Friday, May 31, 2019
Julie Wolpers Internet Basics :: Julie Wolper
Internet BasicsJulie Wolpers Internet Basics was originally offered by the Telecommunication Community Resource Center and represents a developing phenomena on the Web -- the free course. In fact, this is not so much a course as it is a self-directed tutorial, an outgrowth of the early guide learning modules that first appeared in PLATO and in early DOS and Macintosh programs.Wolpers work offers its users a brief guide to the Internet (along with an introduction written by Dan Duvall). It includes descriptions of such technologies as the Web, downloads, e-mail and newsgroups, a collection I found oddly conceived till I worked through the aim the technologies chosen all fill within her stated vision of the Internet. . . a network of linked computers allowing participants to share information on those computers.Given that understanding and conceptualization of the Internet (and its unmatched that is certainly defensible, if not one that is rapidly becoming the standard), her ch oices make perfect sense. And her information is very down to earth, succinct and accurate her brief summation of the story of the Internet, for instance, is right on the button, and useful for helping new users begin to think about the issues involved in using and being part of the Web.Though the site is decidedly kinesthetic in its approach -- users are often enjoined to try this and links take them to places where the technology theyve just installed can be used. But the book of instructions can often be mercilessly brief and I wonder if newcomers could hope to follow them without more step by step instruction mountain up a downloads area The first step here is to create a new folder or directory on your hard drive entitled, simply, downloads. This charge can reside anywhere you like. I keep mine on the desktop where I can easily find the new things I get. whatever people also find it helpful to put the download directory at the root level of thei r c drive.How many new time users are guaranteed to jockey how to create a folder at all, let alone locate it on their desktop? Admitted, knowing how to create a folder is not stringently speaking part of the content of a course about using online technology, but its certainly germane.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Democracy Essay example -- essays research papers
Democracy may be a word familiar to most, but still I would like to extension the fact that demos means pertaining to people and kratios means to rule. Thus this word original coined by the Greeks means rule of people as a whole and non by an individual or a privileged soul. It is a concept still misunderstood and misused in some parts of the world where totalistic regimes and dictatorships have witnessed popular support by usurping democratic labels like in Iraq and Pakistan. By the dictionary definition, body politic is government by the people in which the ultimate power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. In a famous phrase of Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.Freedom and democracy argon often used in place of each other, but the two are not the same. True, democracy is a set of ideas and principles about freedom, but it also consists of a se t of practices and procedures that have been founded through a long history. In short, democracy is the institutionalization of freedom. For this reason, any society must possess while-tested fundamentals of paperal government, human rights, and equality before the law to be properly called democratic. Democracies can be typified into two fundamental categories, direct and representative. In a direct democracy, all individuals, without the elected or appointed officials, can participate in making overt decisions. This system however seems to be impractical possible only with relatively small numbers of people, say for example in a community organization, liquidation of a developing country, tribal council, or the local unit of a labor union, where members can meet in a single room to discourse issues and arrive at decisions by consensus or majority vote. In rural India the head of such committees are called pancha and the place where issues for a small population of the come t o area are discussed is called panchayat.These meetings are held mostly under a village tree with the maximum number of people who can physically gather in one place and practice direct democracy.Modern society, with its enormous size, complexities and ramifications offers few avenues for direct democracy. Today, the most common form of democracy, whether for a town of 50,000 or nations of 50 million, is represe... ...titutional provide to intervene in the administration of the States. The response of the Central Union Government to the growing economic and political crisis in India has been in terms of greater centralization strategies and interventions.Another equally important limitation of the Indian parliamentary democracy has been that below the verbalize level it was not mandatory to have elected bodies at district, paladin district or local level till 1994. In other words it was a system of parliamentary democracy at the central and state levels and bureaucratic governa nce at the lower levels. Grass root level democracy visualized in terms of selfreliant and selfgoverning villages was an important nationalist ideal. When the new constitution was framed, elected local bodies at the local levels were not made part of the mandatory structure of government, but enshrined in the Directive Principles of the constitution. By and large the Indian democracy is still in a phase of evolution and change. It seems that the concept of democracy is interpreted in a subjective manner and changes in nations from time to time according to the whims and fancies of the contemporary affluent and powerful people.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Importance of Recycling :: essays research papers
The Importance of RecyclingHave you ever wonder what whoremaster you do about the bottles and cans you call up around you? People that doesn?t care about the adult male being clean is littering the place. It makes things very difficult to put up for. Recycling cans and bottles can athletic supporter save the earth form waste and scum buildup and can make new things. I think that recycling should be mandatory and there should be recycling cans in various locations at school and everywhere else.One reason is that recycling can help save the earth from waste and trash build-up. For example, fifty percent of roofing and construction on houses is made from recycled aluminum cans. Using recycled materials to produce new products costs less money and less verve than new materials. It can also save valuable landfill space. People have trash everyday. Pretty much anything is recyclable. If you throw them away, it?s a waste of lifelike resources, a waste of energy, and a waste of money . Instead people should take the time collect these things and put some effort into helping in the world we live in. If you are desperately trying to find a way to make money, recycling can solve that problem. You?ll be paid back for the effort. You can earn money from recycling. Many recycling centers pay CRV for cans and bottles. Many people wouldn?t want to miss out on a moneymaking opportunity. It?s a good way of fundraising, too. Most importantly, it saves lives. We should all learn the importance of recycling. For example, some sea lions won?t get stuck in plastics if we recycle. We would also breathe better air. We can recycle and aluminum can and put it back on the shelf for something useful. If we just leave it in the landfill, it?ll decompose and it?ll be of no use. It?ll also reduce pollution or else it?ll make a new one.
Essay --
There were many great composers during the late churrigueresco period, to each one with their own distinct talents. Each composer played a key role in shaping the baroque period. Arcangelo Corelli was one of those important composers that influenced many pot during his time. He lived in Italy from 1653 to 1713. He was a composer, teacher, and a violinist. Corelli was an influential person in the baroque period History has remembered him with such titles as Founder of advance(a) violin Technique, the Worlds First Great Violinist, and the Father of the Concerto Grosso. (Arcangelo Corelli A Concise Biography).Little was known about Corellis early life. Arcangelo Corelli was born in Fusignano, Italy. His mother, Santa Raffini, named him after his drive who had passed aside a month before he was conceived. Corellis mother had to raise five children, including Arcangelo, by herself. However, she was well of because she owned land and was fairly wealthy. When he was thirteen, he bega n learning about music from Leonardo Brugnol. Corelli studied about the violin at Bologna. Eventually, at age... Essay -- There were many great composers during the late baroque period, each with their own distinct talents. Each composer played a key role in shaping the baroque period. Arcangelo Corelli was one of those important composers that influenced many people during his time. He lived in Italy from 1653 to 1713. He was a composer, teacher, and a violinist. Corelli was an influential person in the baroque period History has remembered him with such titles as Founder of Modern Violin Technique, the Worlds First Great Violinist, and the Father of the Concerto Grosso. (Arcangelo Corelli A Concise Biography).Little was known about Corellis early life. Arcangelo Corelli was born in Fusignano, Italy. His mother, Santa Raffini, named him after his father who had passed away a month before he was conceived. Corellis mother had to raise five children, including Arcangel o, by herself. However, she was well of because she owned land and was fairly wealthy. When he was thirteen, he began learning about music from Leonardo Brugnol. Corelli studied about the violin at Bologna. Eventually, at age...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essays --
Throwing a ball over the net is not all on that point is to volleyball. It might seem like an easy physical activity, but it has its complications like any other free rein. The beginnings of volleyball go down in history. For being sensation of the youngest and widely known sports in the world it still thrives today. It all started with the creation of the sport, what it came to be, and how it grew into what it is today. As always, the inventor of the sport comes low gear.William G. Morgan created volleyball in the Holyoke, Massachusettss lyceum in 1895 (Jenson 8). He wanted to combine some skills of baseball, basketball, handball, and tennis into a whole different sport (History). He believed that taking aspects of multiple sports and putting them into one, would carry a good affect in the sports world. In addition, Morgan originally gave the sport the name of Mintonette after badminton (history-of-volleyball). Although he later realized that in the venture, players volley th e ball back and forth, so he created the name Volleyball. The ball used in volleyball is the same name as the sport and the first special designed ball was created in 1900. Furthermore, because basketball had already been invented he chose to create a less violent and intense game for older students. level off though volleyball isnt a fierce game, a lot of your energy is used. In fact, average volleyball players jump about 300 clock in a match. Within volleyball, contact is not permitted between teams, because players atomic number 18 divided by a net anyways. Together with playing the game, there are rules and pointers that need to be followed.As well as any other sport, volleyball has its basic rules and way to play. Volleyball is played by two teams of half dozen players on a court divided by... ...held in 1949 and 1952 for woman. Moreover, in most high schools around the world, there is most likely to be a misss volleyball team than a boys. In addition, volleyball is the s econd most played and popular sport in the world. An interesting factoid is that the sport was 100 years old in 1995 (history-of-volleyball)In final consideration, I believe that volleyball is a phenomenal sport. It creates team work, skills, and the confidence to win the game It has a long history, but it has created something great today. Surely, volleyball will just get better and better as the years go by. The inventor, its basic rules, a different type, and the growth of the sport have all contributed to its beginnings. A volleyball quote says, Either it is in your heart, or in your face. So if I were you, I would head out to the court, and enjoy a game of this fascinating sport
Essays --
Throwing a ball over the net is not all there is to volleyball. It might seem like an belatedly physical activity, but it has its complications like any other sport. The beginnings of volleyball go down in history. For being one of the youngest and widely known sports in the knowledge domain it still thrives today. It all started with the creation of the sport, what it came to be, and how it grew into what it is today. As always, the inventor of the sport comes first.William G. Morgan created volleyball in the Holyoke, Massachusettss gymnasium in 1895 (Jenson 8). He wanted to deepen some skills of baseball, basketball, handball, and tennis into a whole different sport (History). He believed that taking aspects of multiple sports and putting them into one, would rescue a good affect in the sports world. In addition, Morgan originally gave the sport the name of Mintonette after badminton (history-of-volleyball). Although he later realized that in the game, players volley the ball b ack and forth, so he created the name Volleyball. The ball used in volleyball is the same name as the sport and the first special designed ball was created in 1900. Furthermore, because basketball had already been invented he chose to create a less violent and intense game for older students. Even though volleyball isnt a fierce game, a lot of your energy is used. In fact, average volleyball players jump about 300 times in a match. Within volleyball, connection is not permitted between teams, because players are shared out by a net anyways. Together with playing the game, there are rules and pointers that need to be followed.As tumefy as any other sport, volleyball has its basic rules and way to play. Volleyball is played by two teams of six players on a court divided by... ...held in 1949 and 1952 for woman. Moreover, in most high schools around the world, there is most likely to be a girls volleyball team than a boys. In addition, volleyball is the second most played and popul ar sport in the world. An interesting factoid is that the sport was 100 years old in 1995 (history-of-volleyball)In final consideration, I believe that volleyball is a phenomenal sport. It creates team work, skills, and the confidence to win the game It has a long history, but it has created something great(p) today. Surely, volleyball will just get better and better as the years go by. The inventor, its basic rules, a different type, and the growth of the sport have all contributed to its beginnings. A volleyball quote says, Either it is in your heart, or in your face. So if I were you, I would head out to the court, and enjoy a game of this fascinating sport
