive." Black waters rushed in and she died.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
“Exchanging Our Country Marks†by Michael Gomez Essay
In Exchanging Our Country Marks, Michael Gomez brings together various strands of the historical record in a stunning fusion that points the way to a definitive history of American Slavery. In this fusion of history, anthropology, and sociology, Gomez has made expert use of primary sources, including newspapers ads for runaway slaves in colonial America. Slave runaway accounts from newspapers are combined with personal diaries, church records, and former slave narratives to provide a firsthand account of the African and African-American experiences during the eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth centuries. With this mastery of sources, Gomez challenges many of the prevailing assumptions about slavery– for example, that â€Å"the new condition of slavery superseded all others†(48)– and he advances intriguing new speculations about the development of a collective African-American identity. In Gomez’s words: â€Å"It is a study of their efforts to move from eth nicity to race as a basis for such an identity, a movement best understood when the impact of both internal and external forces upon social relations within this community is examined†(4). According to Gomez this identity emerged out of a mixture of African identities. Throughout his study Gomez illustrates how Africans transferred their unique culture and heritage to the New World. He uncovers the harshness of the Middle Passage, and describes how some enslaved Africans attempted suicide, some successfully. Africans did not embrace the institution of slavery, and many chose to run away. The millions of Africans brought to America would not have thought of themselves as African; they were Asante, Yoruba, or Igbo, their lives and characters defined by village or nation. Gomez devoted a chapter to Muslims that had a religious identity connecting them to Arabia and Palestine rather than their native land. The Muslims brought with them a different idea about themselves and their world. As Gomez noted, the societies of West Africa also had their own histories. These the societies changed during the four centuries of the slave trade operation. Slave traders arrived at a part icular point in their history. There arrival influenced their history; it did not create it. Gomez provides an understanding of what happened in West Africa before, during, and after the slave trade. Gomez opens his book with Denmark Vesey’s 1822 â€Å"experiment†in building a multi-ethnic community displaced Africans in Charleston, South Carolina. Vesey tried to replace ethnic diversity of African peoples with a united movement of Africans in America based on the Bible. â€Å"We must unite together as the Santo Domingo people did†, Vesey told his followers, who nonetheless still organized themselves by ethnicity, with an Igbo column and Gullah column (3). Vesey’s uprising failed, but not his experiment. The African peoples came to define themselves along racial, rather than ethnic lines, though they would continue to transmit stories of their own ethnic cultures to their children. Just as Europeans immigrants came out of specific historical and social contexts, the Africans had individual social, religious, and historical identities. Gomez encourages a re-examination of African-American history by suggesting how different communities of Africans resp onded and transferred their unique culture and heritage to the New World and also shows how particular African societies and cultures continue to shape our society. For example, the Kissi of Sierre Leone lived in rural villages, with out a strong governing state. They formed secret associations that acted as loose governing forces over their dispersed rural settlements. In their society women were autonomous, performing most of the society’s agricultural work. The Kissi came to America with no desire for political power. The Akan, on the other hand, had a highly organized political society. For centuries, they had dominated the gold and kola nut trades. After being conquered by the Asante in the eighteenth century the Akan succumbed to the slave trade, entering America not only experienced with centralized power but also politically insecure after the long-standing Asante threat. Members of the Kissi and Akan came to America with profoundly different outlooks on life. Gomez examines both the African communities from which these people came and the specific places in North America to which they were taken. The ethnicity of Africans brought to Virginia, to South Carolina, or to Louisiana shaped the African American communities on those areas much more than did the nature of their work or other factors. The Bambara and Malinke people from the Senegambia region who were transported to colonial South Carolina and French Louisiana brought with them their technological skill in growing rice. The first slave ships to reach Louisiana, in 1719, brought both African slaves and African