Monday, May 27, 2019
Nike Liu Xiang Essay
Crisis Management in Celebrity Endorsement Group 3 Shweta Zacharia Kern Rachita Swarooparani Nike * Worlds leading supplier of athletic gear * A major sponsor of various planetary brags events and high-profile athletes and athletic teams * Entered into China in 1980 Considered to be the coolest instigator in China- success due to clever marketing Liu Xiang * cardinal of Nikes most important brand ambassadors in China * First endorsement signed in 2002- he won his first World statute title * New television commercial (TVC) launched in 2004- he won a gold medal at Athens Olympics- Stereotypes are meant to be broken What went molest in this arrangement? Nike spent heavily on high-profile advertising campaigns centred on Beijing Olympics themes *It also invested a lot of money to design new athletic wear and footwear for Liu and early(a) athletes specifically for the Beijing Olympics * Liu was considered to be more valuable than Yao Ming (Chinese Basketball Team) as he was believ ed to have a higher chance of fend for his title from Athens Olympics- so more money was spent on him * A couple of days before the event, Liu quit the race due to an Achilles trauma after a false start by a nonher athlete * This was believed to be a big blow to Nike as Liu was the cornerstone for their program What was the reply to this? * Mixed emotions spread through with(predicate)out China. Some of them were sympathetic while others were angry as the news that Liu was injured was kept in the dark till the finally moment. * Online posts on a major Chinese portal even criticized Nike by saying that Nike forced Liu not to participate, as the odds in favour of Liu triumphant the race was unfavourable. Liu made a public apology and expressed his interest in the sport. His desire for victory is still burning in him and he entrust soon return back to the sport. What did Nike do? * The day after Lius withdrawal, Nike placed a full-page tweaked advertisement depicting Lius love o f sport despite setbacks * Subsequently, a revised TVC was launched under the same theme- Love sport despite setbacks What is expected to happen now? Although Lius existing contracts might not be terminated immediately, in order to avoid public backlash, his withdrawal might affect advertisers decisions on renewals. Questions that need to be answered * Would Nikes Love dramatic play despite Setbacks tweaking strategy work?Yes, we think it will work. * Would Nike be able to turn Lius withdrawal from the Beijing Olympics into an opportunity to further boost its brand image? Yes, Nike might be able to turn this crisis into an opportunity to further boost its brand image if it continues with Liu. This will give it an edge over other sports gear-brands, which have contracts only with successful players and forget them once a better player comes into the picture. Nike can project itself as a partner to the player through thick and thin. This will help to make it a trusted brand. * What a lternatives did Nike and other global brands have to minimise the losses from Lius withdrawal? 1.Nike and other global brands can still endorse Liu but reduce the amount spent on him. 2. Though Liu was injured, they can still keep Liu in their campaigns, making him uphold the upcoming champions in the sport. 3. By keeping Liu (though he was injured), Nike can prove to the customers that Nike is with them through thick and thin. * Would Nike and the other sponsors drop Liu from their future campaigns? No, we think that they should not drop Liu from their campaign so soon but stick to the theme that they have adopted in this crisis. This is in keeping up with the spirit of sportsmanship never give up. Tough times do not last, but tough people do
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Managerial Accounting Journal Example Essay
The Board of Aldermen of the Hayville approved the Appropriations budget for its General Fund for the year ending December 31 as shown below.1) excuse the legal significance of an appropriation and why auditors engaged for a pecuniary and compliance audit need to know the meaning of the term.An appropriation is an authorization for administrators to hold on behalf of the governmental unit liabilities in the amounts specified in the appropriation ordinance or statute, for the purposes set forth in that ordinance or statute, during the cessation of time specified. The auditor must attempt to ascertain that there were no material expenditures in violation of the appropriation ordinance or resolution.2) It is illegal for a governmental unit to spend money for any purpose unless a valid appropriation for that purpose exists. Does this legal rule assure good financial management for each governmental unit? Why or why not?Not necessarily. If the appropriation budget is prepared mechanica lly (with very dinky thought as to what services should be rendered and how the services should be delivered) adhering to the budget may be poor financial management. On the other hand, if the budget relates stimulant of resources to output of services, that have been well planned to meet clearly specified objectives, adhering to the budget should be good financial management.4) Illustrate a form of Appropriations, Expenditures, and Encumbrances supplemental ledger account that would provide the information needed by a government finance director to make sure legal requirements concerning appropriations are complied with.Students should front a form similar to Illustration 3-7 (in the text) in answer to this requirement.(Wilson and Kattelus, 2003, p. 76)
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Elderly Client Project
Elderly Client Project Winston Salem State University Nursing 3303 October 17, 2012 Elderly Client Project Mrs. F. Nowell is a ninety-four category old mother, grandmother and spectacular grandmother living in a skilled nursing installment. She has several co-morbidities which be managed medically and chemically deep down a detailed nursing sympathize with plan. She is diagnosed with type II diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, pedal neuropathy, and arthritis.Within this paper we will explore her age related changes, concept of health and wellness, one chronic disease, diabetes, along with the c ar and health maintenance associated with this chronic illness, compare and contrast medical/nursing care with current research, health promotion, base hit and any special concerns, current resources used and community resources non used, and the clients perspective of her own quality of life. Age Related ChangesWe begin with age related changes which everyone bath see externally, however its in part, the individuals concept of these changes that occur over the life span that help define the persons health. Americans are living longer and Mrs. Nowell is a prime example of this fact at age ninety-four along with her sister-in-law in the analogous nursing facility at age one hundred and four. Americans over the age of 65 now comprise almost 13 percent of the coupled States population. Mrs. Nowell notes a definite change in her physical body and abilities.However, though now faced with physical mobility limitations, she admits a life satisfaction and is living a intellectual and productive life. Common age-related changes shes experiencing are visual acuity or presbyopia for which she wears glasses to assist in ready, very slight auditory sense impairment or presbycusis, along with hypertension, coronary artery disease and arthritis. Though Mrs. Nowell does devour diabetes, she doesnt associate this chronic disease with normal aging. She stated Ive been a diabetic as long as I can remember. Obvious integumentary changes are seen, yet no deep, well defined wrinkles, having not been a smoker, and wore hats to protect her face from sun exposure. Mrs. Nowell does appear to have a slight bit of memory loss because when asked how old her husband was when he died she was unable(p) to recall. However, when asked about her childhood and where she grew up, she recounted very vivid memories. This is typical of the aging adult. The speed with which information is processed, stored, and received is decreased older memories tend to be intact with untried-made memories being recalled less frequently.What is important to remember about the aging population is while they are experiencing moderate physical limitations, they learn to live with them and lead happy and productive lives, as is Mrs. Nowell. Concept of Health and Wellness Mrs. Nowells concept of health and wellness is definitely one of her own perspective. She equates herself to being healthy for a ninety-four year old lady. At ninety-four Mrs. Nowell is mentally healthy with little to no signs of dementia. And because she has her mind, she does not see her physical limitations as making her unhealthy.She envisions wellness and her state of well-being as optimal because with the use of her motorized wheelc hairsbreadth she can come and go as she pleases within the confines of the skilled nursing facility in which she lives, as well as, out in the community. She feels shes definitely one of the healthiest ninety-four year olds she knows because each day she dresses well, though with assistance, puts on her outline and matching jewelry. She states when she looks good, she feels good. Chronic Disease and Care to Improve/Maintain Health Though Mrs. Nowell has several co-morbidities, this paper will focus on her type II diabetes.Diabetes Mellitus is associated with many related health factors of which Mrs. Nowell currently precipitates. She does have some vi sual impairment which is linked with aging, as well as diabetes. She also manifests pedal neuropathy of which she admits to taking Neurontin to alleviate the nerve discomfort and tingling. She lives in a skilled nursing facility where her blood sugar is checked before meals and at bedtime. She is treated with Novalog Insulin in the morning and evening which keeps her blood sugars at a normal range between 80 and 100, and below 150. They ncourage healthy meals and eating, though Mrs. Nowell admits to having family bring in snacks to her zest which are not always on the American Diabetic Association (ADA) food options. The nursing facility also goes to great lengths to ensure meticulous break up care is provided to all diabetics. They inspect their feet when assisting in dressing and showering, as well as, have podiatry perform toenail clipping. Mrs. Nowell does not see her diabetes as a disease, but rather a lifestyle and way of living. Compare and Contrast Medical/Nursing Care an d Current Research As previously mentioned Mrs.Nowells diabetes is treated with insulin and given a sustenance per recommendations of the ADA. The nurses perform regular blood sugar checks before each meal and at bedtime, following a regiment nursing care plan to keep her blood sugar below 150. However recent guideline updates recommend that primary care physicians do not push the patients to obtain a standard targeted blood sugar level. The facility nurses also provide education on healthy snacks and figure programs available to their residents. Because corpulency is a major concern and noted problem among the diabetic community daily exercise is recommended for the diabetic patient.However given Mrs. Nowells physical limitations daily exercise is minimal at best. Researchers are now giving acceptance to bariatric surgery among diabetics faced with morbid obesity, which has shown rapid blood sugar levels and decreased pharmacological interpellation involve. However given Mrs. Nowells advanced age, she is not a bariatric candidate. Current medical care of Mrs. Nowell includes keeping her hemoglobin A1c below 7% per her primary care doctor and nursing supervision. Yet it is evidenced that the aging adult is more vulnerable to hypoglycemia, and combined with Mrs.Nowells cardiovascular disease, recommendations are pointing to an A1c below 8%. The mayo Clinic also has an online tool developed for diabetics which includes low blood-sugar risks, weight changes, blood sugar testing requirements and costs which help the physician and patient weigh the risks and benefits of diabetic medication therapies. Health Promotion, Safety and Special Concerns Mrs. Nowells promotional health needs are met through nursing care provided and maintaining an optimal sense of wellness. Mrs. Nowells immunizations are up to date including her flu and pneumonia vaccinations.She receives assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) to maintain meticulous skin care and foot insp ection to reduce risks of diabetic ulcers. Her diet remains well balanced per the ADA guidelines for optimal nutrition, to further reduce risks of pressure ulcers, which would be of concern with her mobility limitations. She also suffers from incontinence, yet admits to receiving quick response to toileting needs and perineal care. The floors are kept clutter free with no rugs or sliding floormats. The bathrooms are equipped with handrails and emergency call bell pull cords.Showers are large and can be accessed with a wheelchair and have showering chairs for those with mobility limitations such as Mrs. Nowell. Daily use items such as her toothbrush, hairbrush and makeup are kept within easy reach to decrease risk for falls. Mrs. Nowell voiced no special concerns or needs that werent being met to her expectations. Current Resources Used and Community Resources not Used Mrs. Nowells uses the assistance of the occupational therapist that works with the clients of her nursing facility t o maintain optimal health and wellness.She has been trained to use a reaching gismo or reacher which clasps items out of safe reaching range or items she may have dropped and desires to retrieve reducing her risk of falls. Mrs. Nowell takes great pleasure in take part in the community offerings that come to the nursing facility for senior involvement opportunities, such as church groups, entertainment companies, and many local businesses, including restaurants that offer samplings of new menu items. She has participated in numerous provided educational classes and socialization activities for the residents.She also uses the facilities transportation system for group outings and community access. Mrs. Nowell stated they do have a hair dresser that provides services twice a week, however she prefers her daughter, who visits daily, to assist her with her hair care needs. She further does not use their common dining area choosing to have her meals in her room or with family when they visit. Yet does frequent the common area for bingo and karaoke for socialization and enjoyed participation. Quality of Life, the Client Perspective Mrs. Nowell considers her quality of life optimal. She finds herself healthy.As with Maslows Hierarchy, having her basic needs met, Mrs. Nowell presents with a high self-esteem and self-actualization. She is living a healthy and productive life, exhibiting an exuberant personality. She is still a good mother, grandmother and great grandmother able to enjoy family and friends, while appreciating her life and memories. Conclusion In summary Mrs. Nowell is a wonderful example of an aging population that is well correct and reached the highest plateau of hierarchy. As a nurse caring for the elderly, we must be better prepared to assist the aging population to this optimal level of health and wellness.We can achieve this through continued research and provision of age appropriate care. Living happy and productive lives within the elderly pop ulation, and given their limitations, be it physical or mental, should be the goal of all nursing. References Anderson, B. , de Chesnay, M. (2012). Caring for the vulnerable perspectives in nursing theory, practice, and research. (3rd ed. ). Burlington, MA Jones & Bartlett Learning. Jett, K. , Touhy, T. (2010). Gerontological nursing & healthy aging. (3rd ed. ). revere Louis, MS Mosby Elsevier. Khardori, R. (2012, October 8). Medscape references.Retrieved October 14, 2012, from Type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment & management http//emedicine. medscape. com/article/117853-treatment Resources For Seniors, Incorporated, (n. d. ), Retrieved October 6, 2012, from http//www. resourcesforseniors. com Seniors Health, (n. d. ), Retrieved October 14, 2012, from http//medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/Seniors+Health Winslow, R. (2012, July 9). The wall street journal. Retrieved October 14, 2012, from New strategies for treating diabetes http//online. wsj. com/article/SB100014240527023 03292204577517041076204350. html
Friday, May 24, 2019
Memory Process Paper Essay
I remember playing the bouncing Trivial Pursuit and in order to win this plunk for it came down to me acquiring to answer one question. I racked my brain truly hard trying to remember this fictional charactericular(prenominal) answer. The question inquired nigh a particular mountain I by no means heard of or could remember learning about.This paper will describe the beliefs of functioning reminiscence, short-range recollection, long-standing recollection, the part of encrypting, in addition to the simplicity of recovery in the recollection draw close. I participated on an online remembrance rivulet, revive Match and Memory intercellular substance, to assess my short-term computer storage board.The test consisted of memory accuracy and visual recollection. Concepts of Functioning Memory, Short, and Long-Span MemoryLong-span memory and short-span memory have two diverse stages of storage (Cowan, 2001). There is a system of depicted object and duration in the short-span memo ry. In short-span recall data can be detained for a few seconds, before the long-term memory has received it. Long-term memory data can be received, when processing data in short-term memory immediately.The memories system works to retain reminiscences, in an extended period of time, and still forever would be considered a long-period of memory. Long-span recollection is collected of more than a few diverse modules semantic recollection, procedural recollection, episodic recollection, and declarative recollection. Declarative recollection is reminiscence of accurate data.For example, important dates such as anniversary and birthday, names of individuals, and faces of people would be considered declarative memory. Procedural recollection is remembrance for habits and expertise. For example, bike move or learning to toss a football would be considered a procedural recollection. Semantic recollection is retention for universal understanding and details about the world, in addition t oreminiscence for the guidelines of judgment that are determinationd to assume other realities.For example, reading a chapter in an educational course textbook is considered to be semantic memory. Episodic recollection is recollection for occasions that transpire in a specific place, context, or time. Speed Match and Memory Matrix ResultsI took an online memory test from the Lumosity Internet site that invented memory measuring tests called look sharp match and memory ground substance. These tests are apparently a clinically premeditated sum of intellectual performance that practices and unidentified exclusive procedure to interpret game results into some suggestion of cognitive meaning (Lumosity, 2013). The speed match and memory matrix tests are also considered to be used as Assessment, which give scores grounded on performance, but provides without question no clarification of those scores.Speed Match consists of use to think faster than normal rate, having faster response ti me, moving up the speed of his or her cognitive processing, and exercising his or her working memory. My score in speed match was 210, which meant average accuracy in speed memory. The objective was to recollect the symbols, but to reply rapidly.It was not a particularly amusing game to play, but whence again a round is reasonably short, so I did not have much time to invest trying to progress on my previous scores. Simultaneously, it is not really clear to me if playing this game could actually speed up my cognitive processes. There were an abundant amount of impulse-based interchange games.For example, this game had side-scrolling intergalactic shooters that were used to take over the arcade section, which were more stimulating and had more replay assessment than Speed Match. These games were just as able of assisting in faster thinking and having quicker response times. Memory Matrix consists of the use in learning individuals names for the first time, retention the name of s oul you have met, and exercising your working recollection.My result in the memory matrix game was 935, which meant above average in recalling circumstances. The Lumosity Internet site dwelled more on the importance of face-name remembrance, which ultimately came off, a little gimmicky, compared to my above review on speed match.Nevertheless, while the emphasis on human faces in Memory Matrix was slightly more than an appealing catch, the process behind the game ensuresthe facts of having an established tool for improving working recollection. Studies have revealed that partaking in reasonable physical occupation momentarily can lift flanker test response time. Role of Encrypting and Retrieval in the Recollection MethodOnce material has been encoded and put absent in recollection, it must be recovered in order to be put in use. Remembrance recovery is significant in virtually both phase of daily living, from recalling where your car is parked to new skills of learning. At hand ar e numerous aspects that can impact how reminiscences are recovered from long-span recollection.With the aim of to the full comprehending this method, it is significant to discuss more about precisely what is retrieval in addition to the various features that can influence how reminiscences are recovered. Remembrance recollection comprises of the memory being reconstructed, frequently making use of rational structures, partial recollections, descriptions or hints. For example, writing a response on an college exam regularly comprises memorizing tads on data, then after restructuring or encrypting the continuing data founded on these limited reminiscences.Reminiscence retrieval includes recognizing figures after coming in contact with it again. Reminiscence retrieval includes reeducating oneself with schooling that was formerly learned. This frequently makes it stress-free to recollect and retrieve data in the upcoming future in addition to improving the strong point of reminiscence s. Despite the fact it may be exasperating or very stressful, research has revealed that these involvements are enormously shared, characteristically arising at least twice each week for almost young individuals and three to five times per week for older adults (Cowan, 2001).In several circumstances, individuals can even recollect specifics such as the main letter that a sentence begins with (LaBar & Cabeza, 2006). Assess Variables Connected with Encrypting Data and Ease of Recovery The three main independent variables in my experiment with memory matrix and speed test were free recall, cued recall, and recognition (Cowan, 2001). My dependent variable from these tests consists of the number of words I correctly remembered.My memory test ran having a within-subjects design, which entailed of three diverse lists of 22 items, each charted by a diverse type of memory test. I formed a relationship between the target words andtheir respective cues. Then, when the cues were presented to m e in the test phase, I relied on these draws to aid me in recalling the target words.ConclusionThere are different phases of memory realization, from perception to sensory memory, to short-span memory, and long-span memory. Memory is the capability to encrypt or encode, collect and recollect information. The three main practices intricate in the human memory are storage, encoding, and reminiscence (retrieval). Furthermore, the practice of memory association is considered to be one or the other part of the encoding or encrypting process or the storage procedure, which is understood as a detached process.ReferencesSpeed Match and Memory Matrix. (2013). Lumosity. Retrieved fromhttp//, N. (2001). The magical number 4 in short-term memory A reconsideration of mentalstorage capacity. behavioural and Brain Sciences 24 97185.LaBar K.S., & Cabeza R. (2006). Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory. NatureReviews Neuroscience 7 5464.Carver L.J. & Baue r P.J. (2001). The dawning of a past The emergence of long-term explicit memory in infancy. Journal of Experimental Psychology General 130 726745.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hospital management system Essay
1.User indispensabilitysUsers can log in and register diligents. During registration the drug users should be adapted to recruit basic patient information. The establishment should accord the user to agenda an appointment for a new user in which the user should be fitting to attribute the date, time, department and the doctor avail commensurate at that time Users can search for admitted patient.User can see the department wise appointment and particular days outpatient and also see todays waitlist, transfer or transfer a patient from one department to another(prenominal) department. The user should be able to enter the basic information about the employee and his or her professional details. The user will be able to add the urgency and reminder to patient or cancel an appointment of a particular patient or update patient details etc. The user will be able to see doctor on call schedule department The user will be able to create edit or update a duty political program of a doctor. The user should be able to delete and add a doctor to a particular department. The user should be able to assign a particular bed to a particular patient, or discharge the patient. The user should be able to view the waiting list and from in that location can transfer the patient. The user should be able to search the patient who is gone through any operation and his or her detail information ilk operation date, surgeon, therapy etc. The user should be able to view pending requests.2. transcription requirementsThe arranging should have a log in option and maintain a record of registered patients. The schema should categorize In Patients and Out Patients The brass should maintain a record of doctors schedules in order to accord so that, if a patient wants a particular doctor the formation should enable them to search a particular doctor schedule and his or her available time. The governance should all deliver modification of details.The system should showing a lis t of admitted patients.The system should hap information related to patients which are out patient. The system should allow registration of a new employee. Thesystem should store todays doctor on call schedule department. The system should also allow the user to create edit or update a duty plan of a doctor. System should maintain the ward occupancy there room and bed. The system should display details entered by the user of when the transfer a patient form one ward to another or one room to another room or one bed to another bed has taken place. The system should output a waiting list.The system should produce a nursing report, physician orders, diagnostic reports lab reports etc. and the user should be able to view it. The system should be able to create a duty plan for a particular nurse and also give a quick review of todays nurses on standby duty. The system should have a form for the user to fill to send a request to laboratory test. The system should maintain a radiological test request that a user can make. 3.Functional RequirementsFunctional requirements situate the fundamental actions that system mustinessiness perform. The functional requirements for the system are divided into various modules Registration, Billing, Payroll Module, Outpatient focal point, Inpatient Management and pharmaceutics A. )Registration moduleThis module of the system captures complete and relevant patient