rice seeds. By the end of the century, however a greater proportion of African brought to Louisiana were Yoruba, Fon, or Ewe. These people Gomez argues, synthesized the complex Yoruba region into â€Å"hoodoo,†which Gomez neither romanticizes nor belittles. Besides ethnicity and race, Africans religion had a significant impact on African American culture and survived the psychological intrusion of American Christianity. Gomez is convincing in his accounts of Islam and Christianity. Islam, Gomez suggests, â€Å"may have influenced African -American culture in ways herefore unimagined†(82). Gomez’s goal is to find out how these different peoples and societies influenced their world. Muslims brought to America carried a feeling of cultural supremacy and a connection with the wider world- a mixed identity that separated them from other Africans. But this separation from other Africans, which amounted to a transcendence of ethnic category, allowed the Muslims to develop bonds of community with other Africans more easily than Africans who still identified with their own ethnic cultures. Gomez argues that Muslims were more apt to enter Georgia, South Carolina, and Louisiana than the Chesapeake, perhaps numbering in the thousands . Muslims, Gomez argues, also made significant efforts to practice and preserve their religion. Evidence for this claim includes praying beads found in slave cabins, the construction of churches facing east, and names found in runaway ads and slave registers. Gomez explains how the ring shout and the relationship of water baptism were important African elements that survived in the black church. For example the â€Å"shout was an indication of social rank and ancestral identification†(270), and â€Å"baptism was a means by which the community grew closer,†whether â€Å"salt water or county born†(273). Both were â€Å"important vehicles in both conversion and movement towards reconceptualization, resistance and defiance†(274). The ring shout was not simply a transitional tool for creating racial identity. For Igbo, the ring shout had a particular social purpose, that is, to preserve community identity. Gomez relates the tendency of Igbo slaves in America to commit suicide with folklore about flying back to Africa, or disappearing. The ring ceremony in Aliica was a way to solidify community identity and to bring the living into communion with ancestors. The Igbo in America simply adapted it to their new setting. As the nineteenth century progressed blacks embraced Christianity but the â€Å"liturgy was Africanized†(279). Also, blacks preferred the Baptist denomination because it was decentralized and democratic. Just as some Africans would use the ring shout as a metaphysical return to the homeland and others as a means to forge a new community in America, Africans and African -Americans had different recollections of the slave trade that had caused their dislocation. Gomez analyzes two sets of traditions. In one set, Africans were tricked onto slave ships by Europeans offering them red cloth. But in another tale, King Buzzard, an African king, was condemned to travel alone through the world as a buzzard for betraying his own and other people into slavery. The significance of this tale for Gomez’s argument lies in its transformation of historical fact. When Africans enslaved other Africans, they did not view themselves as betraying their own people. They would have regarded the mselves as Aro or Asante or Wolof selling Igbo or Akan or Manlike. Folktales like the one about King Buzzard, created in America to explain the origins of African slaves, gave to these different people a common origin on the distant continent. The Africans’ change from the self-awareness of ethnicity to that of race emerged from a common servitude, white attitudes, and â€Å"an internal dialogue†(242). Association and location figured importantly as blacks in the Deep South, living in close proximity to one another, resisted creolization, in contrast to Upper South blacks, a minority in close proximity to a white majority. Conversion to Christianity, a slow process, was helped along by incorporating familiar African practices such as the ring shout, water baptism, and funeral rites. Conversion, however, separated converts form the unconverted. By 1830, when Gomez concludes his book, African-Americans were divided by rival visions, one a future partnership in North America, the other a past â€Å"as close to the bosom of Africa as they could get†(292). This book contains numerous firsthand accounts detailing the social transformation of African-American culture in the New World. Gomez’s argument is convincing; he succeeds in uncovering how ethnicity and race affected the African American community in the colonial and antebellum South. His work is carefully organized, with many landmarks for the reader. Exchanging Our Country Marks is well balanced and written; it is a significant contribution to the African experience in American.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Toddlers in Tiaras