information such as patient registration details, doctors periodical schedule list, doctors schedule compact and so on. And automates the patient administration functions to have better and efficient patient care process. The system shall include a user authorization procedure where users must identify themselves using a login take a crap and password. Only users who are authorized in this way may access the system data. The system should be able to display enquires about the patient, the patient location, admission and appointment scheduling and discharge details . The system shall record patient registration details and inpatient and outpatient registration details. The system should allow users to modify patient or doctors details The system should automatically give and store medical alerts details. The system shall provide doctors schedule summary and doctors daily schedule list. The system should maintain medical records that keep an abstract of clinical data about patients.B. )Billing moduleThe Patient Billing module handles all types of thrill for long-term care. This module facilitates cashier and billing operations for different categories of patients like Outpatient, Inpatient and Referral. Therefore in this moduleThe system should provide automatic circuit card of charges related to different services like bed charges, lab tests conducted, medicines issued, consultants fee, food, beverage and telephone charges etc. The system should be flexible to allow billing plans to be configured to automatically accept or deny. The system s hould be tuned to enable this module to capture room and bed charges along with supportive charges based on the sponsorship category. The system should record the charges for various services rendered. The system should display payment details.The system should display reports and have a printing option. C )Payroll ModuleThe system should calculate total employee salary including reductions and allow the employer to, print salary slips and salary certificates The system should produce PF statements, Gratuity Statements and also provide a monthly analysis. Since the module deals with the maintenance of employee bio-data, the system should keep employee bio data including Attendance / Overtime details. It should also report on absenteeism or leave encasements of an employee. The system should stomach the department to conduct Employee Related Activities like appointing the staff, maintaining the employee database, Fixing allowances and deductions, Maintenance of Hospital documents, etc. D.) Outpatient Management moduleThe outpatient module serves as an entry point to schedule an appointment with the infirmary resident doctor or consultant doctor for medical consultations and diagnosis. In this moduleThe system should provide instant access to encyclopedic patient information to doctors. The system should divide Patient visits into new, follow-up and review and record the appropriate details if any. Thesystem should handle the modules requests and results of laboratory tests and other examinations. The system should define external doctors visit to in patients as call on. The system should store patients diagnosis details.The system should provide a record of patients appointments. The system should store outpatient medical observation details. The system should provide a report on outpatient interposition History. The system should store the out patients clinical service details and common billing clinical services of the patient The system should support on line prescription, online request for Investigations and so on. The system should calculate the cost for the services rendered to the patient and reflect it in the billing module appropriately resulting in smooth billing process. E) Inpatient Management moduleThe inpatient module is designed to take care of all the activities and functions pertaining to Inpatient Management. ThereforeThe system should allow this module to automate the day-to-day administrative actives and provides instant access to other modules, which leads to a better patient care. The system should provide comprehensive data pertaining to Admission of Patients & Ward Management Availability of beds, Estimation, parallelism preparation, Collection of advance, planned admission, Emergency admission and so on. The system should enable this module to support Ward Management involving the system recording details of a patient being shifted from one ward to the other. The system should display and be able to keep a re cord of the number of available beds The system should observe the administration of drugs.The system should display the details of when a doctor is to be or transferred. The system should display requests regarding admission, drugs and also display pending requests. The system should keep and display record of patients that are to be or have been discharged the details should include the expected or the Date and Time of Discharge. The system should allow the module (department) to track every visit made by a patient. F) Pharmacy modulePharmacy module deals with the automation of general workflow and administration management process of a pharmacy.The system should allow purchasing of orders.The system should store suppliers informationThe system should allow online request for impart from various sub-stores and online stock transfer.The system should maintain the drug inventory.The system should record and allow users to view the expiring date of items.The system should produce a goods receipt.4. Nonfunctional requirements.Non-functional requirements define the overall qualities or attributes of the resulting system. Performance RequirementsPerformance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality. The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than two seconds. The log in information shall be verified within five seconds. SecurityThe system shall ensure that data is protected from unauthorized access. Through permitting the changing access permissions for the system data to only be done by the systems data administrator All system data must be backed up every 24 hours and the backup copies stored in a secure location which is not in the equivalent building as the system ReliabilityThe system should perform its required functions under stated conditions if any. The system should have a low rate of ill fortune to deliver the services required by end users.MaintainabilityThe system should be able to cope with the cha nging of technology. SizeThe system should not occupy a large amount of memory disk space. Robustness.After a failure the system should have a backup to assist in immediately procedure as required. 5.Usability requirementsSome of the systems usability requirements should includeInformative error messages for example when a record is missing and should be inputted or when incorrect data The system should brook help facilities for users who require further assistance or understanding when using the system. The system should have well-formed graphical user interfaces. The time needed to be taken for users to learn the facilities of the system. How satisfied are the users with the system can be measured by taking a survey.6. Domain requirementsDomain requirements are the requirement that comes from the application domain of the system that reflects the traces of that domain. Therefore, as this System is a hospital management System, the domain requirement of this system should conce rn about the requirements that reflect characteristic of hospital management system. Our hospital management System should contain the characteristics below The hospital management system must have basic functions storing, tracking, updating and must be able to generate and display reports also records or details of patients, doctors, medical alerts, doctors schedules lists and so on. Every operation that occurs in the hospital management system must concern of Data Integrity. For example, we do not want the total charges calculated by the system of a patient and displayed not to be not accurate thus causing losses to the hospital making use of this system or a drug records is recorded without including its name or quantity.Each operation that occurs in the hospital management system must be recorded, and the system should generate report from time to time. Regarding security issue, the hospital management system must have an authentication features e to prevent unauthorized access . Authorized person must be able to access the System 24/7 except the system is under maintenance. The system should have a backup unit which will be required when an unexpected system failure event occurs. The system should not only produce reports but also receipt when it comes to drugs to support manual tracking of finances if necessary. The system should display requests regarding admission, drugs and also display pending requests and enable responding to them if required. This system must monitor administration of drugs.REFRENCESWE 626 Team 2 Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specification memorial Retrieved from Software Requirements Retrieved from
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been -Joyce Carol Oates
Nightmare or Reality? Joyce Carol Oates creates an inquisitive plot that causes the referee to oppugn events in the study, Where are You Going, Where Have You Been? She develops this fable featuring a girl named Connie, who has an encounter with a boy at a restaurant that she doesnt know. He wagged a finger and laughed and said, Gonna get you, baby, and Connie turned away (Oates 210). Startled Connie only saw this boy once that night, nevertheless the chronicle goes on, and a few days by and by he comes to her house where she learns that the boys name is Arnold Friend. She is unaware how the boy knows anything about her, where she lives, and the fact that he knows all about her family and friends. In the short story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Joyce Carol Oates creates signifi give noticet details that some readers might miss, revealing that Connie is actually having a incubus where Arnold Friend is an imaginary character. The day that Arnold Friend came to Connies house she had been left at home alone, while her family went to a barbecue at her aunts house. Connie sat with her eyes closed in the sun, aspiration and dazed (Oates 211).This is when Connie begins to fall asleep in the story as she is laying out of doors in a lawn chair. Joyce Carol Oates never directly states she is now dream but provides the reader with clues to suggest it. The story reads when she opened her eyes she touchyly knew where she was, the back yard ran off into weeds and a fence-like line of trees and behind it the hawk was perfectly blue and still (Oates 211). When a person is dreaming they can be in an unacquainted place and sometimes unaware of where they are. Connie is experiencing these happenings as she wakes up or begins the journey into her nightmare. The asbestos ranch house that was now three years old startled her- it looked small. She shook her head as if to get awake (Oates 211). Oates include this in the story as a clue to readers that Conn ie is still asleep. The phrase as if to get awake, indicates that she shook her head, but it did not wake her up. Arnold Friend shows up at Connies house to convince her to come take a ride with him in his car. He seems nice at first, but she soon realizes how creepy-crawly and unusual this boy really is. She keeps telling him to leave and that she does not want to go for a ride, but that doesnt stop Arnold from attempting to persuade her.Connie refuses to step outside and stays in the house. While she is inside Joyce Carol Oates says, The kitchen looked like a place she had never seen before, some room she had run inside but that wasnt good enough, wasnt going to help her. The kitchen window had never had a curtain (216). This is another example that during a nightmare the place you live can look different and unfamiliar, and some things look a bit strange. This is what Connie is experiencing in the story as she examines her surroundings, and these details are information that pro ves she is dreaming. Seen you that night and thought, thats the one, yes sir.I never needed to look anymore (Oates 217). This is a flashback in Connies nightmare where she is remembering the reality of seeing the boy in real life that triggered the nightmare she experiences in the story. The reader has to infer that things that frighten a person in their life have the ability to develop nightmares because we are worried or fearful, which makes it hard to forget them. Arnold threatens to come inside multiple times if she touches the telephone to call the police. Having a nightmare gives us the capability to create ways to keep the noisome guy or in this case, Arnold, away from us.Connie is able to stay safely inside away from him as long as she does not touch the phone. In reality Arnold Friend might come running inside regardless of if she touched the phone, and drag her out to the car. The very last sentence in the story says, so much land that Connie had never seen before and did not recognize except to know that she was going to it (Oates 219). This is the ending of the story right after Connie gave up and agreed to go with Arnold, and she is describing her view as she walks out the door and into his arms.Joyce Carol Oates creates the idea that Connie does not recognize anything around her house, and she had never seen it before. This is an important detail the reader needs to catch in order to realize that Connie is in fact, in a dream. In conclusion, there are several details throughout this story to support the argument that Joyce Carol Oates develops her story portraying Connie experiencing a nightmare. To thoroughly understand this story I had to reread the vital parts that indicate she is in a dream. Analyzing the story gave me the advantage of nterpreting and discovering this information, because before I explored the text I did not believe it was about a girl having a nightmare. It is important for any reader to do the same, because the author neve r directly points out these possible aspects of the story. There are clues to indicate that Connie was also not in a nightmare, but I found more indications leading towards the fact that she was. One clue being that Oates never specifies Connie being fully awake or asleep. So the story is still a mystery in the idea that, is it a nightmare or reality?
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Impact of Divorce on Children
The impact of dissociate on children Angela Smith PSYC 210 James Varland Liberty University The impact of divide on children The days of comp allowe families that include mom, soda water, the folk pet, and several children hardly exist. These families catch now been replaced with an increasing number of single conjure up households due to the increasing disarticulate drift since the 1970s. (Price & McKenry, 1988) What kind of impact does part play on children under the age of 18 years old today. As we journey into this research, we suck up out put one across many things that effect children not nevertheless(prenominal) emotion eachy, tho spiritually, sensually, and mentally.Each of these problems discharge carry over to adulthood. What we may not realize is that divorce could affect e very(prenominal)thing up into adulthood of a child. Emotional scars could be die for life. The children are the ones that are left to suffer the most due to divorce. at that place is so much research on this topic. That alone shows that children are suffering in so many ways due to divorced boots. Divorce is a very stressful experience for any child, regardless of their age. Over half of Ameri fag children will witness the breakup of a parents join.Among the millions of children who flip seen their parents divorce, did you know that one in ten children will besides go through and through three or more parental espousals? (The Abolition of Marriage, Gallagher) The death of a parent is less devastating on a child than a divorce. There are several areas and stages of pain that is bulkt with within a child at the beginning of a divorce. They feel very vulnerable, they feel powerless over the situation, and they get to feelings of anger and of course several feeling of guilt. Parents sensitivity to their childs needs has to be a priority in the adjustment of the divorce.Then you need to address the childs age also. A preschoolers reaction and an adolescent s reaction will be very diverse from each other. Preschoolers tend to be emotionally needy. They have fears related to abandonment, and may display acting-out behaviors. They are probably to become distressed during visit exchanges. (http//cpancf. com/articles_files/efffectsdivorceonchildren. asp) Children from ages 6 to 8 will likely fantasize about their parents but yet are less likely to blame themselves for the divorce.Then children ages 9 to 12 will have a better under stallinging of their parents divorce and the situation but yet may own the sides with one of the parents. Although adolescents understand and comprehend the divorce of their parents, they are approach with the divorce experience and also their own identities. Adolescents seem to mature more quickly by and by a divorce. They will take on more responsibilities at home they learn to appreciate things like an allowance a lot more, and they also learn to gain insight into relationships with others.But on the othe r hand, they could be drawn into taking on the role of the parent and not be able to develop relationships with their own peers. According to research, there are many different approaches that you could take when talk of the town to your children about the divorce. There are definitely ways of saying things at their level and ways to try and make it easier on that individual child. sensation thing that you have to look on is that there is no best age for a child for divorcing parents. One main thing that you have got to be sure as shooting and tell your child is that it isnt their fault.Children seem to deliberate, especially the younger ones that if I act better or get better grades in school, maybe mammary gland and daddy wont be mad at me and leave me. Letting that child know that it isnt their fault is very crucial for the child. It is very master(prenominal) to let that child know that both parents will still be a part of their lives. When talking to your child about th e divorce, you need to turn back your emotions under control. If the child sees that you are upset, that will also make them upset and the whole situation can be more complicated. Never, never speak negatively about your spouse in front of the child.Your child will need to know a reason but not all of the details. Negativity can cause your child to resent your spouse or you. Children are use to a routine. They will need to know what all will be ever-changing in their life. The children need security. Put your differences aside and get along for the childs sake. Always listen to your child or children and encourage your child or children to express their feelings. Children have problems finding words to express how they feel. Take the time to help your child understand what they are feeling. And allow the child to be honest.Reassure them that no matter what they have to say or how they are feeling, that neither of these are wrong. That it is okay for them to express themselves. Whil e knowing what to say to a child when talking about divorce there are also things that should not be said when talking to them. Never try to buy your childs love. purchase the child stuff will only make them feel good temporarily. That feeling will wear off. A child would rather have their parents undivided attention in opportunities and joys in life. Nothing can take the place of the love of a parent.The most important thing that I think that a couple should think of first is not to give up on your marriage. There are many alternatives to giving up and permit it end in divorce. (http//www. marriage-success-secrets. com/talking-to-your-child-about-divorce. html ) Statistics are done for very valuable purposes. As I bring some of these statistics to light for you, I think that you will be rather amazed. Children of divorce are at a greater risk to experience injury, asthma, headaches and speech defects than children whose parents have remained married.Children living with both biol ogical parents are 20 to 35 percent more physically anicteric than children from broken homes. (Journal of Marriage and Family) Teenagers in single-parent families and in blended families are three times likely to need psychological help within a year. A study of children six years after a parental breakup revealed that even after all that time, these children tended to be lonely, unhappy, anxious and insecure. (Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) These statistics are surely frightful. And people and politics wonder why our American agriculture is so messed up.Families today doesnt seem to believe in morals and they especially do not see the importance of what marriage is all about. immortal gave us a mate to be with forever. The instructions that God has given us in the Bible are very clear about marriage and divorce. In 1 Corinthians 710-14 says, I command the married-not I, but the Lord- a wife is not to leave her husband. But if she does leave she must remain single(a) or reconciled to her husband- and a husband is not to leave this wife. But I (not the Lord) say to the rest if any brother has an unbelieving wife and she is uncoerced to live with him, he must not leave her.Also if any woman has an unbelieving husband and he is willing to live with her, she must not leave her husband. For the unbelieving husband is set apart for God by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is set apart for God by the husband. Other sweet, your children will be corrupt, but now they are set apart for God. (Christian Standard Bible) Another passage that Jesus talks about in the Bible about marriage and divorce and makes Himself very clear about it is in Matthew 195 & 9,(5)For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. 9) And I tell you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery. (Christian Standard Bible) This passage s ums it all up on divorce. If you are considering divorce and do live by the Bible, I think that there are several things that you need to see and think about according to Gods standard before you actually divorce. This should be considered only in light of the most basic principles of scripture. Is the motive for the divorce Godly? Has the spouse sought advice of wise counselors? Is the divorce a last resort action to be taken?If humans today still lived by Gods standards, the divorce rate and all the problems that follow divorce would not be the way they were. There are so many people that divorce affects and to be greedy and only think of ones own self is inhuman. Even is you have failed with your marriage, there are ways that you can succeed with your divorce. Divorce and all the complications that come along with it can have a significant impact on the well being and development of both children and adolescents. The consequences of divorce can and will impact almost all areas of a childs life.That not only includes the parent and child relationship but also the childs behavior, emotions, coping skills, and psychological development. No wonder that there is a high demand for mental health professionals and other child specialists. As we have looked at statistics and some ways for the parents to deal with the divorce for the childrens sake, lets put ourselves in the childrens shoes. What do you think is actually going through their mind? What questions do you think that they are thinking about and wanting to ask?According to the University of Missouri, these are some questions and thoughts that are probably going through a childs mind during their parents divorce. I need both of you to stay involved in my life. I need letters, phone calls, and lots of questions asked to me. Please dont controvert and work hard to get along with each other. Try to agree on matters that relate to me. When you fight about me, I think that I have done something wrong. Please do nt ask me to send messages back and forth between the two of you. Please remember that I depend on both of you to raise me and to be a part of my life.I need both of you to teach me what is important and to help me when I have problems. Take a turn to imagine just what all goes on in a childs mind when divorce happens. It is truly a sad situation. Now lets turn the tables and take a look at some of the positive effects of divorce and children. Now that sounds crazy, right. That is what I thought also until I read some research done on this particular topic. Being a child of divorced parents and looking back, I can actually see some of the benefits that have been seen in the research.Of course no child wants to see their parents gets divorced but if you think about it no child wants to see their parents constantly fighting either. If there is any kind of abuse in the relationship, you could actually be hurting your children more by staying together. Children who have foregone throu gh divorce with their parents could reap the benefits of spending one on one time with each parent. Despite the difficulties of divorce, the one on one time is a great bonding opportunity for parents and children to experience. (http//www. helium. om/items/1355536-what-are-positive-effects-divorce-children) Just think about it for a minute. The quality time that each parent is able to spend with their child or children is actually increased after a divorce.The total focus of the parent on the child is much more valued now. Children can grow healthy in many types of divorce situations if the three key following conditions are met first, the basic needs for the children must be met, such as love and physical care, understanding, discipline and safety second, the children need a sense of belonging or being able to say, his is my family where I am important and a special somebody and finally, they also need role models of both sexes in their lives to help them determine their proper mal e and female roles. (http//www. jesuschristismygod. com/index2b. html) Some female children come out of divorce growing into exceptionally good young women. It seems that girls and women strive on more responsibilities and challenges. They connect with their mothers and have deep ties with them. Child psychologist agree that keeping the strength of all-embracing family intact is one of the best ways to provide a good structure for children to deal with divorce.In addition, when both parents have the full support of family and friends that were connected to the kids during the marriage that provides resources to turn to when things get difficult as the adults try to figure out how life as a divorced couple should work with kids. (http//www. articlesbase. com/divorce-articles/the-positive-effects-of-divorce-on-children-2745699. html) It is very important that the parents celebrate certain days, such as birthdays, and holidays, together with their children.This can and will show their children that there are values to be taken and at the equivalent time show the role of a true mother and father