Moriah Gates 5/3/12 CPC Research paper Beauty, Money, â€Å"Sexy†Too Soon! Young girls are like a sponge, they soak up anything they see or hear. They are vulnerable and young. Mothers are hurting their children by putting them through beauty pageants–they are setting them up for life’s insecurities like, self esteem issues and eating disorders. â€Å"Mommy please no†¦. Mommy no it hurts. I don’t want to do this†¦NOO mommy! †â€Å"I don’t wanna dance, I’m not doing that! †These cries come from young girls who compete in beauty pageants.The most recent pageant that has caused a lot fuss with some parents and others is the TV show TLC Toddlers in Tiaras. Toddlers in Tiaras is a show that is centered on beauty and wining the crown. Beauty, clothes, makeup, hair, pretty dresses, long eyelashes, spray tans, Botox, waxing, the list goes on. It’s just the beginning of many of the girl’s list they must fallow become â€Å"pretty enough†to compete. Pageants are where young girls are primped and primed to look pretty and much older than they really are, and are made to dance and parade around on stage.Girls as young as two are being put into these competitions learning how to dance and act and look like a teenager. These pageants are teaching girls at a very young age to dress, look and be â€Å"sexy†the way to win. Parents also start doing pageants for money, and the beauty. When girls start dressing in â€Å"grown up†looking clothes, it is taking away their chance to be a child. Children should be allowed to play in the mud and on the play grounds not made to wear loads of makeup, fake hair, and flippers for their smile, and act like a grown up.Mothers express their desire for their daughters to win, and to be the best. One mother said in an interview, how her daughter is on stage. â€Å"My daughter is the Triple F, five, fearless, and ferocious. Her daughter als o chimed with an answer to her mother’s question, asking her about how she like money and modeling. The daughter says she loves money, and money is her favorite thing! With pageants pushed to the side this mother and daughter have been doing modeling and the mother said has made $30,000 in modeling her daughter.The little girl said, â€Å"With modeling, you have to take pictures, be on commercials, and get paid, that’s my favorite part, it’s all about the money! †CNN article wrote, they interviewed a Toddlers in Tiaras, mother who flat out said, â€Å"I love living vicariously through my three year old daughter, Paisley†. That seems to be the common answer for why these mothers are putting their daughters through these pageants. When watching some of the shows, a majority of the mothers of the girls are overweight, don’t have a good job, and have health problems.The mothers use their young vulnerable daughters, to live their dreams of fame and recognition. Some mothers say they will do anything to put their daughter in to competition, some mothers’ say they will take out a second lone if it means having her daughter win. The family somehow finds the money to make the pageant happen for their girls, yet really they see themselves up there in the spotlight doing all the moves not their four year old daughter. What are we doing to our children when we teach them that they have to be â€Å"sexy†to be pretty, and have to look like x,y and z to be pretty.Mothers are putting four year olds into stripper outfits, they dress their girls up as famous actresses like Julia Roberts in the move â€Å"Pretty Woman. †Julia wore a stripper outfit in the movie, and the mother dressed her three year old to be her look alike. †An article, by Fox News says: â€Å"As a treatment of professional sex offenders as well as victims of sexual abuse, I would like the parents of these little girls to assume responsib ility for their choices. They are sexualizing their young children.Do not be surprised if your child is preyed upon as a result of this high degree of visibility,†said Dr. Nancy Irwin, a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist. â€Å"Men can pose as agents/managers and track you/your girl down through the show. Further, know that they will be pleasuring themselves while looking at your daughter’s YouTube clip. †We are grossed out by pedophiles and people who take advantage of our kids, yet we are ok letting our kids run around in out fits that are very sexual.Some say that it’s just a title ‘child beauty pageant’ but it’s much more! It’s a sexualization pageant. Young girls are put in skimpy clothes and taught to do dance moves like bumps and grinds, this not looking at beauty, its teaching girls that beauty is highly sexualized and they have to be sexual to be beautiful. Just thinking about the pressure that is put on the girls is h ard to imagine, they are four and younger, they should not be worried about how their hair is or how â€Å"pretty†they look, yet mothers stress the very factor of beauty.They get professional photographers to take model pictures and when they get the pictures back the girls are modified so much they look like a china doll. They are photo-shopped to the point where