relationship. As I sit here and think over all the research and statistics that I have read about and then think about my own situation as a child of divorce, I can come in with several of the characteristics that have been studied. First thing that comes to my mind was how my mom and dad handle the situation of divorce, They would talk bad about the other one in front of me and it seemed as if they were trying to win sides with me when actually all I wanted was both of their love.There was always arguing and fighting in front of me and my brothers which also caused me to grow up with a lot of hostility in me. Everything I did for years was prone to fighting and anger. I remember being took from my house to where my dad would stay for certain weekends and holidays and I all wanted was everyone together, As I look back on it now, I truly wonder if my parents had of made different and better choices due to their divorce and the sake of the children, would anything in my life been any different with my attitude or my outlook on things and especially family.I can remember blaming myself for several of the things that was wrong between my parents and also being a mediator between them. My grades in school did go down and I acted out to get the action I was lacking from having both of my parents there when I needed them. I guess that one good thing that did come out of my parents divorce was that I had a huge sense of survival and determination due to this divorce of my parents. I can also see where girls seem to make a strong tie with their mothers and become very strong women.I truly think that it has helped make me what I am today. I do not believe that I could of survived some of the abuse I have been through with drug addiction and recovery if I had not set my standards of survival at such a young age. There are so many ways that we can be coached and taught about what to do in this situation. It is a very sad scale for a couple to have to come to this point in their lives today. Marriage is not seen as it should be. People take it for granted about having a lifelong mate and companion.We should all go back to the basis of the Bible but with the devil and the secular land taking over today, we as Christians have to stand up and play a huge role in our kids live. I have made a promise to myself that I will not quote the cycle of my parents. Life is too precious and your children will be grown and gone before you know it. We endure enough pain in this world today and I refuse to allow anymore to be put into my childrens life due to me.This study has just made me a teeny-weeny more determined about living my marriage a a Christian example to my children and working through all the problems that marriage my bring in my direction. The statistics are growing but our God is even bigger.References Christian Standard Bible http//c pancf. com/articles_files/efffectsdivorceonchildren. asp) http//www. articlesbase. com/divorce-articles/the-positive-effects-of-divorce-on-children-2745699. html http//www. helium. com/items/1355536-what-are-positive-effects-divorce-children
Monday, May 20, 2019
Goan Literature and Translation! Essay
Goa has been glinted in many ways. It is sometimes reflected with people, through its culture and sometimes through literature. Goan reflection is nothing but the projection of Goa as a land, Goas socio-economic life and contemporary Goan expressions. According to Prof. Peter Nazareth Goans have written in thirteen languages. Goans canvas between cultures, Goans live between different cultures, Goans are travelers from star part to another. We can translate different cultures and help people from different cultures understand one another.But the disadvantage is that if we dont exploit on it, we may end up not knowing who we are. Today Goa is portrayed as something different than what it is in reality. And not just the media is to be blamed but also the Goans are to be blamed who allowed themselves to be portrayed in a negative manner. Goan literature is one of the important tools which reflect Goa in its true sense. But the problem with Goan literature was that most of the lit erature was written in local anaesthetic languages like Konkani and Marathi and only a few people could read and understand what Goa actually is and what are the issues associate to this land.The solution to tackle this problem is nothing else but interpretation. 1. 2. variation Bridging Gaps The dictionary meaning of the word translation is to express in another language or other words. Its also the transfer of training and substitution from one to another language. shift according to Dr. Johnson involves the process of change into another language, retaining the sense which is the prefatorial objective.The main process is to search for the right words. A translation is both imitation as easily as a faithful creation as well as free, i.e. why a translated literary utilisation is viewed not as an exact replica of the original but a version of it. adaptation is not only a linguistic activity but also a cultural one because it involves a study of culture. The western transla tors in the past considered translations as subsidiary and derogative and they believed that translation did not have much dignity. But the Indians believed that translation is a valuable activity. And thus high amount of work has been done in India in the field of translation.Many works from Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi, and Hindi have been translated into slope. A few important translations from regional languages to English are Gora By Rabindranath Tagore originally written in Bengali and thence translated in English by many translators, Samskara by U. R. Anathamurthy originally written in Kannada and then translated into English by A. K. Ramanujan, Tamas by Bhism Sahani originally written in Hindi but then the author himself translated the work into English. As well as different texts from one language have been translated into other Indian languages.Translation has, in recent years added an immeasurable dimension to our awareness of the layered texture, the reson ance and the depth of Indian society. It has enhanced knowledge of our multilingual, multicultural personality. Indeed, only through good translations can there be confabulation and understanding of continuum of other common heritage. Translation from Konkani does more than that it creates awareness of the very existence of the language and region. Translation enriches comprehension of a wounded culture, the bond of language that unites a dispersed community, and the values that have sustain it.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
What affects outcomes for students in education
To find what might impact results for pupils in footings of instruction, we will look at a sample of larning theories to find which reading methods are approximately effectual, and the challenges it imposes on the instructors to guarantee the stovepipe results for their pupils. Basically in a primary election school state of affairs, both the instruction methods and the milieu of survey greatly excise the result for pupils. Through place burster instructors flowerpot maximize the acquirement of each and every virtuoso of their pupils.There are a figure of different direction manners and methods that instructors use to teach efficaciously. iodin method Cognitivism , looks to research brain-based acquisition, and theoretically, human heads in most instances can understand the nexus between a image and text, this understanding procedure that takes topographic point leads to larning which is unforgettable and much meaningful. Using engineering in instruction is instrumenta l in helping instructors adhere to the demands of the pupils successfully and force them to their single abilities. This is supported by the multimedia rule which states that people learn more deeply from words and images than from words entirely 1 ( Mayer, 1989 ) .A However, it is non effectual to simply add words to images to carry through multimedia learning.A During an observation at an Australian primary school, the instructors would on a regular basis equilibrate utilizing ocular mentions ( engineering included ) in coaction with the theory side of information in their lessons. In order to maintain up with the cordial/economical root towards engineering nowadays it seems that the cardinal end of a instructor is toA instruct including media in add-on to other techniques. Another popular method Constructivism sees larning as a state of affairs in which the pupil is an actively involved in the building of new thoughts and constructs based on old recognition from their ain ex periences. Based on the work of Jean Piaget s theory of cognitive development 2 , Constructivism is considered angiotensin-converting enzyme of the promontory theories of kid development. Developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky ( 1896-1934 ) in Russia, Vygotsky s Social Development Theory is sensation of the foundations of constructivism 3 . This theory concludes that each pupil is non merely a space canvas where the instructor is the sole(prenominal) supplier of cognition, but alternatively a pupil able to utilize any past experiences or cultural beliefs as a learning tool. Continuous instances of constructivism and cognitivism have been observed exercised in the Australian primary school.Inevitably larning manners will differ within each schoolroom nevertheless the three chief types of scholars that have been observed are Ocular, Auditory and Tactile. The best manner for Teachers to near these fluctuations is to learn in a manner that is good to each larning manner. Teachers w ho accommodate a scope of larning manners in their lessons are more likely to prosecute their pupils into larning. There are legion factors that can act upon a pupils eruditeness in a schoolroom, to state this is to besides reinstate that scholars are affected by their ( 1 ) immediate environment ( sound, light, temperature, and design ) ( 2 ) ain emotionalism ( motive, continuity, duty, and need for construction or flexibleness ) ( 3 ) sociological demands ( ego, brace, equals, squad, grownup, or varied ) and ( 4 ) physical demands ( perceptual strengths, intake, clip, and mobility ) 4 This can be seen as sooner a challenge for the instructors to maintain in consideration whilst besides seeking to guarantee the best results for their pupils. Harmonizing to a sample of Australian primary school pupils, things that positively affected their acquisition were the schoolroom environment, the scope of slipway that they received information and the ability to work in groups where ev eryone was at a similar phase. Children will most probably do better educationally if they have positive mentalities ab discover their school ( Kennedy, 1988 ) .Using differentiate direction means utilizing a scope of attacks to heighten larning for all pupils by affecting them in activities in response to specific acquisition demands and dispositions. A important factor for pupil success is to understand that these differences can be addressed and used in a manner that is more good to larning. During the observation at a Primary school the wise man instructor explained how pupils were organised into groups harmonizing to their different ways of larning. An illustration of such was seen when working on construe comprehension pupils that had a much more accelerated reading degree were grouped together, whilst another group consisted of pupils that were a spot lower with their reading degrees, and so on. The instructor explained that if the pupils were wholly taught as if they wer e the same degree it would hold a negative result, but by learning to run into a assortment of degrees this result could be avoided. In general, a schoolroom with differentiated acquisition may look unmanageable and helter-skelter nevertheless in world it is more planned out than it may foremost look. On the impudent side, whilst a instructor can utilize differentiated direction in their schoolroom, it is rather hard without support from the school and its decision makers. Time should be made functional in the course of study by decision makers for proper planning to guarantee the best contingent consequences in the schoolroom. ( Holloway, 2000 ) In kernel this segregation is about supplying options and non merely giving the higher degree pupils more work. ( Tomlinson,1996 ) 5 .A A A A A This assorted research and observation supports differentiated direction and how it positively affects educational differences and demands of pupils.These instructors had evidently included a ass ortment of different larning manners of pupils into their lessons, which in this peculiar observation determined that differentiated direction was decidedly the most effectual method to guaranting the best acquisition result for pupils as a whole. All pupils deserve the chance to be booming in their single degrees, particularly when it does supply a positive result for their hereafter.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Dual Core processors: A New and Better CPU Technology Essay