the child begins to like they way they look in photos. When the pictures young girls see are photo-shopped selves, they don’t see their true beauty. Girls already have pressure on them to look a certain way and then, when they start pageants, they are pressured into having beauty treatments done. With pageant shows, there is only one winner, and they are the only ones who get the crown.The others are not rewarded and not recognized for their hard work. The pageant girls grow up with attention fully on her, all the time and then, when it goes away, what happens? These girls are going to grow up with eating di sorders and self esteem problems. They are going to feel like they are never good enough, or pretty enough to get the judge’s approval. The judges, judge and score the girls physical features and talent, looking for something that stands out from the rest of the girls. They are not looking at the girl, or how young and venerable she is.Nor do they think of the effects that this pageant will have on her. For example, when the girls forget the dance move and mess up, the mother might berate the child for her forgetting her part. The girls feel hurt and broken because they didn’t do well enough for their mother. Most parents in the show Toddlers in Tiaras tell their children â€Å"If you do really good in this pageant what will this mean? The child, Mommy and daddy will be happy cause I will bring home lots of money. †â€Å"That’s right, mommy and daddy will be proud if you win because it means lots of money! Money is what parents push on them and that the y must win. What is it doing to their children when the pressure is money, if they do not the child doesn’t feel love or important to their parents and they feel worthless. Children pick up on things and can read their parents actions; if the parents are not happy with them then the child feels afraid. They soak up anything they hear and see. We should be protecting our children not endanger them by our carless wants. Bibliography (I forgot to do the right way to do the bibliography, I will fix it next essay)
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Essential Characteristics for an Effective Marketing Plan Essay
A marketing plan is a business document that is purposely written for describing the current market stance of a business as well as its marketing strategy for the period captured by the marketing plan. Marketing plan usually lasts for one up to five years. The rationale of writing a marketing plan is to visibly reveal the strategies that will be implemented to ensure that a business attains its marketing objectives. Marketing plan for a business should include a brief description of its rivals, strengths and weaknesses from a market position of both the competitors and its business. Business marketing plan also include the demand for the service or the product. The rationale of this paper is to develop a marketing plan for two new products from Cadbury Company. This marketing plan will also include description of the service of product including the unique characteristics, pricing strategy, description of the location of Cadbury including the advantages and limitations for marketing. This marketing plan will also include market segmentation as well as the market budget including the promotional and advertising plan. Developing a marketing plan is a strenuous process, but in the long run it has a positive impact on the business yearly earnings. A Marketing plan just like a business plan should be updated regularly to address changes in demand, market conditions as well as pricing issues. Cadbury is a company that produces various cocoa products that are famous and sold across the world. This paper provides an integrated marketing plan aimed at promoting Cadbury’s finest dark chocolate in the Australian market. The paper also outlines the entire Cadbury Company, its current marketing strategies and its positioning in the confectionary industry. New chocolate products from Cadbury include Cadbury daily milk top deck, Cadbury dairy milk snack, marvelous creations peanut toffee cookie, Cadbury dairy milk mousse raspberry, marvelous creations peanut toffee cookie. The marketing plan includes the implications of launching new finest chocolate products in Australian market, exceptional packaging and different sizes in combination with the detailed promotional policies. The marketing plan also evaluates the strategies that are to be incorporated to combat other chocolate product from rival companies such as Rondnoir dark chocolate. Cadbury will use distinct marketing ingredients because of their benefit in enhancing the new product market position (Brooksbank, 1991). The company has come up with a performance plan on how to distribute these new products to the various outlets so that they can reach to their fundamental target market of middle and upper class people with an age of 25 years and above. Cadbury’s competitive advantage position is based on its status in the market as compared to other products. Cadbury’s product quality ingredients and taste comprise of the company’s positioning gain (‘Cadbury’, 2014). The new chocolate products will be distributed to all chief gift stores, supermarket chains, delicatessens, chief department stores and specialized coffee shop franchises. Cadbury is the world principal confectionary company with a superior assortment of candies, gum, and chocolates. The company is famous for developing brands such as trident, Cadbury and halls. John Cadbury founded Cadbury Company in 1824. The company has expanded to multinational level with over 50000 employees and over 35000 suppliers across the globe. The company objective is to become the world’s principal and superlative confectionary company. Cadbury mainly focus on commercial operations in South America, Britain, Ireland, Africa, US, Middle East and the Pacific region. Consumer Analysis       Cadbury Marketing approach and operations focus towards being the leading company in performance as well as maintaining its business operations. The worldwide confectionary market is attractive, large and with expanding dynamics. Cadbury has an estimated retail value of $141 billion. The key category is chocolate which take more than 50 percent of the world’s confectionary market (Cadbury, 2010). Internationally, the confectionary market is developing at the rate of 5 percent as compared to any other packaged foods. Cadbury has been able to create appropriate range that is available for all and to all. Cadbury’s major strength in Australia is in candy and chocolate. Chocolate remain the product that most clients seek a specific taste in every market. Cadbury Company SWOT Analysis Internal Environment Strength       Cadbury is the chief confectionery company with an estimated market share of 10 percent. Cadbury also boast a strong financial stance. Cadbury is proficient in production because of its leadership in creativity and sturdy brand name. Cadbury mainly focus on manufacturing chewing gum, chocolate and candy, which has enabled the company to comprehend unique consumer segments. The acquisition strategy used by Cadbury since 2003 has enabled the company to venture in new markets (Cadbury, 2010). Weaknesses       Cadbury entirely depends on beverages and confectioneries for its revenues whereas some of its rivals such as Nestle have differentiated products. The diversification strategy has enabled Cadbury’s competitors to achieve more profits. Cadbury has a strong market at Europe while their competitors have a strong super-national experience. Cadbury must keep on enhancing its understanding and presence of new markets so that they can maintain its competitive advantage. External environment Threats       Internationally, the costs of production are increasing mainly because of cocoa, sugar, costs of energy, transport and packaging. This calls for Cadbury to situate its worldwide supply chains in appropriate areas. Pressure from branded competitors also results to increased cost of advertising. There is aggressive marketing as well as price wars. Cadbury products have also been influenced by increasing cases of calorie related conditions as well as obesity. Cadbury is also affected by existing firms since confectionery industry is overcrowded. Cadbury major rivals are Mars and Nestle who also create strong brands. Cadbury also face threat from products that can be used as substitutes to chocolate. These substitutes might have the same customer satisfaction, but sold at cheaper prices (Cadbury, 2010). Opportunities       The worldwide confectionery market is famous for its fast emergence and acquisition capacity. This is an opportunity to Cadbury because it will enable the company to expand to new areas through acquisitions. There is increased demand for confectionery in the highly populated nations such as India and China which creates new markets. Cadbury must reduce its costs of production in order to survive in fast moving consumer goods. Cadbury has an opportunity to reduce costs through sensible investment in R & D, increase in supply chain effectiveness, and through outsourcing. Cadbury can achieve cost minimization by producing gums without sugar and Cadbury finest chocolate for enjoyment and treats. Cadbury range of products has a good reputation that claim for relatively strong pull. Cadbury is also known as established players in the confectionery market. Cadbury also can utilize economics of scale to negotiate for low cost raw materials. Cadbury works with best suppliers so that they can ensure low cost and consistent quality materials used to manufacture chocolate products. Industry Analysis       Cadbury operates confectionery factories in Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Premium chocolate market is rewarding in Australia and Cadbury aspires to advance this brand. Cadbury also propose that premium chocolate can be used as exciting gifts. Cadbury primary target is the upper and middle class people with an age above 25 years. Competitor analysis       Cadbury wish to launch the innovative bite-sized chocolate to combat