Most modern personal computers argon based on a item-by-item-core mainframe that is, a single regaleing unit in one co-ordinated circuit. Never public figures have integrated multi-core processors, which have much than one processing unit, integrated into a single chip. The most common pattern of commercial multi-core processor is a triple-core processor, which combines cardinal processing units in one chip. These processors be used in most new Apple crossings, many Windows-based personal computers and many gaming systems.Major chip manufacturers AMD and Intel both(prenominal) offer dual core processors for use in consumer electronics. Other chip manufacturers such as Fujitsu and protoactinium semiconductor device have followed suit with their own dual core offerings. Manufacturers arent stopping at dual core offerings they continue to increase the number of processing units in their multicore offerings, with four or even viii processing units available. Most dual c ore processors are RISC-based processors (Reduced instruction Set Computing), which offers faster processing than the cadence single processor chip (Mears, 2005).Dual core processors have a number of advantages over the honest-to-god single-core processors. They use less causation, run cooler and are faster in some applications than the honest-to-goodness chips, lessen the possibility of overheating as well as reducing the devices use of power (Lynch, 2005). Virtualization, or the abstraction of doubled resources into a single practical(prenominal) resource or a single resource into multiple virtual resources, also is made possible by dual core chips (Lynch, 2005).This process greatly increases the efficiency of multitasking, or running multiple programs at the same(p) time. Dual core processors were starting line introduced to the consumer market in mid-2005, with both AMD and Intel, the two largest chip manufacturers, bringing their products onto the market at about the sa me time (Lynch, 2005). They quickly became popular, particularly with pictorial artists and gamers, who required the faster performance of the dual core processor. However, machines create with the processors had a steep price tag, slowing the consumer adoption of the processors.Dual core processors were at first solely offered in high-end workstations intended for fine art-intensive gaming or graphics creation, and the machines often had price tags of $5,000 or more than (Begun, 2005). Today, they are offered in most major computer lines, including Apple, IBM and others. Notebook computers also offer dual core processors. By the time dual core processors were introduced in 2005, single core processors had reached their reanimate limit due to limits on the size of chip components (Lynch, 2005) Dual core processors did not offer faster speedings for all programs at first.Because of the design of the chip, only programs that were able to run multithreaded (dividing the required calculations between two different processors) would see an increase of speed when used with a dual core processor. At the time the processors were introduced, this included operating systems such as Windows, some graphics programs like Adobe Photoshop and many graphics-intensive games, particularly multi-player Internet based games (Begun, 2005). Lynch (2005) famous that a popular consumer application of the dual core chip would be to download media such as television or movies while playing a game using the other core.More expansive than the efficiency games in high-calculation applications is the reduced power requirement and heat production. Wongs analysis of the PA Semiconductor PA6T dual core chip demonstrates the gains made over single core chips in this area. The PA6T chip uses the 64 bit Power architecture, and uses a fine-grain clock gating approach to reduce the power usage even advertise (Wong, 2007). The chip uses only 13W of power for a 2-gHz chip, offering a signif icant advantage over a single-core processor. Lynch (2005) stated that while a single core AMD chip used 89 Watts, a dual core chip with twice the processing power used only 95.Lynch illustrious that the heat gains that were realized with the dual core architecture were especially important in reducing sports fan noise and emissions. Single core chips could not run faster than they did without producing significant, sometimes dangerous levels of heat, which required ever-larger processor fans to disperse. The dual core architecture, which ran far cooler than single core architecture, resolved this problem easily (Lynch, 2005). The top executive to use virtualization is a major receipts of dual core processors. Virtualization originated as a distributed compute concept. using virtualization, physical computing resources such as processing units, memory, and disk storage are overlaid with a virtual representation which reorganizes the physical resources into a virtual architectur e, creating a single virtual resource out of more than one physical resource or partitioning a single physical resource into multiple virtual resources (Ernest & Fellenstein, 2004). Virtualization not only increases efficiency and reduces spending on physical computing resources it can greatly reduce power usage (Information Week, 2006).This technique is used in Web services development, grid computing and a number of other areas of computer science. Application of virtualization to personal computers with dual core processors has been very made in speeding applications and multitasking. VMWare, a popular implementation of virtualization for personal computers, began to support dual core processors short after their commercial introduction, offering their first dual core product in 2005 (Mears, 2005). Sun Microsystems is another(prenominal) major provider of virtualization software.In 2006, Sun announced plans to provide virtualization software that could run up to 32 processes on a single multicore processor, increasing to 64 processors the year after introduction (Information Week, 2006). Suns new systems readyly showed the benefits of the power-saving multicore processors. David Young, CEO of Joyent, a provider of e-mail and storage services, says he saw immediate benefits in moving to UltraSparc T1-based systems. With a customer base doubling each of the past two eld, Joyent try to increase capacity at a co-location facility, but was told there was no available power.Joyent consolidated a number of older Intel-based Dell servers onto 20 Sun servers. Each Sun server saved the family more than $1,000 per year in power and cooling costs, and generated an additional $1,000 per year in rebates from the utility provider. If I can save $4,000 a month, thats someone I else I can hire to make better our service to our customers, he says. (Information Week, 2006). Dual core processors have gained increasing acceptance in the consumer and business market. check to Lynch (2005), the majority of the consumer processor market was predicted to be dual core processors by 2007. However, there are even bigger and better things on the horizon. Multicore processors dont stop at only two processing units processors with up to 1,024 processing units have been designed in the laboratory, and commercial offerings this instant range up to 8 processing units. Apple has announced that their macintosh Pro desktop machine can now be configured with two 3. 0 gHz quad-core Intel Xeon processors, for a total of eight processing units (eWeek, 2007).The machine, targeted to graphic designers, software developers and researchers, can support up to 8 displays, has 16MB total of L2 cache and a 1333 MHz calculate side bus. Although the Mac Pro is on the high end of consumer desktops, the Apple spokesperson stated The eight-core Mac Pro gives pro software developers a platform to prepare new versions of their application for the future, when eight-core technolog y is more prevalent on the desktop (eWeek, 2007). If the enthusiastic consumer adoption of dual-core technology is an indication, the future Apple dreams of is not also far off.Dual core processors offer a wide margin of improvement over the older single-core processors in many areas. Increased speed for popular applications such as 3-d gaming and graphics programs make the processors attractive decreased heat output and power requirements ease environmental and operations concerns. The benefit of virtualization has brought levels of computing previously only enjoyed by users of large-scale grid computing, multi-processor servers or other industrial or academic computing environments home to the desktop.Ever-widening horizons of multicore processing offer the promise of even greater and more properly home computing. Dual core processors are only the start of the future of consumer computing. Works Cited Wong, William. Judicious quantify subdues power-architecture cooling needs th is 2- GHz, dual-core processor uses thousands of gated clocks to cut power requirements by more than a compute of three. (LeapFrog). Electronic Design 55. 9 (April 27, 2007) 34(2). Begun, Daniel, Rich Brown, and Matthew Elliott.Maximum multitasking dual-core CPUs double up for faster multithread processing. (Central processing units). information processing system Shopper 25. 7 (July 2005) 96(2). Joseph, J. , M. Ernest, and C. Fellenstein. Evolution of grid computing architecture and grid adoption models. IBM Systems Journal 43. 4 (Dec 2004) 624(22). Mears, Jennifer. VMware intimately primed for dual core. Network World (July 25, 2005) 25. Sun Expands Virtualization Products, Services Sun is introducing enhancedvirtualization technology for its UltraSparc T1 CoolThreads servers that allow let customers run up to 32 applications simultaneously on a single processor. (Sun Microsystems Inc. ). InformationWeek (Oct 17, 2006) NA. Analysis Dual-core processors speed to market. M ore is most definately better that less when it comes to CPUs. With the ability to run numerous applications in tandem, the new product will dominate the PC market in no more than a couple of years says Martin Lynch. Computer Reseller News (Oct 17, 2005) 27. Apple Unveils Eight-Core Mac Pro. eWeek (April 4, 2007) NA.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Blake’s poems Essay
In some of Blakes numberss gruelling feelings atomic number 18 expressed almost the clubhouse that he lives in.William Blake grew up as a conventionally religious person, but when his parents rejected the teachings of the church service he began to read the stories from the bible with a fresh sound judgement. Blake neer attended school and had a lonely fryhood. From the age of four Blades believed that idol was speaking to him. . From then on he had many visions of angels and other transcendental creatures.Blake was extremely happy when the French Revolution liberated the poor in France from aristocratic rule. save at the same time, Blake saw England being overtaken by a parrallelIndustrial Revolution. that was destroying the regionside with situationories, slums and waste.In this essay I will talk about the poesys capital of the United Kingdom, The lamp chimney sweeper, (from the Songs of Innocence) and Jerusalem.Blakes poetry capital of the United Kingdom talks ab out many things, much(prenominal) as, wealthy mickle having control and consumeing most things, such as property. We suffer meet this when Blake saysI wander thro each chartered street,near where the chartered Thames does flow.By this Blake gist that there are privileges for the great unwashed but yet if you are rich. Chartered is referring to a document that gave people rights and privileges in indemnity for money or support. Here Blake means full of privilege but only if you had the money to pay for it. Blake disagreed with the idea that if you were wealthy you had a right to privileges but if you were poor you had no rights.Blake creates industrial-strength personas in the mind of the reader by telling us about shocking events. We dope nab this when Blake saysThe hapless soldiers sigh runs in blood d protest palace wallsThis is referring to soldiers being brought in at the time of the Industrial Revolution to stop the poor rebelling .We are given a pictorial image of blood running down a wall after state of wards someone has been shot by a soldier. The excogitate blood cutifies to us the idea of guilt and in this case the soldier creates an image of violence. Also the soldier may non want to follow orders and fire on helpless people but gos he may be shot himself if he disobeys.Blake uses contractions that condense an idea, forming vivid and powerful connections. sometimes he uses a hyphen, and at other times he simply juxtaposes two spoken communication to leap out