the competition from Rondnoir chocolate launched in 2009 by Ferrero. The new chocolate product will be packaged uniquely and include variety of fillings because the company target upper and middle class clients. Integrated Marketing communication plan       Integrated marketing communications is the use of distinct media to maximize the efficiency of marketing communication scheme. Cadbury believes that brand communications is an expression of implied standards and the company’s figure evenness. IMC is a famous approach since people believe that it offers the only appropriate competitive gain of marketing organizations. Cadbury can use any form of communication approach as a marketing strategy since there are very many forms of communication. Brand marketing has taken over advertising. Cadbury can opt to advertise its new products in appropriate media such as a movie or high-profile sporting deal. Integrated marketing is very effective since it utilize different media qualities of media in communications that are cautiously designed to bring out consistent brand values regardless of the type of media encountered by the customer. The use of integrated marketing has been associated with the growth of global business. Mass media is a chief strategic element of marketing communication strategies. Market targets       Cadbury’s primary target is middle and upper class individuals with an age over 25 years. Cadbury competitive advantage is based of the company’s reputation in the confectionery market with their existing products. Point of difference       The innovative bite-sized chocolates will be packed exceptionally with variety of fillings. It will take over the current milk-tray boxed chocolate from Cadbury. Positioning strategy       Chocolate lovers all over the world can now enjoy an optimum taste that is cautiously designed to ensure maximum utility as compared to any other chocolate. Cadbury believe that this is not a common chocolate, but it conveys an instantaneous message to chocolate lovers (Ryan & Jones, 2009). Communication Objectives       Product awareness: Cadbury wish to attain at least 25 percent of trial rate within the entire end market within the first year of the launch. Interest: Cadbury wish to attain a re-purchase of at least one month amongst 50 percent of the companies that tried the product. Market penetration: The Company wishes to attain 1 percent of the market share of the grouping segment countrywide within the first year of launching. Evaluation: The Company can come up with a questionnaire to 40 percent of the new finest dark chocolate which compare it with Rondnoir dark chocolate by Ferrero. Trial: After assessing the new premium chocolate, the consumers are expected to prefer it owing to its exceptional packaging and bite-size. Adoption: The new premium chocolate from Cadbury is expected to have a 75 percent adoption, which implies that the consumer will purchase this premium chocolate and give positive reviews. Mixed strategies       Cadbury will involve push and pull promotional approaches together in the launching of these new chocolate products. Utilization of different promotional strategies will enable the company to develop and intensify brand awareness. The new dark chocolate is at its introductory stage of product life cycle and thus it requires a lot of marketing. Cadbury can ensure they maintain a better market position by packaging their new premium chocolate like a gift. The reviews form key consumer market should be examined ad research tools applied to any point of contact such as packaging, letterhead, logistics among others to ensure a complete integrated marketing communication cycle (Ryan & Jones, 2009). Integrated marketing communication is very crucial since it enable to bring harmony in the company by incorporating various promotional tools. The advertising, sales and direct departments can cooperate through data integration. Cadbury can achieve data integration by setting up a marketing information system that collect and share appropriate information within the company departments. Cadbury will introduce the two new products using extensive advertising, penetration pricing and expanded distribution so that the company can increase its growth rate and revenues. Cadbury has managed to maintain market position because of excellent combination of extraordinary and cost-effective products. The rationale for every marketing plan is to ensure success of the project. Therefore it should outline appropriate tasks to be implemented, target clients, and the value of the product manufactured (Coen, 2009). Advertising       Marketing requires a lot of finances because of creation of advertisements, thus the company must set enough finances for advertising campaign. For Cadbury to reach their target customers, they must consider both offline and online campaigns. The Company should also allocate enough funds to the offline marketing. Mass media adverts are to be designed to convey gratification message to the consumer. The adverts should also give