the reader. We can capture this in the eventually descent of capital of the United KingdomAnd blights with plagues the marriage hearse.with the record books marriage hearse These words shock the reader because the two words bring up different and opposite images, one mirthful and the other sad. The word marriage means the joining together of two people to start a new life together, whilst a hearse is a carriage or car used to carry you in your coffin to your grave. The p hrase marriage hearse could be formula that marriage is what leads you to your death. In this case because the harlots curse, syphilis and or V.D.,caught by the groom ,from visiting the prostitutes that Blake talks about in his phone call can kill the new bride and any children they have. This could in addition show that Blake was opposed to the idea of marriage which was another(prenominal) form of his rebellion against the churches teachings. Blake much chooses to repeat a word for added ferocity. It is typical of Blake that the chosen word often has more than one meaning. This chuck up the sponges Blake to express more than one idea at a time. An example of this is when Blake uses the word mark three times on different epithelial ducts.A mark in both prospect I meet,Marks of weakness, marks of woe.The introductory time Blake mentions the word mark it could mean a sign maybe of poverty or struggle however the heartbeat time mark is mentioned it means a sign of weakness , such as drunkenness. The last time mark is used it is referring to a scar, a wound. This adds emphasis to Blakes point because the reader has to have in mind about each meaning to understand the line. It could be argued that Blake was move to say that the people of London were affablely affected by the horrors of industrialisation. Blake uses grammatically unusual phrases such as the phrasemind forged manaclesin his poetrys. This may be because Blake wishes to create a stronger or terra incognita image. This is very effective because as with the word mark it creates a very strong image of mental anguish for the people of London This may be saying that the effects of living in a largely populated industrial area are bad for you and causes people to suffer restrictions caused by their own minds and thoughts. Hence the phrasemind forged manacles.The poem is telling us that the chains that hold us are mental chains. Chains of our own making chaining our own set freedom of imagin ationIn London Blake uses changes in rhythm to draw attention to certain lines. (Especially in compose two) An example of this is when the pace of the last line of each verse slows down, thus drawing attention to it.In every cry of every manIn every infantss cry of fear,In every voice, in every ban,The mind -forged manacles I hearWe can overtake that this is also often the same with the order of the verses. The last verse has a slower pace than the other verses. There is an example of this change in rhythm in the start of the fourth verse when Blake starts with the word But.But most, through midnight streets I hearHow the late harlots curseBlasts the new -born infantss tear,And blights with plagues the marriage hearse.The use of the word But implies that the former verses were bad But if the last point (child prostitution) was rectified then a lot of things would improve.In the poem The Chimney Sweeper Blake is telling us about child exploitation in large industrial cities such as London. Through focusing on the plight of chimney intersects. In it he is critisizing society, the church, the parents who allow their children to be used as slave labour and the employers who exploit them.In the poem London Blake was the observer. However in the poem The Chimney Sweeper Blake speaks through the voice of a child. ) This is extremely effective because of the childs naivety and belief that if he is hot everything will be alright. tom, the child Blake speaks through believes this because, in a dream or vision he has, an angel tells him thatif hed be a good boy,Hed have God for his father,and never want joy..This could be saying that if Tom is good and continues to do as he is told (cleaning chimneys) then he will die and have God for his Father. This could also be irony from Blake by putting the teachings of the church in the voice of a child and telling us that only in the afterlife will he be happy. We know Blake felt that this teaching from the church encourag ed the exploitation of the young, the poor and the vunerable.The rhythm of the poem suits its content and pop the question because it is in the form of a nursery rhyme. For example, the last word of each verse rhymes with the last word of the line before.When my mother died I was very young,And my father sold me while yet my tongueCould barely cry Weep weep weep weepSo your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.This emphasises the honour of the child saying the poem because it relates to childhood fun which the young chimney sweep never experienced. In The Chimney Sweeper Blake creates multi faceted images through his use of similes. We can see this when Blake says coffins of black. This can mean two things, the first being that the young chimney sweeps will end up in one of the black coffins because their job will lead to their death, or it could also mean that the children are in the chimney which is dark and black and which will kill them. A double meaning in a phrase is typic ally used by Blake to get more than one of his ideas across. Blake uses an interesting structural gizmo at the start of the poem The Chimney Sweeper this is the word SO. At the end of the first verse the word SO is put in front of the lineSo your chimneys I sweep.This may be putting blame onto the reader however it is more handlely to be societys guilt for allowing it to hap indite. However, in the last verse So is used in the last line in the phraseSo if all do their duty.This is blaming society, the Church, parents and the owners of the children. This is because the poem says that if everybody did their duty they would step in to stop the chimney sweepers pain. So is also a structural device because after the evidence against society and the Church is shown So seems to condemn them.Blake uses colour to create symbolic contrast in this poem, this is kept going throughout. The colours are white and black. White is used when Blake is talking about artlessness, helplessness and y outh. We can see this when the young chimney sweep Tom comforts the other child who has had his lead shaved sothe soot cannot spoil your white hairThis is one of many things that show the innocence of a child being destroyed purely for the duties of chimney sweeping. Blake tends to use the words black and soot whenever he is referring to something which is wrong. As when coffins are mentioned, creating the phrasecoffins of black.Blake also shows the reader, through a dream or vision, how life should be for the children. This vision creates a strong contrast that emphasises the cruel reality of their lives. We can see this when Tom has a dream or vision, as Blake did as a child, of his friends being set free by an angel and being taken to a better and sunlit place. Instead of a dream being used to describe what Tom sees, the word sight is used. This may be telling us this is the way things should be instead of it only being a childs dream of happiness. In the vision there is an ange l who tells Tomif hed be a good boy, hed have God for his father,and never want joy.This could be Blake criticizing the Church for saying you can only be happy and have a good life in heaven when you are dead. Blake employs the same tequnique of unusual combinations of words in The Chimney Sweeper as he did in the poem London. This may be because Blake was still trying to get similar points across to the public. In London there are phrases, such as,marriage hearse,Words that do not usually go together. We see the same thing in The Chimney Sweeper when Toms friend cries when he has his spike shaved and his headcurled like a lambThis is a simile and creates the image of a small defenceless lamb in pain. The lamb could also be a symbol of innocence and sacrifice, telling us that tithe chimney sweeps are being sacrificed for the benefit of society who want their chimneys kept swept and dont care how this is done or who suffers.The poem Jerusalem is the last of Blakes poems I will be lo oking at. Today Jerusalem is often perceived as a patriotic song but its true message goes much deeper than many people realize. In this poem Blake talks mainly about one thing .This is Industrialisation .Blake does this by continuously referring to when England was a pleasant land. The poem Jerusalem has been set to music, which means that the mood is different to London and The Chimney Sweeper. The questions back.And did those feet in ancient timeWalk upon Englandss mountains green?whitethorn be a reference to the legend that Joseph of Arithamea had once brought Jesus to England. This may be a parable to say that Jesuss spirit lives on in England.Blake uses questions to invite the reader to recall Englands past. This is a rhetorical device used to draw the reader s interest into the poem. We can see this when Blake saysAnd was Jerusalem builded hereAmoung these dark satanic mills?This could be saying that England was once beautiful and had set apart meaning (like the town Jerusa lem) but now is just an industrialized piece of land. The word satanic means, like Satan or a thing in hell. This gives the image of England once being a good place but now it resembles hell.Blake uses imperatives to show the force of his feelings. We can see this when at the start of the second verse the wordsBring meare used to start the next four lines.Bring me my give in of burning goldBring me my arrows of desireBring me my spear O clouds, unfoldBring me my transport of fireThis adds a sense of urgency to the poem as if we must hurry to return our country England to its former better state.Blake describes modern industrialisation in dark terms in the last line of the second verse.Among these dark satanic mills?There are two words that create a sense of evil, dark and satanic. The word mills are used as a symbol of Englands industrialisation.The power of Blakes feeling is expressed through his own personal readiness to take up arms, literally and metaphorically to defeat evil and restore his country to its former glory. We can see this in the forth verse when Blake says heWill not cease from mental fight,Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand.This could mean that Blake intends to keep writing poems to change peoples minds about England, to convince them to return England to the country it once was. Blake has a utopian vision of England. The word sword creates an image of a entitle fighting, so, this may be suggesting the necessity of a physical fight. However this may also be referring to the saying his tongues razor sharp which means that Blake would continue to write poems in the belief that the pen is mightier than the sword.The first four lines of the third verse suggest war since they each have weapons in them. These lines also have a mythical feel to them. Blake may see himself as a knight or hero who has come to help save England , but , as with Jesus, in Jerusalem he has not come as what people expect, because words are his weapons not swords.In al l three poems Blake conveys strong feelings about his society. He writes about the misery of poverty, the exploitation of the young and the helpless, the start of industrialisation and the consequences of sexual sin. In all three poems there are strong themes such as , child exploitation, in The Chimney Sweeper, Poverty in London and industrialisation in Jerusalem With the poem Jerusalem it could be said that it is ironic that a poem that says England is messed up is sung as a patriotic song which says I am proud to be English .It could be argued that London is the most important poem out of the three discussed since it talked about the problems of Blake s time and the same problems still exist today such as poverty, exploitation of the helpless and prostitution.London is my favourite poem as it mirrors modern day London. The fact that we still have the same problems within society that Blake saw proves that times have not very changed very much .The wealthy still have the most pow er and in addition to the problems racism, and refugees, fleeing war and death in their own countries . I Blake saw we now have drugs destroying peoples lives, AIDS, think Blake would feel sorrow that all these years later there is still a huge catchment area between the classes. However he would be pleased that there is now education for everybody and working conditions, at least in this country, have improved. So maybe his poems did inspire people to question the justice of their own thoughts and actions.
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