appropriate reasons as to why they should abandon their current chocolate brands for the new premium chocolate manufactured by Cadbury. Product       Cadbury are famous for their strong brand reputation and thus all their decisions regarding their product must be in line with brand image. Their packaging and product are designed to reflect who Cadbury are. The products reflect high nutritional and quality value and creativity Cadbury provide their clients while packaging incorporates the corporate brand logo and purple corporate brand color associated with quality and reliability. Cadbury products are in form of a twisted bar to entice chocolate lovers, packaging is also colorful to attract young adults, teenagers as well as children. Cadbury products meet EU food standards because they do not use forbidden additives and non-natural colorants (Hiebing et al, 2012). Price       Pricing strategy is very significant in conveying the representation of a brand. This explains why Cadbury cautiously considers brand reputation and the value of the product, as well as the target market to determine its pricing of their products. For instance, Cadbury sells bar chocolates at a premium price as compared to chocolates from Tesco and Sainsbury. In deed, diverse Cadbury goods targeted at dissimilar segments of the market are priced differently. Placement       Cadbury chooses their distribution approach based on the brand reputation of their products. For instance Cadbury dairy milk bar has range of product because they are targeted to mass consumer. Cadbury ranges of products are available in ‘mom and pop’ shops, hyper and supermarkets, convenience stores and chain retail outlets. Cadbury is accessible across all distribution centers in UK market (Hiebing et al, 2012). Promotion       Cadbury cautiously chooses its communications strategies based on their target market and brand reputation to increase product awareness and create great customer base. Cadbury must choose appropriate promotional strategies because of the existing economic downturn so that they can achieve maximum profits from promotional expenditure. Cadbury has developed various websites for their brand. Cadbury has signed a contract with 2012 Olympic that was anticipated to give Cadbury brands global recognition (‘Cadbury’, 2014). The websites developed by Cadbury include:, and They also include advertisement through print media, TV and radio. Marketing budget       Budget allocation for a marketing plan is determined by percentage of profits and sales. The budget for marketing plan will also be determined by annual profit and sales target of the existing products. It is most effective to determine marketing operations to be executed as well as the marketing goals to be attained while launching new products from Cadbury. A rational method of setting marketing plan on various promotional activities must consider objectives and operations (Rowlinson, 1993). Appraising and controlling the marketing plan       There are many superior approaches of controlling and monitoring a marketing plan. Principles of balanced scorecard is one of the methods used to control and monitor marketing plan. Key issues that might face Cadbury while implementing marketing plan Too many brands and products Consumer awareness to entice more clients Pressure from consumers on health related matters Hefty legislations and values for industry The credit crunch and economic slowdown The likelihood that the market will shrivel Increased competition resulting to competitive prices Thriving in a challenging market Comprehending the competition Entry in new markets and launching new products Introduction of existing products in new markets Segmentation of market       Cadbury has segmented chocolate market in UK based on psychographics, geography and demographics to discover the target market segments for their new products (Cadbury, 2010). References Brooksbank, R. (1991). Essential Characteristics for an Effective Marketing Plan. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 9(7), 17-20. Cadbury. (n.d.). Cadbury. Retrieved October 9, 2014, from Cadbury, D. (2010). Chocolate wars: from Cadbury to Kraft – 200 years of sweet success and bitter rivalry. London: HarperPress. Cadbury, D. (2010). Chocolate wars: the 150-year rivalry between the world’s greatest chocolate makers. New York: PublicAffairs. Coen, W. A. (2009). Marketing plan. S.l.: John Wiley And Sons. Hiebing, R. G., Cooper, S. W., & Wehrenberg, S. (2012). The successful marketing plan: how to create dynamic, results-oriented marketing (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Home Businesses Need a Marketing Plan Too. (n.d.). About. Retrieved October 9, 2014, from Rowlinson, M. (1993). The Invention of Corporate Culture: A History of the Histories of Cadbury. Human Relations, 46(3), 299-326. Ryan, D., & Jones, C. (2009). Understanding digital marketing marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. London: Kogan Page. Source document
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